That's "Bros" as in "bros," not the the eighties pop combo.
Prose with Bros is a game for your iDevice that's available both free with ads, or for $2 without them. In it, you're given 50 random words from a pool of 1,100, and you have to construct some kind of sentence, poem, or text from them. Someone else is given exactly the same 50 words, and they do the same thing. The app then reads it out to you, so you can put in pauses and stuff for effect. Like this.
Then, for the next 24 hours, other users of the app vote on your sentences and decide whose is funnier, or cleverer. The winner, well, wins. You can also give kudos if you really like them.
It sounds simple enough, but almost instantly the game has become pretty much "make the dirtiest sentence you can with the words you're given." You don't have to be dirty, but there's a lot of filth.
Which is amazing, and I have never laughed so much at an iOS app before. Maybe it's a sign of my immaturity, but hey, I don't care. It's hilarious! And it's creative as hell, because there are actually no rude words in the app at all. I was voting on some earlier and was faced with the phrase "wobbly milk bubbles" and it nearly killed me!
I also used the phrase "puny love cannon" earlier on, and I've never ever been prouder than when I constructed the sentence "all shall kiss my crack, only you cunningly poke beef up in there."
It's time for some prose, GAF. WITH YO BROS.
Usernames in this thread!