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Outrun 2 SP content to feature in Jap release


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yeah, cuz we all know how long the original Outrun took to complete...


Seth C

DaCocoBrova said:
Yeah, cuz we all know how long the original Outrun took to complete...


Look, I'm as much a Sega whore as ANYONE on this forum. Outrun 2 really let me down, that's all. Oh, and just because it was okay in 1987 (or whenenver) doesn't mean it's okay in 2004.
This is pure speculation and Sega hasn't announced anything. They even announced the delay today.

from spong
In news that makes SPOnG sick, actually sick with envy, the Japanese game will see almost double the content boasted by the original, offering tracks and cars from the acclaimed coin-op rework SP ? Special Tours

Double the content? This is BS. The SP version has only 5 new short tracks and 2 new cars.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Look, I'm as much a Sega whore as ANYONE on this forum. Outrun 2 really let me down, that's all. Oh, and just because it was okay in 1987 (or whenenver) doesn't mean it's okay in 2004.

Seth... Think about this... It's an arcade game. What on earth were you expecting?

There are all kinds of mini games and extra stuff plus you can play online.


Seth C

DaCocoBrova said:
Seth... Think about this... It's an arcade game. What on earth were you expecting?

There are all kinds of mini games and extra stuff plus you can play online.


None of the mini games were fun. I suppose I was expecting fun mini games. :p The fun of Crazy Taxi lasted for weeks. Online would have been fun, but someone decided to give the game rubber band AI.


This is what Sumo programmer said today on ntsc-uk boards about this

Save the cash. Unless you want Japanese text, some tweaked missions and a fwe revisions to the bonus tracks, you're best sticking to the English one.

I don't know where this one started, but there are no SP tracks in the Japanese version.

Seth C said:
Online would have been fun, but someone decided to give the game rubber band AI.

The host has the option to turn off "catch-up", which stops your rubberband AI argument dead in it's tracks. When I host, I always turn it off. Awesome game, especially online.

Deku Tree

DaCocoBrova said:
Seth... Think about this... It's an arcade game. What on earth were you expecting?

Then they should have released it for $20 or $30. I would have bought it for that price. As it is, I'm waiting for the price to drop.


bloke said:
This is what Sumo programmer said today on ntsc-uk boards about this

Darthsol (a gamefaqs VIP) said the same thing on the outrun2 message board at gamefaqs.
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