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Persona Community Thread |OT6| Where 6 Comes Before 5 (No PQ or P4U spoilers!)

PK Gaming



I was supposed to beat P3 a couple weeks ago but I've been so busy. I'm hoping to try and beat it tonight since I'm near the end and I'm at the
fight. He's kind of hard towards the end so I'm grinding a little bit so I'm not underleveled. Just hit 70 and I'm using Thanatos.
For as much as people complain about excessive talk about Danganronpa and JoJo's in the thread, if you're a Persona fan who hasn't checked either series out, you owe it to yourself to. In a lot of ways, they really cater to people who like Persona, which is a lot of why so many of us like them.

I can understand Danganronpa and will check it out.....but I don;t see what JoJo has got to do with Persona at all and after watching a few anime episodes dropped it.


I can understand Danganronpa and will check it out.....but I don;t see what JoJo has got to do with Persona at all and after watching a few anime episodes dropped it.

You don't see how a group of teenagers summoning humanoid creatures that have relation to tarot cards to do battle has anything to do with Persona?

If you started with the original series, then I can understand, but if you're referring to watching the latest anime, Stardust Crusaders, and can't see the similarities, then I'm really confused.
I only watched a few episodes of JoJo but I've had this burning question since I watched it only a few times. The MC Jotaro Kujo, where the heck does his hair start and his hat end?! LOL.

And yes both series have striking similarities to Persona. Danganronpa 2 is going to hold me over until the end of the month when P4AU releases. Then a bunch of weeks later, PQ. Awesome year aha.
You don't see how a group of teenagers summoning humanoid creatures that have relation to tarot cards to do battle has anything to do with Persona?

If you started with the original series, then I can understand, but if you're referring to watching the latest anime, Stardust Crusaders, and can't see the similarities, then I'm really confused.

I feel like I watched a different anime lol

1st anime season, first few episode where about the blonde guy just ruining the brunette guy's life and taking his girl iirc.


About this discussion, I never watched JoJo. The design of the characters keeps me away from it. It's too much "macho". lol

Felt the same way initially. You can't deny the series got style though.

Started watching the 2012 series before I started buying into the Jojo hype.

Stroheim is still one of my favourite characters, alongside Joseph.

Part 3: Stardust Crusaders is without a doubt the part that's considered more iconic to others though, as that was when the concept of "Stands" was introduced into the series. I also find it weird how they initially went with Arcanas, then it became all named after rock bands just because the author is a fan of them..heh.


I can understand Danganronpa and will check it out.....but I don;t see what JoJo has got to do with Persona at all and after watching a few anime episodes dropped it.
Part 1/2 aren't really the same (though they are really good). Parts 3 through 8 are as Persona as a Persona could Persona.

(That's just a buncha nonsense saying that you'll notice it for sure if you go forward lol).



So I've finished the first half of the series. Technically, I guess this means I've finished more or less the bulk of the whole series in less than a year. Since the old series shares a lot of common elements, I figured I'd take a stab at going over them all at once, here, and give a sort of final impression of the origins of all this.

THAT THERE GAMEPLAY- The first and most obvious thing to say is that it's all very dated. P1's got this grid and first person thing going on, battles in Innocent Sin Portable are extremely clunky due to an over abundance of menus, and combat isn't really consistent between the games. It will probably become apparent over the course of this that I think that Innocent Sin is the weakest game in the entire series, but I have pretty good reasons for feeling this way. Persona 1 is obviously the most dated, but it's also very simple both in terms of the length of the game and the way things are done. Although individual experience gains based upon combat performance is logical, it is also counter intuitive to making for a streamlined experience when it comes to the need to grind. This complicates the process of raising the party's Persona level in order to obtain new Personas, which is balanced out by the fact that a successful negotiation nets you a card of greater worth than in P2. Demon personalities are spelled out, and if you've taken the amount of time necessary to date each and every woman in the world and build a fucking chart about them so that you can use your psychic powers to predict how they will react to being threatened or sung to, you can get laid fairly easily. If you don't have 20 years to read textbooks on demon psychology, though, well, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Eternal Punishment's combat I actually found the "best" of the three. The reason for this is that, unlike Innocent Sin, there were relatively few hitches. A player's success could be determined by which commands he issued at the beginning of combat/whenever. These commands are repeated until the battle ends, but can be belayed at any point. There is also the option to do things on a round by round basis, for a more traditional battle, and for boss fights where strategy needs to be more adaptive. None of this is terribly engaging, but it was far less painful that Innocent Sin's "PLEASE USE FOUR MORE MENUS!" The removal of Persona Levels in Persona 2 was also fairly welcome.

