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Project Altered Beast homepage

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
this game has been bounced around for some time. maybe sega can get it right this time around. can't say i'm hopeful for it turning out well, but i'd love to be wrong.


I'm a big fan of the first game. don't like what i've seen so far. it's still basicly a modified Zombies Revenge follow-up :/
Mejilan said:

what is so "Hideos" about it. The graphics aren't that bad. The character design doesn't look like th old 2d game, instead they look like Silent Hill or Resident Evil, but then we knew they were going for the more cliched videogame horror aspect. this games has potential to be a good beatem up.

Ill Saint

Why is everyone so pessimistic about this game? It doesn't look that bad at all, in my opinion. Is it just the norm for gamers to be so jaded?

I for one, am remaining optimistic about it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
It doesn't look like AB. It looks generic as all fook. It doesn't look like AB. The last AB game (GBA) was terrrrrrible. It doesn't like like AB.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I know, but Sega's been pure ass for the last I-don't-know-how-many-games anyway. I have little faith in this newest AB.

I liked the original AB. It was an awesome way to show off the Genesis at first, was a fun arcade game for its time, and kicked ass on the SMS. I don't know why, but I liked the SMS version the best.
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