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Persona 3 Portable |OT|: Mixing Things Up for Third Trimester



  • Publisher: Atlus (NA/JP), Ghostlight (Europe)
  • Developer: Atlus
  • System: PSP
  • Rated: M for “this game's got teen sex, murder, cursing, and kids shooting themselves in the head with fake guns." Unless you're in Europe. Then it's PGEI 12.
  • Availability: UMD and downloadable via US/CA PlayStation Store.
  • Release date: North America: 7/6/10 | Japan: 11/1/09 | Europe: 28/4/11
  • Players: 1
  • Price: $39.99

What if I told you there was a 25th hour, a time in which monsters and men with special powers run rampant that the general population experiences as nothing more than a blink of an eye? It may seem hard to believe, but you are about to discover a firsthand account of the reality—and the danger—of this mysterious hour.

Orphaned at a young age, you have spent your life gallivanting across Japan, bouncing between whatever city and school your relatives have decided to dump you for a time. On a dark evening in March, 2009, you find yourself in Tatsumi Port Island, a bustling coastal city where you will be attending the state-of-the-art boarding school Gekkokan High School. Aside from the odd boy who makes you sign a mysterious contract and the cute girl who pulls a gun on you during your first night in the dorms, it looks like you will be having an absolutely unspectacular junior year.

That is, until one night, when you find your dorm under siege by a hideous monsters. It storms the roof you and your classmate Yukari (the girl who pulled the gun on you before) have taken refuge on. Things look bleak, especially when Yukari is attacked when trying to stop this monster, knocking the gun from her hands.

You somehow know exactly what to do. You pick up the gun. You put it against your temple. You whisper the word “Persona.” You pull the trigger. Your life is changed forever.

After waking up in the hospital a week later, you discover what is really going on. This twenty-fifth hour is the Dark Hour, an extra hour that happens every midnight, unbeknownst to the general populous who becomes encased in coffins (don’t ask) during the time. During this hour, creatures known as “shadows” roam the city and prey on unsuspecting victims; these victims are drained of all will and motivation and essentially turned into mindless zombies, a condition the media has come to refer to as “Apathy Syndrome.” But all isn’t lost. A select few have the ability to perceive the Dark Hour, and are able to fight the shadows by using both conventional weaponry and Personas – a mysterious “other side” of the wielder that grants them superhuman strength and magical skills and is coaxed out by the faux-gun Evoker that all Persona-users carry. There is a student-run group called SEES, led by class President Mitsuru Kirijo, comprised of your fellow Persona-possessing classmates whose mission has become to explore the Dark Hour and stop the shadows once and for all. However, they’ve noticed something special about you: whereas most people only have one Persona, you, for some reason, are the Wild Card, able to hold up to twelve Personae within you. So not only do they want you to join SEES, they want you to lead them into battle.

Before you ask: yes, they do have a plan that involves more than roaming around aimlessly during the Dark Hour killing shadows. Every night, Gekkokan High transforms into Tartarus, a gigantic tower overflowing with shadows and answers to the mysteries of the Dark Hour, and every full moon, a major shadow—linked to one of the major arcana of the Tarot deck—appears in Tatsumi Port Island for your killing pleasure. This might not be a surprise, but there’s probably a correlation between Tartarus and these major shadows, one that can only be discovered by reaching the top of the ominous tower and destroying every major shadow that comes in your path.

The stage is set. Midnight has arrived, and Tartarus looms in the distance. How you tackle the task ahead of you is your choice alone, and the fate of Tatsumi Port Island, Japan, and maybe even the world rests in your hands. Just don’t forget: saving the world doesn’t get you off the hook for not doing your homework.

So what’s the deal with P3P?
Persona 3 Portable is yet another version of Persona 3, originally released in 2006 (2007 in America) for the PS2 and re-released in the form of the enhanced Persona 3 FES in 2007 (2008 in America). In the wake of Persona 4 being the most successful game they’ve ever made and the PSP becoming ridiculously popular again (in Japan, at least), Atlus decided to revisit the game that brought the franchise back into the limelight and update the admittedly kind of broken original game and its still kind of broken appended version with all new features. In the end, it’s (probably) still kind of broken, but you can’t blame them for trying!