NEGOTIATIONS are something I don't like much in the Persona series. I've voiced my opinion of them numerous times, and I'm going to assume you're all smart enough to know it, so I will spare you from hearing it again. What I do want to touch upon is that this is one of the few things Innocent Sin Portable offered that really did exceed the other two. In ISP a matrix is provided, showing you the levels of emotions of the demons with which you are negotiating. This is an excellent means of allowing the player to know how much time they have left/ how much progress they've made and is honestly a feature I wish had been around in SMT4. ISP also shows the order of all turns in combat, including enemy's, and that's a pretty useful thing to plan for. As a final note to all this, I was not a fan of the way that Negotiation could not be forcibly terminated in Persona 2 the way it could in Persona 1. Having to stop and negotiate when I was just trying to raise my level tended to be an annoying experience.

Graphics I'm sort of a softy for old visual presentation styles, and I actually think that the trilogy holds up remarkably well in that respect. Though the animations can be a bit goofy at times (people seem to Heil Hitler when surprised an awful lot!), I felt they were remarkably coherent between the three games, and the numerous places around Mikage-Cho and especially the massive Sumaru City to explore were pretty well drawn up. If I had to compare it to anything, I'd say that Persona 1 and 2, 2 especially, reminded me a lot of the Super Nintendo era of Square, what with the spinning, waving of arms, and bulging of eyes for expressions. Environments reminded me a lot of Chrono Trigger in their detail.

I'm the sort of guy who likes Nomura and Amano, so I don't really have a strong preference between Kaneko and Soejima. You've all also seen my pitiful attempts at doodling, so you know I have no sense of art and therefore may discount my opinion on this. What I loved about these earlier games, though, was the occasionally weird look to things. It's okay to have the protagonist be an annoyingly attractive dude in a popped collar, but I have an appreciation for the ugly, misshapen, and bizarre that pops up in older anime, so seeing people like Tatsuya Sudou or whatever the name of that brat who put me through the Air Raid shelter was awesome. I was especially taken with the design of the character Miyabi, who was at first rather round at the edges. Partially because, unlike Hanako in P4, she wasn't hideous and fat. She was just fat.

Music I realize this is a controversial opinion to hold, but I think P1 had the best music in the trilogy. I really hated a lot of the music in Innocent Sin, and Eternal Punishment, while an improvement, still wasn't outstanding. I guess I just have a soft spot for Meguro's silly JPOP music.

Voice Acting was really, really spotty. Like, P1's was great, but it was a PSP remake. P2ISP's was okay, and I think I appreciate it more now that I've played Eternal Punishment, because Eternal Punishment's was horrible. Numerous lines were read with the wrong inflection (Tatsuya, when saying "I'll accept my punishment, but not now!" sounded waaaaaaaaay nonchalant for a story moment of significance.) and while some of the VAs were okay (Amanda as Ulala), I can't accept P2EP's Maya at all. There was just something really weird about her voice acting. REALLY weird.

Plot As per the rest of this, I think Innocent Sin is the weak link. Persona 1 is fairly unrelated to Persona 2's overarching plot, but it's own compact plot is great because it's so well driven. It boils down to a thing we've seen quite a bit of since P4, but due to it's location as the game's main point, it still manages to be a hard hitting story about human problems and how friendship actually overcomes those problems. Rather than just being a magic spell which dispels evil,
Maki's friendship with Nanjo, Mark, and MC helps her overcome her despair for a world she barely knows due to illness. And it does that by allowing Mark and Nanjo to give her some tough love at one point.

