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(PR) Eidos Announces Release Date for ShellShock: Nam '67

August 04, 2004 09:13 AM US Eastern Timezone

Eidos Announces Release Date for ShellShock: Nam '67; ShellShock: Nam '67 to hit retail on Friday 3rd September in Europe and 14th September in North America

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 4, 2004--Eidos, one of the world's leading publishers and developers of entertainment software, announces that the highly anticipated ShellShock: Nam '67(TM) will be released in Europe on 3rd September and North America on 14th September. ShellShock: Nam '67 is an action game based on the Vietnam War. Developed by Guerrilla, it will be available on PlayStation 2, Xbox and PC.

ShellShock: Nam '67 depicts the reality of the Vietnam War for the first time in a video game. You take on the role of a rookie soldier on his first tour of duty as he experiences the fear and chaos of the most controversial war of modern times. From napalm bombardments and Viet Cong booby traps, to the permanent threat of invisible foes and deadly ambushes, ShellShock: Nam '67 delivers a realistic portrayal of the terror of combat.

Jonathan Kemp, European managing director of Eidos says:

"ShellShock: Nam '67 is an important release for Eidos, especially as it is the first game of what will hopefully prove to be a very successful franchise. We are giving the game significant marketing support across all media, and in conjunction with the very positive press coverage already received, we are confident that ShellShock: Nam '67 will perform strongly at retail."
I hope this game is better than people in that thread a few weeks ago were suggesting. Sounded pretty bad going by what they said. I'm still looking forward to it just because of their approach at depicting the war.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
^ indeed (even the new review code). Looks and plays pretty good in the first 3 or 4 missions but then it starts to fall apart.

As for the approach at depicting the war, well, it's full of cliché stuff and the hub camp base is a joke. No sense of responsability towards your comrades (they are immortal and can do the job for you while you smoke a sigaret behind a rock) actually kills any strategic value they could have ment.
bunkum said:
Interestingly SCi moved Conflict: Vietnam to 3rd September, far superior game ;)

Not if they haven't fixed the broken controls from the previous Conflict games. The graphics were pretty good, but fighting with the controls to do simple things, really killed it for me.


sonycowboy said:
Not if they haven't fixed the broken controls from the previous Conflict games. The graphics were pretty good, but fighting with the controls to do simple things, really killed it for me.

Looks like they have :)

Another big improvement is the revised control scheme. A previously used weapon or a grenade can be pulled out with a single button press rather than having to open up the character inventory. There's also a slew of new commands that allow one character to order another to do things such as pick up an item, provide cover fire, guard a civilian, destroy a vehicle and more. Conflict fans will be especially happy to hear that downed characters can call for someone to come and heal them, so you no longer need to perform that mad search for a dying soldier.

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