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PoliGAF 2016 |OT12| The last days of the Republic

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If the moderators were so in the tank for Clinton, why was this question asked? Questions are supposed to be able to be posed to either candidate.
When you read these transcipts (and this is in every election, not just these), you realize how stupid some of this stuff was.
Is it acceptable for a politician to have a private stance on issues?
Like what the fuck does this mean? What answer are you fishing for?

Because it's not the same as her statement which is probably something like "public positions need to be more broad/generic" vs. talking to people in the industry/etc.
Holy shit


Eighty percent (80%) of voters say they are already certain how they will vote in this election, and among these voters, Clinton posts a 51% to 45% lead. Among the voters who could still change their minds, it’s Clinton 43%, Trump 25%, Johnson 25% and Stein seven percent (7%).
Get out there and try to shame those third party voters guys!


Just like with the TPP. Have you ever asked any of those people why they think it's so terrible? No one will have an answer for you.

The thing is she did fudge her answer about her support of TPP in the first debate. The Lincoln answer, by contrast, was exactly in line with the WikiLeaks transcripts, but no one bothered to read those because holy fuck a candidate for POTUS is bragging about sexually assaulting women.
It's amusing to see how many people were talking shit about her answer, including Trump surrogates, even though what she said was completely accurate. So all these people supposedly "outraged" by the contents of these transcripts, have not actually read them.

Trump laughed at Hillary blaming Abraham Lincoln, but when I first heard people claim that Hillary was saying one thing to one audience and a different thing to another, the first thing I thought of was Abraham Lincoln.

Specifically, what Howard Zinn said in A People's History of the United States:


In his 1858 campaign in Illinois for the Senate against Stephen Douglas, Lincoln spoke differently depending on the views of his listeners (and also perhaps depending on how close it was to the election). Speaking in northern Illinois in July (in Chicago), he said:

"Let us discard all this quibbling about this man and the other man, this race and that race and the other race being inferior, and therefore they must be placed in an inferior position. Let us discard all these things, and unite as one people throughout this land, until we shall once more stand up declaring that all men are created equal."

Two months later in Charleston, in southern Illinois, Lincoln told his audience:

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races (applause); that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people.. . .

And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
It's funny because Sid Blumenthal is a pretty big shitbag and was behind a bunch of the birther/Obama is a muslim/etc. shit in 2008 but he totally fucked it up by including him with Soros and Buffett as if they're equivalent lol

I just think it's funny that really only Poligaf nerds and Fox News junkies can decipher what he means by "You know Sidney Blumenthal, right? Sidney Blumenthal." That means nothing to most people.

I need to find the transcript for that part. I was watching it with normal people and they were lost through that whole section. It was like watching a season 6 episode of Game of Thrones with people who have never watched the show at all.


That Betsy/Sally talk on CNN was nightmarish. Sally's slow descent into madness was well justified. Betsy was just spouting insanity, looking into the camera like that will make it more believable. I feel for non-Trump people, they can't fight crazy.


That Betsy/Sally talk on CNN was nightmarish. Sally's slow descent into madness was well justified. Betsy was just spouting insanity, looking into the camera like that will make it more believable. I feel for non-Trump people, they can't fight crazy.

betsy is really annoying, more than boris.

and i hate boris lol
Trump laughed at Hillary blaming Abraham Lincoln, but when I first heard people claim that Hillary was saying one thing to one audience and a different thing to another, the first thing I thought of was Abraham Lincoln.

Specifically, what Howard Zinn said in A People's History of the United States:


I wonder if even 1 person in 1000 being is aware of any of that. I would be surprised if the extent of most peoples' Lincoln knowledge extends beyond "Freed the slaves", "Assassinated in Ford's Theatre", "Honest Abe". I'm not even sure that most people could provide specifics for any of those topics, honestly.
That Betsy/Sally talk on CNN was nightmarish. Sally's slow descent into madness was well justified. Betsy was just spouting insanity, looking into the camera like that will make it more believable. I feel for non-Trump people, they can't fight crazy.