Innocent Sin's plot isn't bad, exactly. It's just weaker. The game runs on the idea that rumors can be made into reality, and due to the sort of carefree, goofy, youthful nature of the game's cast, those rumors really explode. It has this manic, oddball energy of escalating insanity that's hard to look down on. I mean, can you really hate a game that drops the bomb
? The best thing about this is the way that the insanity sort of covers the more important things related to the cast in a way that the player doesn't notice them until they're brought up again. It's a sort of feint intended to inform the player and prepare them for the moment the real crazy revelations come to.

Eternal Punishment features the series oldest cast. In a way, I found them probably the most relatable characters outside of P4, and with problems that were fairly relevant to me today. Due to the cast's advanced age, the nature of the rumors they follow are less over the top. There's a thread of believability to them required to deceive adults into perpetuating them. The real strength of the game, though, comes from the following factors: Tatsuya's circumstances following the end of P2IS, which I found to be one of the most powerful setups in the series
Okay and I'm a sucker for the age old "do anything to save the girl" setup
, and also from the way the game handled Baofu and Katsuya's very different lives. There was a significant amount of effort put into never showing either of them as completely right or wrong, and that alone is hard enough to pull off, but the way neither of them fell into the timeworn buckets of "gosh I was wrong let's be pals" really worked, too. By the end of the game, the friendship between them was probably one of Eternal Punishment's best features.

Shadow Selves are an interesting concept throughout the three games, and I've expressed my thoughts about those in IS and P1 already, so I just want to take a minute to talk specifically about two in P2EP. I loved Shadow Katsuya, because he so completely tears a chunk out of the whole Cool Big Bro thing that Katsuya had going on, but I was a little disappointed with Shadow Ulala. I kind of felt that she just retreaded the same ground as Joker Ulala, and not even with the same ferocity that Shadow Chie had for Shadow Yukiko. I was hoping for something a little more virulent from her, but maybe being "pathetic" was the point.

The Casts I'm torn between the cast of P1 and the cast of Eternal Punishment for favorite of this half of the series. P1 has a lot of great characters I've come to love more while reading the manga. Elly, Nanjo, and Mark are personal favorites of mine. Especially Elly and Nanjo. I mean, one of them is this cloud walking fashion model and the other is just plain Batman.

Eternal Punishment's cast really sorta resonates with me. Maybe not so much Baofu because that guy had a bitter, hard life, but more Katsuya and Ulala. Both of them seem to have to deal with the fact that they're not who they wanted to be in life, and not where they wanted to be, and both sorta struggle with being eclipsed by someone more popular than themselves. For Ulala that's Maya, who gets herself guys without any trouble at all, and for Katsuya it's Tatsuya, who sort of outdoes him in the whole race for Maya's affections. And I can really relate to that sort of envious, pathetic thing they have going on. There's more to them than that, obviously, and it is those various depths and surprising angles that really sells me on this game's cast in particular.

Innocent Sin's cast is okay, and I really like Lisa, but man, fuck Jun. I don't give two shits about that loser.

As to the villains, I think I understand to some degree why people think of P4's Killer as the only really strong foe. That's not a true assessment at all, of course, but I think I get it. In P1, Kandori isn't really that strong of an enemy presence. The Manga plays him up, but in the game you meet him twice before it's all done, so he doesn't leave as much of an impression as a man who uses the fragmented psyche of a sick teenage girl to become a God might. In P2, Joker is a fucking loser and I hate him, and Fuhrer is mostly a decoy. I mean, Fuhrer is still A MYSTERIOUS AND DASHING MAN IN SUNGLASSES, but he's a feint to distract you. Most of the Masked Circle doesn't matter, either.

