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ordering two alcholic drinks at a bar require two ID's?

So I come to you neogaf for answers. Tried googling but no cigar. Is it required to show 2 IDs when ordering two beers at a bar in California? Just tried to get a round of beers for myself and a buddy who was way upstairs at a huge ass bar. The bartender told me he needed to see the other person's id. So I ended up going all the way up to get his id.. I tried arguing what if I was to order 2 beers for myself.. What difference does it make. All in all, not really a big deal but first time this happening to me and was just curious if this guy was just being a dick or not.
I know the local D&B here does that. In my state I think there is some kind of law not allowing someone to have more than one bottle at a time. I know some bars I go to if buying for friends, they have to be in the bartenders view before they sell you more than one beer.


I remember this happening years ago but not in recent years. Then again the type of places I go to now that I am more accomplished, treat people with more respect. My boyfriend gets me and the girls drinks while we sit and wait, no issues. Where in California are you? I can recommend some great places in L.A.


When you go to the one liquor store near my place, they ID everyone in the group to make sure nobody is under age.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Probably varies by state/county/municipality laws. And stores could also go above the law and want an ID for every beer just to cover their asses extra well.

Anyway, most places around here I can buy 2 with just my ID.


I haven't encountered this, but as of right now I can't remember ordering multiple drinks anywhere that didn't require ID at the door.


Odd, the only reason why a bartender would do that is if he or she really believes that your friend was under aged and you were ordering for him. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.


i've had this happen before. but as a poster noted, it would be more common at a place that didn't explicitly forbid under 21 people from entering, so there is the chance to order someone underage a drink, such as a place like El Torito as a whole restaurant with a bar attached. At a flat out bar bar, I've never seen this.
Here you could order 2 no problem. You can only have two drinks in front of you in NoVa. If you order more than two you just have to point to any random group of people and say you're ordering a round
Maybe they are checking IDs about people ordering 2 or more drinks just to remember a name if it happens to have a drugged customer by someone giving drinks that night?


I used to bartend and I did this once. He ordered 2 beers and I saw he came from a table with a girl so I said I need her id add well. Then he got all defensive. Can't remember if I ever saw her I'd or not.

But no most of the time it's not a problem.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
One cup per table per ID is pretty standard.
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