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Ouch... 155mph versus the Tree

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Unconfirmed Member


Needless to say, the driver didn't live through it.



Grandma's Chippy
How weak do you people think trees are, especially that kind....I have no idea if it is faked or not, but trees are god damned tough mothers!
Mr Pockets said:
How weak do you people think trees are, especially that kind....I have no idea if it is faked or not, but trees are god damned tough mothers!

I don't think a skinny tree like that could take a giant chunk of metal traveling at 155 mph.


Chili Con Carnage!
I got shown that photo by one of those police men who tours schools showing you how dangerous drink driving is, along with loads of other crime scene photos, dont think it is staged. Although, now i think about it, if it was a crime scene, or a scene of a death, there wouldnt be all those random people standing there looking, maybe it was some kind of demonstration.


Unconfirmed Member
Not real? Bah... should have known not to trust an official safety site.



No way, there is no way it could compress a car that much without so much as a scratch or lean or anything. Though it does look like there are 2 trees right next to each other, so that would make it a lot easier for the impact.

But where is the rest of the car? Anyone can see it's only about half of a car, just the amount of metal there is evidence of that. It looks like it went head on into the tree(s), I don't see any other pieces in the pictures.

Kind of bizarre photos from that site:





Unconfirmed Member
Ha! Hoax you say? Phooey!

Well, it wasn't a hoax, but neither was it doing 155mph and apparently the driver did survive, possibly the reason the Navy's "Safety" website chose to lie aout the origin and the result of the crash was the fact that she survived regardless of failing to wear her seatbelt :p

Here's a scary one: Jenny Pincent's Ford Escort was literally torn in half when she lost control at 100mph on a wet road and slammed into a tree. The front of the car ended up 30 yards from the rear, and Jenny was somewhere in between. She wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and was thrown clear of the car upon impact, emerging from the wreckage with only minor injuries.







Junior Member
EdLuva said:
That's a tree from Driv3r.

Or GTA. God damn, they better remove 50% of the light poles. Let me drive, damn it. Or widen the streets to GTA3 levels. Nothing worse than trying to do any driving missions in Vice City East.


Junior Member
Freeburn said:
Ha! Hoax you say? Phooey!

Well, it wasn't a hoax, but neither was it doing 155mph and apparently the driver did survive, possibly the reason the Navy's "Safety" website chose to lie aout the origin and the result of the crash was the fact that she survived regardless of failing to wear her seatbelt :p


Navy? Lying? I refuse to believe.
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