So what do I do?
Gameplay in Persona 3 Portable is split up into two distinct phases: day and night. During the day, you go to school and have to juggle all the responsibilities of being a high schooler. Do you stay awake during class or take a nap? Do you spend your afternoon at a club meeting, studying in the library, singing some karaoke, or catching a movie? Do you hang out with your friends and to raise your Social Link with them (more on that in a bit), and if so, which one? As the school year rages on, you’ll have to worry about midterms, sports meets, friends feeling spurned if you keep ignoring them, romantic relationships that can go horribly awry if the girl who likes you catches you with another girl, and so on, so planning how you tackle your responsibilities becomes important, especially since this ties into the nighttime part.

When the sun sets, you have the choice to spend the night at Tartarus. Here, you and three of your fellow SEES members explore the randomly generated floors of the tower, battling shadows in traditional turn-based JRPG style and looking for the answers that will explain why the Dark Hour exists and what these Persona are. Speaking of Persona, the Dark Hour is where they, and the Social Links, come into play. As you beat shadows in Tartarus, you’ll occasionally get the opportunity to win new Persona. You can keep these Personas and level then up by equipping them in battle, or you can bring them to the Velvet Room and fuse them into new Personae. Each Persona is aligned with an arcana, and each arcana (22 in all, though some are only accessible at certain points in the story) is linked to one of your Social Link friends. The more you hang out with them in the daytime portion, the higher your Social Link will be; higher Social Links give you experience bonuses, allow you to create more powerful Personas, and make special instances (such as fusing a Persona imbued with an item) more likely to occur, so it behooves you to explore the different relationships you can have in the game! The catch to spending time in Tartarus is that spending too much time will wear you and your party out, which can make you tired or sick, drastically harming your stats and limiting your ability to go to Tartarus or possibly study at night, so be careful.

How is this different from either Persona 3 or FES?
P3P has a number of changes and additions on top of all the stuff FES added (if you want to know more about what made FES so special, check out Error’s thread on that game). These changes include:
  • An all-new campaign. In addition to containing the almost completely unchanged original Persona 3 story (there’s a new Persona 4 cameo during one scene, but that’s about it), there is a new female protagonist with her own unique set of Social Links and special stuff. It’s such a big difference that we’ve given the MShe her own section below!
  • An all-new presentation better suited for a handheld game. While you wandered around a fully rendered Gekkokan High School and various districts in the original two releases, P3P is much more akin to an adventure game; you move a cursor around the environment and click on the person or thing you want to interact with. There’s some downsides to this: this means that there’s no more anime cutscenes, and the fully-rendered cutscenes are now at a bare minimum, with most cutscenes comprised of character portraits on a static background. This only applies to the daytime part, though; Tartarus and battles are still fully 3D.
  • Tweaks and additions to Tartarus exploration and the related gameplay systems. You can start from the last floor of Tartarus you reached as opposed to one of the hard stops on floors with two-way teleporters. Convenience has its cost, though, as not only does Tartarus feature new traps and hazards, but you no longer replenish your health and stamina points simply by returning to the lobby; you instead have to pay at the teleporter in the lobby to rejuvenate your party. The fatigue system has been overhauled as well. Instead of your party gradually tiring out as you fight your way through Tartarus, your party will only become exhausted after you leave Tartarus or if you return to the lobby without reviving a fallen comrade. Finally, missing citizens will occasionally find their way into Tartarus—including your Social Link friends—and you must save them before the full moon or live with the consequences of their death on your hands.
  • A battle system much more in line with Persona 4. You can now have direct control over your party members instead of relying on assigning tactics to the AI and hoping they listen (though like Persona 4, you can still do that if you so choose). Your teammates will also develop character-specific skills as your relationship with them grows, such as special follow-up attacks. The “Wait” command has also been replaced with a far more useful “Guard” command.
  • And speaking of carry-overs from Persona 4, there’s also fast-travel, the player character can now only wield Slash-type weapons in battle as opposed to any of the weapons (the three different physical attack types, however, are still intact), and part-time jobs that let you make money and raise one of your characteristics.
  • The addition of Skill Cards. Obtained after a Persona hits a certain level, Skill Cards let you teach the skill on the card to any Persona, which should ideally give you more motivation to stick with a Persona and level them up instead of flipping them for something else the first chance you get.
  • The Hall of Doors, a brand new optional dungeon outside of Tartarus for you to explore. Well, okay, it’s actually just the content from FES’ epilogue, The Answer, without the mediocre story to motivate you into playing it.. Still, it’s kind of cool, I guess!
  • Two new difficulty modes – a beginner mode for complete wusses, and Maniacs mode, a hyper-hard mode that disables New Game+ for extra playthroughs.
  • Oh, and there’s also Data Install option, so you can install the UMD info to your Memory Stick Duo and dramatically decrease load times if that’s your thing! The install is approximately 260 MB.


