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Phantom Dust demo gameplay videos


yah, the combat looks really tedious. Phreaker just kept lobbing those energy balls.

I was expecting somthing like ZOE, looks kind of hard to evade attacks too.

What i did like was the animation and destruction. Looks really fluid, lots of little touches. Hopping left and right, shifting weight depnding on momentum and the energy wave that eminates from your chracter looks nice.

Not sure on the combat


The Inside Track
That's the main reason I did not do any more videos of Phantom Dust on my site. For the moment we (we as the non japanese readers) only play with the few powers we can identify, usually one blocking and one throwing. And maybe a jump power, and with some chance a lightning sword or whatever.
So yes it looks quite a bit tedious.
I'll just wait for the english enabled asia release so I can finally understand all powers. I've seen japanese play, and it's very impressive to watch.


lol. Yeah. Phreaker really doesnt know what he's doing right now. He had just learned how to assign his skills to the buttons.
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