Mike Works
Alright so I'm watching the 2004 Championships replay (on TSN, which is basically ESPN in Canada). Here's the setup for the hand. All but 2 people fold. One guy is very short stacked. His hand is:
Kd / 9c
So he has off suit King Nine. He calls the big blind. Action moves to the other guy who winds up playing. He has:
Ks / Kc
So he's got pocket kings. He obviously calls. Here's the flop:
3d / Kh / 8d
So the short stacked guy hits the top pair, but the better off guy has 3 of a kind. Short stacked guy goes all in, better off guy obviously calls him. Now this is what fucking irks me, maybe I'm missing something here, I don't know.
The announcers/play by play guys start lamenting at how bad off the short stacked guy is, because there is no way he can win the hand. For most poker TV shows/specials, they have a little graphic on the left hand side which shows each player's name, what cards they have, and the odds/percentage they have of winning the hand (the percentage changes each time someone folds or the turn/river hits). Right after the flop hit, the percentages went from something like 81% - 19% (in favor of the pocket kings obviously) to 100% - 0% (which was represented by a checkmark for the 100% and a - for the 0%).
Now is it just me, or would the short-stacked all in guy have won the fucking hand if he got two running diamonds (excluding the 8 or 3 of diamonds)? I'm no poker expert, but doesn't a flush fucking beat a three of a kid?
The turn card was a 4 of clubs, so the guy did lose, but I don't understand how they could not only call that wrong, but miss it in editing (or perhaps purposefully ignore it?) too. Am I missing something here?
Kd / 9c
So he has off suit King Nine. He calls the big blind. Action moves to the other guy who winds up playing. He has:
Ks / Kc
So he's got pocket kings. He obviously calls. Here's the flop:
3d / Kh / 8d
So the short stacked guy hits the top pair, but the better off guy has 3 of a kind. Short stacked guy goes all in, better off guy obviously calls him. Now this is what fucking irks me, maybe I'm missing something here, I don't know.
The announcers/play by play guys start lamenting at how bad off the short stacked guy is, because there is no way he can win the hand. For most poker TV shows/specials, they have a little graphic on the left hand side which shows each player's name, what cards they have, and the odds/percentage they have of winning the hand (the percentage changes each time someone folds or the turn/river hits). Right after the flop hit, the percentages went from something like 81% - 19% (in favor of the pocket kings obviously) to 100% - 0% (which was represented by a checkmark for the 100% and a - for the 0%).
Now is it just me, or would the short-stacked all in guy have won the fucking hand if he got two running diamonds (excluding the 8 or 3 of diamonds)? I'm no poker expert, but doesn't a flush fucking beat a three of a kid?
The turn card was a 4 of clubs, so the guy did lose, but I don't understand how they could not only call that wrong, but miss it in editing (or perhaps purposefully ignore it?) too. Am I missing something here?