However, there's also the Sudous. Tatsuya Sudou is sort of a low level punk in the first game, but when his insanity becomes the truth in the second game, he sort of becomes a much more memorable guy. Especially since his father covering for him is how you get to meet Tatzuou Sudou, and that man is straight up a bastard. Dude uses every single person for the sake of a goal he ultimate gets robbed of. The problem with him is he's so rarely confronted. The flipside is that a large portion of the game is spent chasing him down. So while I don't think that Kandori, Joker, or Fuhrer are as big a deal due to this and that reason, Tatzuou Sudou definitely is. The hunt for him drives a large part of Eternal Punishment's plot. That said, I should add that
Kandori's revival in P2EP does add some weight to him as a foe, and that upon those grounds and the Manga I'd argue in his favor, too.

And of course, there's Nyarlatothep. It's really hard not to count him as one of the series most powerful foes when he flat out is the series' most powerful foe. I mean, you don't get more evil than being evil incarnate. My sole complaint with the guy would be that, although Nyarlatothep is the evil behind everything in all three games (if, in fact, he is not also the evil behind the events of P3, P4 and P4A), dude only shows up briefly in each game. ESPECIALLY P1, where he is only present as Kandori's Persona (Nanjo doesn't even know the truth of that until P2EP!). However, it should be noted that although Nyarlatothep is only briefly present for any of these games, he manages to be a colossal douchebag in that time. I mean, all of Eternal Punishment happens because he pulls the world's biggest douche move in IS's ending. And though he is defeated in EP's ending, he's all "AS LONG AS THERE IS EVIL!" and he leaves some pretty big scars on the cast of P2.

To just sort of put a cap on all of this, I really enjoyed Persona 1-2EP. The gameplay was dated and some of the music didn't suit me, but the casts of all three games really endeared themselves to me, and I think that, from a story-telling side, that is one of the keys to making a good RPG. The cast doesn't have to be deep, nor the plot amazingly written as long as the cast is endearing. That the cast is deep and the plot fairly well written to this trilogy is the bonus point to it all. If you're interested, I do suggest you pick them up. If you don't want to bear with ISP, at least watch it. You could play the PSX version instead, but I think that ISP's translation and voice acting make it the better way to experience the plot. But I think that if you've any tolerance at all for old timey gameplay, you ought to be able to come to terms with P1 and P2EP. Especially if you have more experience with MegaTen than me.

And now, at Buddha's behest, I have to start watching Trinity Soul.
I had to pause the Persona 4 animation episode to come here and say this. The intro made me cringe. My lord. Here's hoping that the episode doesn't disappoint me this time around, I'm so close to dropping it...


I had to pause the Persona 4 animation episode to come here and say this. The intro made me cringe. My lord. Here's hoping that the episode doesn't disappoint me this time around, I'm so close to dropping it...

What's wrong with the intro? Can't watch the episode until later on today.
Marie getting flustered because of another goddamn poem.
. Aside from that, I'm halfway through now and yes the episode itself is actually pretty good,
gives a good insight on Adachi.
It was actually pretty good. Also because they finally put Marie aside for a bit. God when I saw the intro I was about to lose it with the show lol. Turned out to be a great episode in the end, I'll be looking forward to the next one!



Interesting write-up! You don't see many of those these days. I skipped the plot part as I haven't played the game yet, but I agree with you on the gameplay. Even though IS PSP is the remaster, the original EP feels much more polished in regard to the menus and feel in battle. And now that you mention it, those bulging eyes totally reminds me of Chrono Trigger.

And now, at Buddha's behest, I have to start watching Trinity Soul.

My condolences.


They actually redid a bit of the
battle. That OST for the the preview though.

If they
stop adding Marie in every single thing
, we could be in for another dozzy of an episode next week.

Pure BS theory time:
what if they rewrite it so that it's the culprit that chucks Marie into the TV (because of her nosing around the culprit), before she regain her memory in there and wake up in the forest?

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
If they
stop adding Marie in every single thing
, we could be in for another dozzy of an episode next week.

We're getting close to that point, right?

Pure BS theory time:
what if they rewrite it so that it's the culprit that chucks Marie into the TV (because of her nosing around the culprit), before she regain her memory in there and wake up in the forest?

I think a lot people here would like for her to die as a result. :p


I actually read the whole thing even though I haven't finished any of the three games. It was interesting to read and congrats on completing the whole series so far.