Ever since I saw Betsy come on the scene I've sensed she has a serious screw loose. Her eyes get glossy and she goes into these ramblings. I don't know why CNN hired her.


I think the most ridiculous example of his bold faced denial of reality got a little lost in the shuffle. After he was asked about his meltdown on twitter in the middle of the night, he denied telling people to check out a sex tape, even though it was only a week ago that he literally tweeted "check out sex tape".


I think the most ridiculous example of his bold faced denial of reality got a little lost in the shuffle. After he was asked about his meltdown on twitter in the middle of the night, he denied telling people to check out a sex tape, even though it was only a week ago that he literally tweeted "check out sex tape".

People were retweeting the hell out of that last night. It won't get play but it's clear he just says shit.
I wonder if even 1 person in 1000 being is aware of any of that. I would be surprised if the extent of most peoples' Lincoln knowledge extends beyond "Freed the slaves", "Assassinated in Ford's Theatre", "Honest Abe". I'm not even sure that most people could provide specifics for any of those topics, honestly.

Anyone who saw the movie should have some context for what she's talking about.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I get Trump threatening to not do the last debate. It is foreign-policy based, and he has been dreadful when it comes to answering those questions.


I wonder if even 1 person in 1000 being is aware of any of that. I would be surprised if the extent of most peoples' Lincoln knowledge extends beyond "Freed the slaves", "Assassinated in Ford's Theatre", "Honest Abe". I'm not even sure that most people could provide specifics for any of those topics, honestly.

Trump's answer with "Honest Abe!" was probably the clearest indicator the guy doesn't know shit about history. Now I want Hillary to find some way to set him up so he says "well Washington owned up to chopping down that cherry tree!"


Kills Photobucket
I get Trump threatening to not do the last debate. It is foreign-policy based, and he has been dreadful when it comes to answering those questions.

Is he actually threatening or implying he won't do it, or is it just rumor mongering like the last two debates?


Haha, yep. I hope the takeaway from all this is that the stink of Trump will forever be on these people, and so their career in commentary or surrogacy is over once November 8th hits.
I look forward to the election being over and Boris, Kayleigh, and Scottie being able to do nothing but show up in magazines and Fox informercials pushing gold and rare coins.


I don't think her Lincoln answer was that good.

First, she just kind of made it sound like all she was talking about was what you emphasize in talking to different people. This wasn't very plausible. She didn't really touch on why the private position had to be private.

Second, sure, we're all okay with a politician being deceptive in order to get evil people to go along with something really good if that's what they have to do. But Clinton's problem is that people don't trust her. Lincoln lied to try to free slaves, preserve the union, etc. People worry that Clinton is lying to help out Wall Street.
Trump's answer with "Honest Abe!" was probably the clearest indicator the guy doesn't know shit about history. Now I want Hillary to find some way to set him up so he says "well Washington owned up to chopping down that cherry tree!"

He followed with "never told a lie".......that was me in maybe 3rd grade.


Damn, the moderators were so good last night. They has a rocky start getting the candidates past the scandal blaming phase, but then they were on-point. Love how they hammered both candidates on Syria.
I don't think her Lincoln answer was that good.

First, she just kind of made it sound like all she was talking about was what you emphasize in talking to different people. This wasn't very plausible. She didn't really touch on why the private position had to be private.

Second, sure, we're all okay with a politician being deceptive in order to get evil people to go along with something really good if that's what they have to do. But Clinton's problem is that people don't trust her. Lincoln lied to try to free slaves, preserve the union, etc. People worry that Clinton is lying to help out Wall Street.

But she's actually more liberal in private.

Like one of the big reveals was her touting Canadian Healthcare,, something she couldn't just come out and say publicly.


It is moderated by Chris Wallace from Fox News.


It's still a foreign policy debate and Trump doesn't know fuck all when it comes to that stuff.

based on polling from every debate so far. It shows Clinton the far and away winner on a lot of things. Especially foreign policy. All Trump will do is shout "Isis" every chance he gets and mention Bengahzi
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