As previously mentioned, Persona 3 Portable’s biggest addition is the ability to play the story as a girl instead of a guy, a first for the Social Link-era Persona games. This change is more than just cosmetic, though, as the female protagonist’s campaign has been completely rewritten. Certain more well-known recurring characters from the male protagonist’s campaign are relegated to “rogue’s gallery” status in the female protagonist’s campaign, and important major players in the story are Social Linkable for the first time ever! In fact, the girl’s Social Link map is a far more introverted affair than the male’s Social Links. Her Social Links take a page from Persona 4 and lets you develop individual relationships with all your fellow SEES members (yes, that includes the dog); the male campaign, in comparison, is far more focused on developing relationships with classmates and other peers and sordid characters, with only the female members of SEES possessing Social Links (so you can get in their panties). For a more comprehensive comparison of the two protagonists’ Social Links, check out this sweet chart I whipped together in ten minutes in Excel!

And if that wasn’t enough, the female protagonist has her own silly Persona 4 cameo that's different from the male protagonist's cameo, a new Velvet Room assistant that can only be selected if you play her campaign (Theodore, the male version of Elizabeth), unique music tracks, and nifty pink menus. You know, cuz she’s a chick!








Here's the badass opening cinema for the game.
And here's a trailer.
And here's a walkthrough done by Atlus in case you found this thread TL;DR.
And here's part two of that Atlus-produced walkthrough.
And here's Giant Bomb's 34-minute Quick Look.

Destructoid: 10/10
GamePro: 5/5
Gaming Age: A
1UP: A-
IGN: 8.5
RPGFan: 75% | 85%

I’ve seen this question asked numerous times and on numerous forums since Giant Bomb’s Persona 4 Endurance Run and the announcement of Persona 3 Portable; people are looking for a good place to jump in on the series and don’t know where to start. With that in mind, I’ve decided to put all my biases on the table and answer the few variants of this question I’ve seen… despite no one asking. So on the off chance that one of these statements applies to you, may your question hopefully be answered!

