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Police shoot down Mass. man who killed his sisters on 5-year-old's birthday

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MILTON, Mass. (AP) — A man on a rampage fatally stabbed his 17-year-old sister, decapitated his 5-year-old sister during her birthday party and then headed toward his 9-year-old sister before officers shot him amid what their chief described as "a killing field."

There is no clear motive yet for the events that unfolded about 5 p.m. Saturday in this tony Boston suburb that is also home to Gov. Deval Patrick. But there is no doubt at the carnage wrought by 23-year-old Kerby Revelus against his three sisters in the two-family home they shared with their parents and grandmother.

Bianca was killed as a cake for her 5th birthday sat on the kitchen table. Sarafina, 9, dialed 911 and watched police shoot her brother as her elder sister, Samantha, lay dead on the floor.

Sarafina was hospitalized Sunday at the Boston Medical Center with defensive wounds to her hands and stab wounds in her abdomen and one of her legs.

"In policing, we see the raw human emotion every day, but to think that a human being could afflict such an atrocious, violent act on his own family is unbelievable," Milton police Chief Richard G. Wells Jr. told The Associated Press.

"When I walked up to the first officer (on the scene), I could see the whole story right in his face. This just told me that this was something very bad," Wells said.

Kerby Revelus had recently served jail time on a gun charge, Wells said, but the details would not be released until courts opened Monday. Police had been called to the same house in 2004 after a domestic violence report of Revelus allegedly punching one of the women living in the home, Wells said.

Saturday's attack came about 24 hours after Revelus had gotten into a fistfight with a man living next door, Wells said.

"Blows were exchanged," he said. "I don't know the cause of it, but we're confident that did happen. He had been agitated in the hours that followed that, going into the day and last night."

Investigators believe that Revelus targeted Samantha, a 17-year-old senior at Milton High School, and fatally stabbed her with a household knife while their grandmother was doing laundry in the basement. At the time, the children's parents were away; their mother is a nurse at a Boston hospital, Wells said.

Her identity, as well as that of the father, were not immediately available.

Sarafina, an elementary school student, called 911 just before 5 p.m. An officer on patrol in the neighborhood arrived within a minute, Wells said, and could hear an altercation inside as he reached the second floor. The 911 operator tried to persuade Sarafina to open the door, but when she did not, the officer broke through.

"As the officer entered the door, he decapitated (Bianca) in front of him," said Wells. "He actually walked into a killing field. He walked into such carnage, as far as the atrocity of it, I've never seen it."

Within moments, four officers were inside and two of them shot Revelus as he tried to get to Sarafina, Wells said. He fell still clutching the knife.

Details about the number of shots and who killed Revelus were pending the outcome of an autopsy Sunday.

Jocelyn Ashley, 18, who attended Milton High with Samantha, told The Boston Globe that Kerby Revelus was "a loner," but Samantha was friendly and excited about the prom.

Milton High School Principal John Drottar said Samantha was a member of the poetry club and planned to attend college this fall.

"She was a wonderful young lady, a great student, and just a sweetheart of a kid," Drottar said.

A two-hour grief counseling session was held at the school Sunday afternoon and will be offered Monday to students and employees, he said.

The officers involved in the case were placed on administrative leave and were receiving counseling from the Boston Police Department stress unit, Wells said.

Just saw this. What the fuck @ what the guy did.


Wow. damn

Decapitating your 5yo sister? and the officer walks in just in time to see it go down? That's surreal.

I wonder what the story was.


Damn I was just with my 7-year old cousin and now reading this story makes me feel awful. This kind of people make me wish hell exists.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I tried to picture that in my head and then wished I hadn't.

On her birthday too. So sad.
"As the officer entered the door, he decapitated (Bianca) in front of him," said Wells.

Fuck. I think I'm going to be sick.

I would either totally lose my shit or I would just shoot the guy on the spot. I have a feeling the cop did both.
I can't even comprehend this sort of situation, why anyone could ever be driven to do something so horrible escapes me.

He must've had some severe mental problems.


I got chills reading that. What the fuck is wrong with this dude, decapitating your 5 year old sister? What the fuck is wrong with the world.
That cop is never going to be the same, that's the kind of mental image that would haunt you forever.

And the 9 year old...damn.

What the hell was this kid's problem? I can't imagine his parents/grandmother thought it was a good idea to leave him alone with all the girls.
I didn't know the sisters but I know a few people who did. They're all pretty devastated abut this. Not the news. This is beyond fucked up.


That poor Sarafina girl will never live a normal life. She witnessed the gruesome deaths of all of her siblings. Where the fuck were the parents? Or did I not skim it good enough?


UraMallas said:
That poor Sarafina girl will never live a normal life. She witnessed the gruesome deaths of all of her siblings. Where the fuck were the parents? Or did I not skim it good enough?

It just says they were away, and mentions the mother works as a nurse. Yeah, that poor girl is gonna be scarred for the rest of her life, both physically and emotionally. :(


ah humanity, just when I start to regain even an iota of faith in our race as a whole something like this happens and it goes right back down the shitter.

I mean hell, they may as well have shot the surviving sibling too, would you wanna go through life having seen that ? I know I wouldn't.
So a guy at work is called Kerby, and hes 23 and he lives at or around Milton.

Im pretty sure its not him, but what a crazy coincidence.

Ela Hadrun

Probably plays more games than you
fucking hell this is my hometown my sister is in the older sister's hs class

fucking hell this is why her facebook status said RIP
Fireblend said:
Damn I was just with my 7-year old cousin and now reading this story makes me feel awful. This kind of people make me wish hell exists.

Eternal punishment fits no crime. Obviously this individual had serious, serious mental problems, and whilst that doesn't absolve the crime its no reason to throw around torture fantasy.


Poor guy had to have such demons to drive him to this. I don't think anyone can comprehend what's going through people's minds when things like this happens. Their reality is just... wrong. Poor family to lose people across so many ages in one day.


jamesinclair said:
So a guy at work is called Kerby, and hes 23 and he lives at or around Milton.

Im pretty sure its not him, but what a crazy coincidence.
I'm not sure but I think a picture of the guy was released? If it's not the same person, then wow what a creepy coincidence.

Regarding the possibility that the guy had mental problems: is it just something that isn't studied or reported much, or does it always seem like the dangerous ones don't get identified as potentially dangerously insane, get treated or monitored until something terrible happens?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Decapitating a 5 year old sister...on her birthday. You are one evil motherfucker if you do that. Burn in hell, man.


Theoretical Magician
Wow this is sick. I really feel for the surviving sister as well as the two deceased ones.

Is it just me or has anyone noticed that decapitation seems to have sadly become part of the culture. I mean I don't remember stuff like this happening in the 80's or 90's. Maybe I was just uninformed back then, but I swear I never heard it with the frequency it happens now. I mean it used to reside in the realm of serial killers and such, but never in cases like these or the bus incident up here in Canada.


In novels, when something crazy like this is done, there's at least some sort of complex reasoning behind it all, but what stings doubly about reality in cases like this is that this is probably just a psycho who did it for no real reason than getting a random urge. It really makes you think how fragile life is when it can simply depend on someone else's urge or mindstate.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I heard this on the local news this morning. I'm not surprised that it eventually got posted here, but I just really don't see the point. Are we supposed to have a discussion about this? I'd rather have never even heard about this story. Some things are just too fucked up.
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