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Original Mario Party Commercial


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
Alright....I'm usually not a poster in the game forum, though I really should be. I'm looking for that mario party commercial that came out with the characters in the suits skipping through a field and then someone gets tripped and they start fighting. Does anyone know where I can find this video....or can someone maybe send it to me. PM if necessary.

Also....does anyone know if I'm gonna be able to play as my most favorite nintendo character, Donkey Kong, in a new mario party ever again? And what exactly is this that I'm hearing about not using a controller in mario party 6? Somebody tell me that this madness is just a horrible dream....please say that Donkey Kong isn't stuck being a damn space on the board....or bangin on drums.

Viva la Nintendo


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
excellent.....thank bobety. Because or that lead u gave me I hunted down and captured the aforementioned video. Somebody please help me on my quest for Donkey Kong info?
Yeah that Smash Bros commercial rocks! I'd love to download a copy too...

And I can't believe they made DK unplayable in MP5 either... blashepmy!


I've got it in Quicktime format, but I don't have the bandwidth on my server to support it. Anybody willing to host it? PM me.



GMUNYIFan said:
And what exactly is this that I'm hearing about not using a controller in mario party 6?

Do people believe everything they hear on the Internet or do they just take it seriously when its bad news for Nitnendo?

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Yeah, but that's real.

I'm almost certain it'll be the DKonga bongos though, I can't imagine Nintendo are going to keep on releasing new controllers. I suppose they might, but it'd be stupid as hell (unless they were free pack ins).
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