That's cool. I'd love to get more, but paying off debt means I have to budget to get the game.
I actually like the idea of owning digital and then a physical copy. I did that with MGSV and God of War. With MGS I had the CE, a regular copy, and a digital copy including all the DLC. I wanted to support MGS because I was super excited for its release. Here was what I had: I sent a very good friend of mine who lives very far away my day-one edition.
I wanted the pin with Spider-Man, but I didn't have the extra $20 to spend when I had the credit to get Spider-Man. With God of War my wife can play it while I can play the digital version.
I still haven't gotten anything for the physical pin that digital preorders receive for the deluxe edition of God of War. The Spider-Man pin looks cool.