I’ve never played a Persona game in my life and I think it’s a good time to start. Is this the one for me?
Well, that depends. I definitely think that Persona 3 is a great place to start, but which version is a whole other question entirely. P3P has numerous refinements over FES that make it easier to play, but if you have no experience with the series, it’s not like those will actually matter so I’m wouldn’t necessarily say that these refinements should impact your decision; they’re incredibly useful additions, don’t get me wrong, but the people these additions will matter to are those who have either played the game before or played Persona 4 and can’t go back to the way things were (and really, it’s not like these tweaks are going to change the fact that Persona 3 is kind of a broken game in spots). Personally, I’d grab a copy of FES for my first ever experience with this game, but that’s because I’m more of a console gamer and this is the kind of game I want to experience on my TV. In the end, I think it comes down to whether you prefer big or small-screen gaming. FES has a fully 3D presentation with cutscenes acted out by the character models and the rare super awesome anime cutscene; P3P instead takes a visual novel approach with those scripted cutscenes instead being replaced with static character portraits on a prerendered background and the rare anime cutscenes replaced with PSP-looking 3D models doing stuff and not lip-syncing. FES is more drawn out and cinematic, but it establishes an atmosphere; P3P just gets on with it so you can tackle the story and gameplay at a faster pace and keep things moving if that’s how you want to be. Again: do you want to play a console game or a handheld game?​
Persona 4 is the game that got me into the series and now I want to go back and check Persona 3 out. Which version would be more my speed?
Persona 3 Portable, without a doubt. FES is a far more unrefined game than Persona 4, and based on my experience having been in this position, going to back to it will lead to hours of culture shock before you actually start to embrace the game for what it is. FES is certainly still a playable game… but when you can save yourself the headache by playing the game with all of Persona 4’s refinements (fast travel, better equipment management, full control of party members in battle) and added cameos from some of your old friends from Inaba, why go back?​
For some stupid, arbitrary reason, I have decided that I am only going to ever play one Persona game in my entire life (or at least in the foreseeable future). Which one should I play?
Perhaps you’ve heard of this game called “Persona 4”? Some would argue that it’s one of the best games of all time. I might be one of those people...​
The Persona series was so much better before Atlus wussified it. To hell with this Social Links crap – I wanna negotiate with demons and fire real-ass guns and deal with all sorts of stats and look at some gothic-looking Kaneko art and stuff! Is there anything for me here?
Go back to Strange Journey, you jerk.​


Then boy-howdy, dudebrother, you should go pre-order this game because you'll get Junpei's baseball cap. Atlus sure does know how to spoil us! So if you want this sucker, go put in a pre-order at: Amazon | Amazon.ca | Gamestop | Gamestop/EB Games Canada


This is the soundtrack for the game. It only contains the new songs composed for the game (i.e., the new theme song and all the stuff composed for Girl's Side). The track list is as follows:
  1. Soul Phrase
  2. A Way of Life
  3. After School
  4. Time
  5. Wiping All Out
  6. Sun
  7. Gentle Feelings
  8. Danger Zone
  9. Soul Phrase -long ver.-
  10. A Way of Life -Deep inside my mind Remix-
Go check your favorite import site if you want it. Atlus and Sony did a drawing to win one of ten copies signed by Shoji Meguro shortly before the game's release, and our very own krae_man won one! Yay for him!


Special thanks goes out to Error for the original two P3 threads that gave me a lot to live up to, and Yawee, Tamanon, Johnnyram, and the other heroes of the P3P import thread that I'm forgetting about for their news and impressions.


Nice OT =) ...i`m currently maybe 1/4 into P3 on the PS2,just after the first big exam,so I`m debating getting this or not...if it was cheaper(probably 44 bucks up here) I would grab it for sure.


Nice thread. Unsure if I want to go UMD for the cap or just go PSN when my new memory card arrives. That is if I am tempted to get this game a third time, not sure :lol

And yeah, mark your spoilers!

Also, I know Atlus said it would hit PSN, but have they released the required space you'd need on a memory card?


Nice OP. Now that I've just bought a PSP, if Atlus ever bring this game over to the UK :)lol) I'll be sure to pick this up as I never got the chance to play either Persona 3 or 4 or the PS2.


That is one cool hat. Shame VG+ don't have it.

Would be nice for someone to bring it over to Europe, not completed P3 on PS2 and I think being portable with some tweaks from P4 would help me out alot.
Ashkeloth said:
Nice OP. Now that I've just bought a PSP, if Atlus ever bring this game over to the UK :)lol) I'll be sure to pick this up as I never got the chance to play either Persona 3 or 4 or the PS2.

Probably better off importing it.


Neo Member
Awesome OP! Did they do anything with the save mechanics? I hated that I couldn't retry battles and would have to restart from my last save.


