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Ouch just doesn't cover it...

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El Papa

Cue Herm Willaims: "Oooooooooooooooh!"

What made it hilarious is that I had Kool & The Gang - Hollywood Swingin' playing when I watched this, at the part where the dude screams "Aaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Hey hey! What you got to say!




Owwwww. Sometimes it's best to just eat gravel, without using your hands to break the fall.


Grandma's Chippy
Too bad I couldn't keep the audio...commentary was funny. Along the lines of...

Announcer "Not to ruin it, but look at this guys arms...look how skinny they are, you could almost say they look downright brittle"

*cue crash*

Other highlights of this episode were a guy jumping off a roof and landing on his back against the side of a swimming pool, and a wrestler snapping his leg as it twisted like a pretzel underneath him.

You can see the video of the roof jumper at the Maximum Exposure Website. God I love that show :D


How does that HAPPEN?

Just the right (wrong) with just the right (wrong) amount of pressure? I've fallen a many times, ain't fucked myself up so.


Grandma's Chippy
Too bad I can't show you the leg one I mentioned (already deleted the Tivo recording)...that was just painful to watch...had me twisting in my seat!


fbcamp said:
This kid obviously didn't drink his milk...
Seriously, his forearm should NOT snap that easily. I understand the awkward angle, but it should still take much more apparent pressure.
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