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Phantom Dust - IGN review


works for Gamestop (lol)

8.0 Presentation
Easy interface, lots of tutorials, and Live use that is functional and solid fun.
9.0 Graphics
Awesome backgrounds and fantastic special effects make Phantom Dust true eye-candy. Hubba-hubba!
7.0 Sound
Though the music, including pieces by Vincent Gallo, is quality stuff, the sound effects aren't too hot and the English dub is good, but not great.
8.5 Gameplay
There's a lot of depth to be found in this cleverly-disguised card battle game. There's a bit too much running around and it would be nice to have some better mechanics for close-ranged combat.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Decent length for the single-player and a lot of fun online. Will the depth last a lifetime? No, but if you do get hooked, you'll stay hooked for a while.
(out of 10 / not an average)

"Two obvious questions remain. First, is Phantom Dust any good? Absolutely. While the single-player offering is a bit generic, the gameplay is incredible deep and a lot of fun once you get the hang of things. The graphics are spectacular and there's some brilliant use of classical and symphonic music, which plays with a tinny filter as if coming in from a ghost radio station. There's something eerie about hearing the strains of Moonlight Sonata as you explore the crumbled ruins of your underground domicile. Though it's not a perfect game -- the combat can sometimes feel a bit too stationary, characters have to run around like scared chickens while replenishing energy -- it is a very good one.

The second question, then, is whether Phantom Dust is worth importing. Considering that it's a good game and that everything from menus to voice-acting is available in English, if you have an Xbox capable of playing Japanese games, you should pick up Phantom Dust. There really haven't been many games worth importing, so Dust should be a top priority, especially if you have Xbox Live. Now if you don't have an Xbox capable of playing Japanese games, you probably want to hold off on Dust. Yes, it's a unique combat game that's attractive and fun, but it's not the next Halo. Save your cash and pray this one gets brought stateside next year. "

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Hmm...makes me wonder if I should give the game another shot. I wasn't very impressed with the demo; found it downright boring as a matter of fact.
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