Phantasy Star Tabletop RPG Coming 2025


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?

The Phantasy Star Tabletop RPG is a cooperative, storytelling game where you and your friends take on the roles of heroic protagonists in a boundless universe based on the popular Phantasy Star video game series.

Gather your party of galactic heroes and embark on quests to explore and safeguard the galaxy from cosmic threats, tyrannical empires, and ancient evils.

Build a diverse cast of characters using your favorite archetypes such as Hunters, Rangers, Mystics, and more. Forge a hero of your own design or play legendary personas such as Alis Landale, Rolf, Lutz, or Chaz Ashley.

Weave amazing stories where your valiant explorers blast off to new worlds and battle mythical and technological menaces. Create adventures in iconic regions such as the Algol Star System, or create your own worlds and tales of cosmic fantasy.

This game is powered by Esper Genesis, a comprehensive sci-fi roleplaying rules system you can use to build, customize, and expand your game, with the only limit being your imagination.

Included with the rules is a setting guide with illustrations and an expanded lore of the Phantasy Star storyverse.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
If I had enough extra money, I would pre-order this but asking for $69.99 is pretty steep for a book.

I mean I know Warhammer 40,000 books cost a lot but this is just something more independent. I would hope this is a really thick book with very good production values for that money.


Man, I forgot this series even existed for a second there...

Actually, that happens a lot for me with Phantasy Star. Universe was similar, the Vita game Nova was a reminder, even some of the ports of PSO2 felt like something I had long since forgotten to ask for. SEGA is weird with its treatment of this series (or maybe they're realistic with their lack of over-marketing it?), you can't even get the original 4 games on Switch or Steam (there's a SEGA Ages version of PS1 on Nintendo but I think that's it.) It feels like this series should have more life to it, but then again, even the fanbase seems quiet about it.

(BTW, I wonder if PSO2 New Genesis would have had a bigger impact if it was named Phantasy Star Online 3 to properly announce a new start for players to connect with?)

...In any case, Phantasy Star could make for a good tabletop adventure, best of luck to SKydawn Game Studio.
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Gold Member
If I had enough extra money, I would pre-order this but asking for $69.99 is pretty steep for a book.

I mean I know Warhammer 40,000 books cost a lot but this is just something more independent. I would hope this is a really thick book with very good production values for that money.

I just bought the Exodus founders edition TRPG book, it was half this price. Shame otherwise I would of picked this up probably, but got my Sci-Fi TRPG covered with that.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Man, I forgot this series even existed for a second there...

Actually, that happens a lot for me with Phantasy Star. Universe was similar, the Vita game Nova was a reminder, even some of the ports of PSO2 felt like something I had long since forgotten to ask for. SEGA is weird with its treatment of this series (or maybe they're realistic with their lack of over-marketing it?), you can't even get the original 4 games on Switch or Steam (there's a SEGA Ages version of PS1 on Nintendo but I think that's it.) It feels like this series should have more life to it, but then again, even the fanbase seems quiet about it.

(BTW, I wonder if PSO2 New Genesis would have had a bigger impact if it was named Phantasy Star Online 3 to properly announce a new start for players to connect with?)

...In any case, Phantasy Star could make for a good tabletop adventure, best of luck to SKydawn Game Studio.
I would just like to see a new single player game.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Frustrated Come On GIF by Saturday Night Live

This is now the Phantasy Star revival I wanted.


If the artwork is great, I would want it just for that. Strange how they only emphasize the first game on the cover of the book. I love that game (my personal favorite) but 4 is the iconic game for the turn based old schoolers and PSO for just about anyone else.
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I would just like to see a new single player game.

That's the common ask, but it's been 30 years since the the old-school series ended, and Universe, PS Zero, and PS Portable didn't really call the audience back. PSO is really what Phantasy Star is at this point, and has been for decades.

I actually think SEGA might do well to expand on the corners of Phantasy Star and PSO if they can't ever get a proper "Phantasy Star V" going. Something like C.A.R.D. Revolution or a similarly inventive side game would be an interesting way to explore the universe and play with the iconography without committing fully to some kind of FF-killer AAA RPG, or without leaving behind the long-time fans who just don't have time for a MMO.
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