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Phantasy Star "Television" show get!


If you are a Phantasy Star fan boy check out this web tv show totaly dedicated to Phantasy Star Series. It has nice scripting and interesting news articles. Me likey! But then again I'm a whore for all things algolian so my opinion is biased at best. Give the man your support! Its neat check it out! :D

oops! i'm a retard! :p http://psm.card-revolution.com/

enjoy! :D


I can't believe you folks... almost 400 views and not one comment. :( I guess I'm the only rabid PSO phan left on the board.

aoi tsuki

Cimarron said:
I can't believe you folks... almost 400 views and not one comment. :( I guess I'm the only rabid PSO phan left on the board.
Pretty much. i stopped playing PSO I&II about a year ago, and PSO III was simply too time-consuming to get into.

The first episode was pretty good for a one-man production. i can tell a lot of work went into it, and i wish him well as a journalist, but i won't be downloading any more. i'll just leave it at that.
After watching his two shows, I wonder why he put all of the time and energy into them. Much of the information was either completely trivial or would be better suited to a text format. I hope he's doing this project to enhance his video editing skills, because the videos offer very little unique. I guess it was neat seeing footage of Blue Burst, but he could just link to videos from a website. I'd much rather read story information on a website than hear him try to pronounce names of Japanese-sounding fantasy towns.

Also, much of the information he shares is time sensitive. By the time he's spent a month writing, filming, and editing his show, the information is old.

Oh, well. He gets an A for effort, and I'll gladly watch any of his future shows, if just because I marvel at his dorkdom, poor grammar, and his enthusiasm in trivial information.
Alex Anderson said:
After watching his two shows, I wonder why he put all of the time and energy into them. Much of the information was either completely trivial or would be better suited to a text format. I hope he's doing this project to enhance his video editing skills, because the videos offer very little unique. I guess it was neat seeing footage of Blue Burst, but he could just link to videos from a website. I'd much rather read story information on a website than hear him try to pronounce names of Japanese-sounding fantasy towns.

Also, much of the information he shares is time sensitive. By the time he's spent a month writing, filming, and editing his show, the information is old.

Oh, well. He gets an A for effort, and I'll gladly watch any of his future shows, if just because I marvel at his dorkdom, poor grammar, and his enthusiasm in trivial information.

Gotta second those opinions. BTW, if anyone wants to see a really fun homebrew video game related show, everyone should check out Consolevania...

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