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[PSA] Super Mario and the Rainbow Stars Demo Available Now

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member

Link to the demo download (pc required)

Watched this last night and wanted to give folks here a heads up in case this gets obliterated from orbit.

Full credit to VGEsoterica VGEsoterica for a great find (or rather passing on the find from one of their followers) and another great video!
Pulled the demo down myself but have not had a chance to give it a go.

The video does a great job showing off some really creative design work and mechanics (well...you know...running and jumping etc).

*searched for a thread for this but came up empty. Mods stomp this like a koopa if its a repeat.
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Gold Member
The font and the lifebar are so far from what Nintendo would do, though.
And those backgrounds are meh.

I guess it’s good, but I can’t imagine it being Nintendo-good.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Lovely spritework, wonder if the gameplay mechanics and level design are just as good.


Gold Member
Yoshi's island targeting needed to progress constantly, not losing power ups when taking damage, random blocks not breaking but also not hiding coins or power ups when they don't. It looks okay, probably would have been an amazing GBA game but some of the design choices aren't what I want from 2D Mario.


The bear of bad news
The Best New Mario Game in Years Isn't Made by Nintendo! Super Mario and the Rainbow Stars

Why do devs waste their time with this shit? Nintendo is going to nuke it from orbit. Just make your own characters ffs

Exactly, it's so stupid. All you have to do is come up with some original character designs and now you're a Mario-style tribute game that you can actually release and make money on instead of a demo that will get hit with a cease & desist sometime around... now.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Releasing a demo of this is a surefire way to ensure a full game will never be made. I’m sure the devs know this, too. They must not really care to finish the project, cause they’re gonna get C&D’d pronto.

El Muerto

Gold Member
This demo is legit fun. Feels like a Mario game we should of got. Only way for this project to survive is to have a torrent for it. Websites get taken down but torrents are forever.


Played it for a bit and VGE is correct, this is brilliant. The Intro bit and tutorial take a *long* time but it's actually funny and worth watching. It's different from regular Mario games and feels more like an adventure platformer because the game puts more emphasis on story and presentation, like in the Paper Mario games or Mario & Luigi, especially visually.
This is labour of love and you should try it.


At this point you have to be an absolute idiot to develop anything with registered/copyrighted IPs, SPECIALLY nintendo! At least sony asked nicely to the bloodborne kart folks, but nintendo is the king of cease & desist.

Why oh why do it with freaking mario?!?! What are they thinking?!?!?
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