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ABC News conducted an experiment of their own to see if pheromones really do work. They took a set of identical twins and applied a pheromone oil to one twin and plain, old witch hazel to the other one. They took the twins to a bar and had them switch places throughout the night so no one would realize they were 2 different people. The results were amazing! 30 men approached the twin wearing the pheromones while only 11 men approached the sister wearing witch hazel. The use of pheromones appears to have tripled the success rate! Men and women exposed to pheromones claimed that they felt self-confident, attractive, and romantic. In tests of pheromone effectiveness, it has been found that 74% of subjects testing a pheromone product experienced an "increase in hugging, kissing, and sexual intercourse." Also interesting, foods that have been known for centuries to have aphrodisiac qualities, such as truffles and oysters, have recently been found to chemically correspond to human pheromones.

Does it really work like this? I though pheromones were specific to the carrier, to single out a genetically correct partner. Can you really spray on any pheromone and smell more "romantic"? Does it work that way?

If so, where can I buy the real deal? ;)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I don't really think this experiment is valid. Yes the girls look alike but they behave differently. Twins, despite their similarities, often have totally different personalities. The one with pheromones might have been looking at more guys for all we know.

Yes, I belive that pheromones can influence a person's behavior but I think it would have been better if they had 1 girl and made her go into the bar twice in the same night. One of the times they would use the pheromones and the other times a placebo (that way she wouldn't know if she had them on her or not because that could alter the results). Then they should have recorded the results.


Nevermind the experiment. The question is, do artificial pheromones really work? I stronly believe in the power of natural pheromones, but I'm pretty skeptic against these pheromone perfumes.

aoi tsuki

i was always of the belief that artificial pheremones didn't work as well your body produces normally since the latter are in accordance with your body's chemistry. Either way, confidence and ultimately attractiveness are free, you just have to develop them


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Exactly how do pheromones work? Does your body emit them when you're really horny? Sweaty? At random? Always? What? And do all women react to them?


demon said:
Exactly how do pheromones work? Does your body emit them when you're really horny? Sweaty? At random? Always? What? And do all women react to them?

Well, animal communicate by smells, and humans too, to a lesser degree.


We have 'em inbodily fluids, like sweat, breath etc. (not urin though, so don't try to drench your self in that). All humans have this extra sensory thing inside their noses that reacts to pheromones, and nothing else. What happens when it's reacted is that it sends out different signals, like "oh, this female smells gooo-ood, I think I'll tell the brain to get funky with this booty", but it's not scientifically proven what the impact is, someone speculated to 5% of the total impression of a female/male.


Drexon said:
We have 'em inbodily fluids, like sweat, breath etc. (not urin though, so don't try to drench your self in that). All humans have this extra sensory thing inside their noses that reacts to pheromones, and nothing else. What happens when it's reacted is that it sends out different signals, like "oh, this female smells gooo-ood, I think I'll tell the brain to get funky with this booty", but it's not scientifically proven what the impact is, someone speculated to 5% of the total impression of a female/male.

Wrong. Urine contains the same pheromones as sweat.

And personally, I think pheromones account for much more than just 5%. You know how there can be "chemistry" between people? Well...


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
EmSeta said:
Wrong. Urine contains the same pheromones as sweat.

And personally, I think pheromones account for much more than just 5%. You know how there can be "chemistry" between people? Well...
WOW! So R. Kelly really knew what he was doing all along!


Well its not exactly scientific but usually when i'm attracted to someone I can definitely smell them when they're in the room whereas i'm totally oblivious to 99% of the population (unless of course they smell dirty, but that doesn't count).


Vark said:
Well its not exactly scientific but usually when i'm attracted to someone I can definitely smell them when they're in the room whereas i'm totally oblivious to 99% of the population (unless of course they smell dirty, but that doesn't count).

Yep, I've had similar experiences. That's why this subject interests me so much.

way more

Drexon said:
We have 'em inbodily fluids, like sweat, breath etc. (not urin though, so don't try to drench your self in that). All humans have this extra sensory thing inside their noses that reacts to pheromones, and nothing else. What happens when it's reacted is that it sends out different signals, like "oh, this female smells gooo-ood, I think I'll tell the brain to get funky with this booty", but it's not scientifically proven what the impact is, someone speculated to 5% of the total impression of a female/male.

I think the pheromones are released in a milky substance which is dispensed from the sweat glands in armpits. It must first be broken down by bacteria to release the scent.

As for whether they work are not, I say hell ya. And that goes for manmade products, when a girl wears the right perfume I feel 10x hornier.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Vark said:
Well its not exactly scientific but usually when i'm attracted to someone I can definitely smell them when they're in the room whereas i'm totally oblivious to 99% of the population (unless of course they smell dirty, but that doesn't count).
Me too, but I can't tell if it's "pheromones" or perfume. This one girl I know, who I'm really attracted to, wears this perfume that drives me fuckin crazy....makes me want to jump her and suck on her neck every time I smell it.

DJ Sl4m

demon said:
Me too, but I can't tell if it's "pheromones" or perfume. This one girl I know, who I'm really attracted to, wears this perfume that drives me fuckin crazy....makes me want to jump her and suck on her neck every time I smell it.

Not sure anyone cares, but it is on topic.

I'm ABSOLUTELY CRAZY about my girl, love her to death.
I've gone out with a lot of hotties, cuties, sweethearts, but none have touched me the moment our eyes met from across the room.
I swear the first time our eyes met, I knew loved her.

I love sniffing her neck, and enjoying her scent, and I do it almost daily, she thinks it's cute and funny.

You know when you're with a girl and you go down but smells ?
She doesn't, at least not to me, I smell nothing but her cute lil scent that I love, which drives me wild.

That's not much help I'm sure, but it's all the history I have on the subject.

aoi tsuki

On that note, i love going down on a girl i'm crazy about and getting a little of her scent on my nose. It drives me crazy the next day, and i'm constantly thinking of her.


aoi tsuki said:
On that note, i love going down on a girl i'm crazy about and getting a little of her scent on my nose. It drives me crazy the next day, and i'm constantly thinking of her.

Am I completely misunderstanding this, or do you mean not washing vaginal secretions off your nose? Doesn't that strike you as a tad perverted? What do you tell other people, that it's lotion leftovers?

aoi tsuki

No, i always wash afterwards, but i can still smell it faintly throughout the next day. The pungent qualities are mostly gone, leaving a scent reminiscent of flowers or honey.
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