Went to knock out my Issac daily this morning and I couldn't connect to the network. This is the error code that pops up on the console when I run the connection test, it fails to connect to the internet.
My router is running just fine, and all other home devices are connected and functioning properly. Tried rebooting the router anyways, but it didn't help.
Went on to official support site and this error code doesn't even show up on there at all. A general Google search doesn't return any results either.
Gaf halp, I live for my Issac and Spire dailies and my pc is long dead.
My router is running just fine, and all other home devices are connected and functioning properly. Tried rebooting the router anyways, but it didn't help.
Went on to official support site and this error code doesn't even show up on there at all. A general Google search doesn't return any results either.
Gaf halp, I live for my Issac and Spire dailies and my pc is long dead.