Pretty excited about this. I actually LIKE that they took away the 3D environment of the school/house etc. Makes it easier to get around :lol


Very nice OP, John. I've been looking forward to P3P since it was announced. I wonder if I should finish P4 first, though? I might never go back to it if I don't. :lol
Hmm. Is going from Persona 4 to FES really that difficult? P4 is the only SMT game I've ever played, and it's one of my favourite games of all time. As soon as PS3P was announced, I was psyched, but when I heard it wouldn't have the extra campaign from FES, I figured I'd just play FES instead.

But for somebody who's only played Persona 4, do the improvements in PS3P really make up for the lack of that campaign and the less engaging atmosphere/visuals/cutscenes?


mikespit1200 said:
Awesome OP! Did they do anything with the save mechanics? I hated that I couldn't retry battles and would have to restart from my last save.

You'll be wanting one of the easier difficulties then, as those give you a certain amount of retries/resurrections.


Ben2749 said:
Hmm. Is going from Persona 4 to FES really that difficult? P4 is the only SMT game I've ever played, and it's one of my favourite games of all time. As soon as PS3P was announced, I was psyched, but when I heard it wouldn't have the extra campaign from FES, I figured I'd just play FES instead.

But for somebody who's only played Persona 4, do the improvements in PS3P really make up for the lack of that campaign and the less engaging atmosphere/visuals/cutscenes?

You can play the extra campaign in FES right after putting the DVD in, there's no need for a save file or anything. It's certainly not impossible to get used to the old Persona 3 after 4, but it's not easy. As for the cutscenes, the original anime cutscenes were pretty crappy, though whether you like the exploration being changed for the text adventure approach depends on how much you like those, and even then, the battles would make up for that.
Yay for the thread

As I've mentioned before, I've now purchased P3 on it's release, P3FES on release AND P4on release.

...and never really played any of them =(

I ultimately ended up selling them (I sell what I'm not immedietely playing or will be playing in the forseeable future) with intentions of revisiting the franchise when I had the time, which still hasn't ever happend. So thank goodness for P3P! Handhelds + jRPGs are pretty much the only way I can still engage in the genre.

Can't wait to pick it up off PSN and here's hoping for P4P someday. Shit in an ideal world we would get Nocturne on a handheld as well. Maybe in 10 years or something...
Thumbs up on the OP. I won't be getting it though. The combination of removing engine-based cutscenes and the FES content really makes it substandard in my eyes. It would have been perfect on a portable system too.
Kagari said:
I'm still debating on if I want to buy a third copy of this game... DAMN YOU ATLUS.

Yeah, I had a real bad habit of buying Atlus titles I would never even get around to playing a couple years back. =/
Ive been waiting so long for this. I wish there was a gif of the characters "shooting themselves in the heads with fake guns".

Anyway, theres no monster negotiations like in Persona PSP (the only Persona game Ive played)


Crystal Bearer
AgentOtaku said:
Yeah, I had a real bad habit of buying Atlus titles I would never even get around to playing a couple years back. =/

I played both P3 and P3FES though... and I would play P3P just to play as the female MC ><
Nice. I may pick this up as a late birthday present to myself. Love me some Persona. Though I'm still a bit miffed they've seemingly passed on bringing P2 over to UMD.
I loved playing through P3, and I always thought it was well-suited for portable play, but I doubt I'll be picking this one up. I just can't see myself going through this 100+ hour behemoth again anytime soon.
Ben2749 said:
Hmm. Is going from Persona 4 to FES really that difficult? P4 is the only SMT game I've ever played, and it's one of my favourite games of all time. As soon as PS3P was announced, I was psyched, but when I heard it wouldn't have the extra campaign from FES, I figured I'd just play FES instead.

