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Phantom Brave LE availability?


o_O @_@ O_o
So from everything I heard (i.e. these forums), every Phantom Brave in the first shipment is an LE and thus has an included soundtrack.

I purchased a copy of Phantom Brave just two days ago from the Best Buy I work at, and there was no soundtrack to be found, so I assume it isn't an LE.

So, is it just available at your local gaming shoppe (Gamestop/EB) or did the first shipment sell out incredibly quickly, or was I just screwed? o_O


You got screwed. It's not hard to find the Limited Edition. You should have looked on the back of the covers to see if it had a CD-ROM icon thingie along with the DVD-ROM icon.

And from what i heard not every copy is an LE (as you obviously found out) but I've seen a couple at stores I've gone to. It seems to be in a ratio of 2 LEs for every 5 standard.


o_O @_@ O_o
Hmmm I'll take a looksie at the backstock in the store. If there's an LE in the bunch I can finagle something I'm sure, return policies be damned, I work there. :p
To be 100% sure your copy of Phantom Brave is the LE verison it should state special edition on the back of your dvd case by the bottle mail and putty (near the bottom right hand corner). When I purchased my copy of PB it only stated 1 disc but it also had the cd soundtrack inside.
When I bought mine over a week ago from EB, they had 3 LEs left and 20 non. Good luck finding one, it might be tougher by now but should definitely be doable.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The EB where I purchased it only recieved ONE LE...and it was the one that I bought. :D It's a shame they didn't go for a color manual this time, but after Disgaea's awful manual...I'm not suprised.


About a week ago I got the last LE at my local EB. That same day my local Best Buy had ten regular editions, and no LEs.
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