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PC repair is FUN!

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i swear. if someone were to open a shop and run ONE ad on TV which just says "rid your PC of popups" you'd be a millionaire within weeks. anyway, i fix PCs on the side. Just now, i fixed by far THE WORST PC i've ever had to fix in my life. take a look...


i wonder how many people buy new PCs just because of stuff like this.


What's their virii count?

I had to fix both of my brothers' computers recently (couple weeks apart), each had 13 viruses on it. Unlucky number, eh :D


Hah, I got it beat. 4 years worth of unprotected PC, and I got something like 1500. Didn't think of taking a picture, but my computer ran 1000x faster.


BeOnEdge said:
i swear. if someone were to open a shop and run ONE ad on TV which just says "rid your PC of popups" you'd be a millionaire within weeks.

i wonder how many people buy new PCs just because of stuff like this.

I've got a couple of unemployed friends who I've told this too. They could make a fortune just fixing PCs.

Living in a city with such a high population density, it's damn near free money. Who doesn't own a computer nowadays.
Heh, I also fix peoples computers. Seeing as how I'm the only one in town that knows ANYTHING about computers 90% of the time a simple Windows Update and Ad-aware and Spybot fixs the problem. Easy $100:D


Ugh I'm still stuck with a god damn browser hijack. I've done everything adaware, cwshredder, spybot, a few registry edits, now it is only messing with searching through the address bar but I want it gone

Its very annoying

the first person to tell me to fix it by not using internet explorer gets a cookie
I do the same thing as you, BeOnEdge...

Just last week:

Ad-aware/Spybot (combined): 1000+
Norton Antivirus: 698 (to be fair most were multiple instances of the same trojan)

No embellishment whatsoever, if anything my numbers are a bit too low. My jaw was literally agape for an hour straight as the "virus detected" window came up faster than I could close it. In nearly 10 years I've never seen a computer as bad.


actually, here's how to fix it:

1. Go to your Control Panel and open up Internet Options.
2. Click on the Advanced tab.
3. Under "Search from the address bar" set it to "Do not search from the address bar"
4. Click OK.
5. Go download the Google toolbar and use it to search instead of doing it from the address bar. (optional)




robochimp said:
Ugh I'm still stuck with a god damn browser hijack. I've done everything adaware, cwshredder, spybot, a few registry edits, now it is only messing with searching through the address bar but I want it gone

Its very annoying

the first person to tell me to fix it by not using internet explorer gets a cookie


Browser Hijack Blaster


Start Page Guard

robochimp said:
Ugh I'm still stuck with a god damn browser hijack. I've done everything adaware, cwshredder, spybot, a few registry edits, now it is only messing with searching through the address bar but I want it gone

Its very annoying

the first person to tell me to fix it by not using internet explorer gets a cookie

Have you tried Hijack This? Remove any browser helper objects that look strange, that might do it. Also, boot up in normal mode and safe mode while monitoring the task manager. Anything that appears and disappears quickly (do a Google search for a name you don't recognize) could be the culprit.


BeOnEdge said:
i swear. if someone were to open a shop and run ONE ad on TV which just says "rid your PC of popups" you'd be a millionaire within weeks. anyway, i fix PCs on the side. Just now, i fixed by far THE WORST PC i've ever had to fix in my life. take a look...


i wonder how many people buy new PCs just because of stuff like this.

There are places like that. And no, they don't make millions.


I haven't ever seen any of those around here. The convenience of having a computer guy come over to your house and fix it up right on the spot easily beats having to drag your PC to a brick and mortar location and leaving it there over night.

However, then it becomes a matter of safety I'd imagine. Ever watch that ep of Seinfeld where the phone guy goes to Elaine's place and she thinks to herself that she could kill him and no one would know? :(
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