Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus
RIP Pokemon Dream Radar
Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus
A camera photo of that, zoomed in apparently
RIP Pokemon Dream Radar
Everything in ORAS is looking good. As long as Battle Frontier is in, I'll be happy as all hell.
or if Battle Resort is a renamed Frontier or something similar
Has Nintendo explained how exactly the games fit into the universe of Pokémon? We are playing as the same characters from the original R/S/E but different events take place with different Pokémon and mega evolutions. This game seems to make references to X&Y, so they must be in the same universe. At which point did we go into an alternate universe?
So that Zinnia girl has a megastone. Which Pokemon will she mega-evolve?
all mainline games are in the same world they never went into a alternate
Kanto/Johto/Hoenn/Sinnoh are in PokeJapan
Unova is in PokeMcDonalds
and XY land (name escapes me) is PokeFrance
timeline is RBGY/RSE - > GSC/DPPt - > BWBW2 - > XY
Yeah, but the question is why does the original RSE differ so much from the remakes? And seeing as how these stories differ so much, is this an alternate Hoenn?
So that Zinnia girl has a megastone. Which Pokemon will she mega-evolve?
So that Zinnia girl has a megastone. Which Pokemon will she mega-evolve?
So that Zinnia girl has a megastone. Which Pokemon will she mega-evolve?
And also this! Something that always seemed missing.Very, very happy to see the space plot finally go somewhere.
The "Blaziken can learn Ice Punch" confirmation is coming from pictures on the site, not just text. Pretty sure that's not a mistake.
Holy fuck. Do you want to put any more legendaries in this game GameFreak?
Yup. She's insane.
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Yvaltal, Xerneas and Zygarde
You said legendaries; not mythical (the official term for event legendaries). If we want to add mythical add about 15 to that count.
Holy shit, you can basically get every non-event legendary but the legendary birds in this game. I had a bunch of legendaries between a hanful of DS Pokemon games I have yet to sent to my 3DS but now I can just get ORAS to get them.
Looks like a character straight from Kill la Kill lol
Oh my god... after all these years, I will finally be able to get Deoxys!(I know it has been distributed through some events, but I was never able to get one)
And also this! Something that always seemed missing.
As have "Diancie can learn Power Gem", but it can't
Could that not just be Nature Power? Diancie learns it via TM, and it takes the form of Power Gem in caves.
Above is the link for the description of the ORAS soundtrack that is being released on December 3rd. Google translate the page and you can see in the bonus tracks that there is a listing for:
"Combat! Frontier Brain"
Battle Frontier confirmed?
if my younger self could see this...
I recently started giving away Deoxyses at the XY community thread.
If its on the OR/AS official site its got to be new, right:
Remember that Pokémon Global Link is down, when it is back there will be a new attraction, a minecart:
Prizes are Pokéballs including the Master ball, could be handy for SR on legendaries that "need" HP Bullshit to be viable. I would have liked the odds...but I forgot these are not gambling but are games of "skill" despite it explicitly saying "As you go up in level, the number of Poké Balls you can obtain will increase, and so will your likelihood of obtaining rare Poké Balls".
This is probably old news but the official site says secret bases can be traded with QR codes. Well its news to me...well so is the whole secret bases page actually.
Made sorting out kinks in that functionality is the reason for the extended maintenance.
Official site also says:
"Note: You can complete your National Pokédex by obtaining all the Pokémon except for some Mythical or Legendary Pokémon."
Is that a terminology confusion (since many people refer to Mythical as Legendaries) or are they being more lenient (I wouldn't mind version exclusive legendaries being given a waiver). The wording suggests the former.