But for somebody who's only played Persona 4, do the improvements in PS3P really make up for the lack of that campaign and the less engaging atmosphere/visuals/cutscenes?
I was in the same boat as you; P4 is one of my favorite games of all time, while I missed the boat on P3 (despite owning it since it came out), so I went back around this time last year and played it for the first time. Fes is so damn unrefined in such stupid ways that it took me something like ten hours before I actually started enjoying the game, and that's not counting all the non-playable time. You eventually get used to its quirks and its not much of a problem, but those quirks are also something you can circumvent by just playing P3P. Again, I think it's a matter of whether you want the immersion of a console game or the streamlined mechanics and pick-up-and-playability of a handheld game. That said, just to throw two things into the for what it's worth category: I have a lot of problems with the game's story and Tatsumi Port Island never really clicked with me (unlike Inaba), so losing that bit of the immersiveness isn't really a problem to me; plus, I thought The Answer was kind of awful, so I don't think that should dictate which version you pick up.

mikespit1200 said:
Did they do anything with the save mechanics? I hated that I couldn't retry battles and would have to restart from my last save.
Like Tamanon said, the easier difficulties have some retries, and they've added some extra savepoints here and there. But otherwise, it's basically the same saving mechanic as P3/Fes/P4.

Dedication Through Light said:
Anyway, theres no monster negotiations like in Persona PSP (the only Persona game Ive played)


Let me see:

Own vanilla P3
Own P3 FES
Beat the game at least 5 times (granted a lvl. 99 character with max equipment and Armageddon can finish the game in like 15 hours in new game +)

So naturally I preordered a good while back to make sure I got the game and the Stupei: Ace Defective hat.

Even if I only do Hersona, it's worth the asking price. This and Crackdown 2 are going to make for a busy start of July.
Ben2749 said:
Hmm. Is going from Persona 4 to FES really that difficult? P4 is the only SMT game I've ever played, and it's one of my favourite games of all time. As soon as PS3P was announced, I was psyched, but when I heard it wouldn't have the extra campaign from FES, I figured I'd just play FES instead.

But for somebody who's only played Persona 4, do the improvements in PS3P really make up for the lack of that campaign and the less engaging atmosphere/visuals/cutscenes?
I haven't played P3P, but the bonus campaign in FES is really lame and I'd actually recommend pretending it doesn't exist :(.


I'm really debating picking this up... I never played any of the Persona games, or even anything from the SMT line. However, I do really love a good JRPG, and GAF hype may just push me over the edge on this one.

Am I okay starting off with P3 though? Or do I need to start from the beginning?
I would love to get this. But no PSP :(

Aesthet1c said:
I'm really debating picking this up... I never played any of the Persona games, or even anything from the SMT line. However, I do really love a good JRPG, and GAF hype may just push me over the edge on this one.

Am I okay starting off with P3 though? Or do I need to start from the beginning?

All games are standalone, and you'll be hard pressed to find Persona 1 and 2 anyway.

In P3P they fixed the main problems I had w/ the game (that were also fixed in Persona 4).


This will be my fourth play-through of P3, and still not burned out. :D
Have to wait for the Birth By Sleep Bundle before I get to play though :(


I thought I'd be able to hold off on this one (already played P3 and P3 FES multiple times), but man that is one fine OP. I'm all hyped up for P3P now, although I might wait a while before I get it.


Beautiful OP! I am so hyped for this game, it's not funny! :D <3 I have to say, it's gonna be nice to actually play as a girl in the game.
Dedication Through Light said:
I hope its a game that can be beat without the use of a FAQ, lol.
Maybe this is just because I grindwhored the shit out of this game, but I thought Fes was pretty easy, and that's with the awful friendly AI that you can thankfully turn off now. You'll probably need a FAQ if you're looking to complete the compendium or make certain combinations, but you can make it through the main game with no problem otherwise.


Can't wait for this :D It's also available for preorder on VGP, if anyone else from Europe wants to import from an even more reliable store. 45CAD plus shipping.


... but is this better than P3 FES?

Of course I read the OP for all the changes, etc, but from what I remember you don't control your character during the day, it's more like a point-and-click thingy, I don't like the idea.

Make me change my mind! :D
I'd love a Persona 4 porting/remake for the Wii or the PSP by the way.


Nice OP.

Maybe I can borrow my brother's PSP for awhile to play this. . .

Mshe's social links sound so much better than the Male's. You actually get to be friends with all your teammates! Yay!

Do the opposite sex SLinks still only result in intimate relationships or is there a "just friends" option like in P4?
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