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Photoshop Contest Phase 2: VOTE


The theme for this here photoshop contest was: "The Console War." Anything videogames. Anything war. It all went.


scola presented this uptight citizen and his sad daughter


He kind of lost the plot, but jiggle is still cool


sp0rsk is a proponent of legalized homosexual bestiality


This summer, you will believe Tim isn't black, just shaded oddly


somnific sorts through the ashes of his life


Lil' Dice is a part of the Jewish Media Conspiracy


Games may be worthless, but in China, crisdecuba is king


Game Boy, PS2, and others outsold the Xbox, but it still killed them. Maybe Mr Pockets threw one onto them


Newbie is no newbie for fighting for his right to lan parrrrrrrty


The Playstation 3 will use an Xbox color scheme, or so Crazymoogle wants you to believe


Vireland shows us why Growlanser is delayed


A hand on the PSP is worth two on the bush, that's what JackFrost2012 always told me


DarkGiygas watched a lot of gladiator films as a child, and is no stranger to seeing a grown man naked

Simple rules: pick your favorite, post their name, the top three votegetters get prizes. New vote deadline is 12:01 AM EDT on 10/9/04.
Man, those are all great but my vote goes to We, Nintendo by Tim, cause it really represents Nitendo's situation.

Other than that scola and Lil' Dice get major props too. Scola for being so retarded, it's funny.


JackFrost wins my vote, Even if technically it isnt the best looking or anything, its grinningly funny and represents itself well while following the criteria for the contest perfectly.


Grandma's Chippy
I'll vote for ME :)

But I figure I can't do that, so that means Newbie gets my vote...I love the simple and stylish look of it. Nice work
Yeah, if I can't vote for me, I'll vote for Newbie.

Matlock: EDIT YOUR POST with the theme of the contest so people know how the hell they're supposed to judge!!!
Okay, here's the rules of the game.

1. You may post one, and only one photoshop as an entry. You may post others, but only one as an entry. Topic the post "entry."

2. At the deadline (Oct 4), each entry will then be reposted in a second thread for voting.

3. In the voting, which will last until Oct 7, you can only vote once (of course).

4. The three top vote-getters (in the event of a tie, I will cast the deciding vote) will get a CD from me. Nothing much, just a 17 track compilation of local bands. Pretty damn cool.

Your topic:

The Console War



I am looking for ANYTHING war related. Battles, posters, meetings, notable faces, the whole bit. Hell, even that Asian fellow getting his brains splattered is fair game, as long as you can make something good of it.


Unconfirmed Member
I guess that ended up being my entry. :lol Never got around to doing anymore. I should have cleaned it up a bit but its the idea that counts not the percision (would have ussed illustrator on the one console future text instead of warping the text with liquify because I was too lazy :lol)

If I were to vote for one that wasn't mine it would be somnific, though jiggles was visually absolutely amazing. props.
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