Console release date for ST: Extermination with VR support.
Could be, that was my first assumption, but there are a few reasons to doubt that. 1. Starship Troopers is published by Offworld Industries (Sony Tristar is doing the licensing but aren't producing) and there not a lot of reasons why Sony Pictures VR would need to involve itself in publishing or promoting if Offworld wanted to add a VR mode to its existing upcoming game. 2. ST Extermination is a multiplayer FPS, and those rarely get VR options. 3. ST Extermination runs on UE5, which can wirk in VR but is still hard to cut down to this spec, especially in a full-scale 16p enemy-filled battle game like this.
Still, maybe? Or maybe its that, but different? Like i could see if Sony Pictures VR (which is not a high-budget studio as Sony Corp studios go, ala this very video,) employed Offworldto do a separate minigame or demo level or something, similar to EA's SW BF Rogue One VR, where they could reuse some assets but make a cost-effective new product to co-promote?