I am reading P1 manga because someone (Buddha, I think) said it's the best way to enjoy the story and it's because you and Acid keep talking about how good it is. I just got to ch19 and I must say it has a pretty good story. I'm actually going to play the game while waiting for more chapters.


Just watching the episode now. Dojima already understands how Persona plays, going on about strengthening bonds. He's just setting up to replace Igor.
P4GA impressions:

names2hard4you was right, the beginning is awful lol
Poor Adachi and his pathetic life.
"See? I told you Yu" That's a pretty good title lol
Man Adachi's arrival to town is so far pretty amazing. Awww Adachi and Dojima spending time together! And Adachi failing at his job lol
That dog looks like Koro.

"He's taking time off for family reasons"
Dammit Dojima, you're responsible for all of this!
So in this show Adachi purposely threw in Yamano, huh. "I'm not good enough?"I fucking love crazy Adachi.
Wow that bunny Rise is more detailed than the one two episodes ago lol

"Nanako-chan, how about cabbages? I love them!" lol Aww, I like that old lady. Haha, I love Yu being so friendly to him, This interpretation of Yu is the best imo.
Wtf why did he threw all his stuff into the garbage can? Wow, Adachi and Yu's ideals really clash with each other's. Namatame battle and Yu freaking about Nanako, those were pretty good scenes.

Holy shit, was that at the end suppose to be that Bad Ending from Golden I've heard of? I loveeeee it. Next episode seems to continue the
Yu vs Adachi thingy. It's gonna be so awesome!!

So yeah, BEST EPISODE OF THE WHOLE SERIES right here people. I would also say it's better than any of the original animation's ones.


P4GA Episode 6:

That was outstanding. I loved all the newish backstory elements.

The timeskipping was a little weird in the middle, but I loved
Adachi pulling out the psycho Lelouch face.

As someone who didn't like Marie's poetry in the original game, I have no problem with it here for the first minute or two of each episode. I find it pretty funny. Really looking forward to the next episode though.


This episode was probably the best episode in the entire show. But Goddamn Dojima and Adachi's faces were off every single shot. Not a face drawn right the entire episode.


So this episode covered basically all the
Adachi social link aspects up to Nanako's "death" and extra backstory.

One thing I can't say I thought of before, but its implied
Adachi's crushes on the reporter and Saki were influenced by the Midnight Channel rumor saying that they're the person's soulmate. I get the impression Adachi just got his hopes up only to get them crushed and further break down what little hope he had left. The scene where he put the reporter in the TV seemed like he was just trying to make her fear for her life and she ended up falling in.

Another bit that was great was
Yu being so nice to Adachi. That combined with Adachi's subtle hints at further pain from various stuff in the social link like the old lady stopping her doting, it seemed like Yu was really trying to be a good person to him. To help him ease some of that hurt. Their world views clash so much at this point that I can see the confrontation with him being really emotionally charged.

Oh, and Marie is in like 3 scenes in a minor role for this, so we won't be seeing her much for a while. Happy everyone?
One thing I can't say I thought of before, but its implied
Adachi's crushes on the reporter and Saki were influenced by the Midnight Channel rumor saying that they're the person's soulmate. I get the impression Adachi just got his hopes up only to get them crushed and further break down what little hope he had left.

Another bit that was great was
Yu being so nice to Adachi. That combined with Adachi's subtle hints at further pain from various stuff in the social link like the old lady stopping her doting, it seemed like Yu was really trying to be a good person to him. To help him ease some of that hurt. Their world views clash so much at this point that I can see the confrontation with him being really emotionally charged.
Totally agreed with your second point, that's pretty much what I wrote too haha And I was thinking about your first point to, and I'm happy they gave more of a reason for
Adachi to throw people in TV instead of doing it accidentaly, makes more sense that way,
Dojima and Adachi's faces were off every single shot. Not a face drawn right the entire episode.
Really? I thought the animation was way better looking than previous episodes, specially some shots of Adachi's face.
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