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Publisher wondering about emulation solutions


Since NeoGAF is made up of the smartest minds in the industry, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

I work at a small publisher and we are playing with the notion of releasing some old SNES titles on PSN. And unfortunately, source code for at least some of the isn't available.

Writing an emulator isn't out of the question, but I'm wondering if there is a good third party SNES-->PS3/PS4 emulation solution that we can purchase, license, or use open source (ideally, something that's already been used in approved PSN products) to save us some of the heavy lifting.

Any thoughts hugely appreciated!


1- This thread is in the wrong place.
2- It's not possible, at all, to play or facilitate the playing of SNES games on PSN without the original publisher consent. In fact, it's their prerogative.
3- If you're part of said publsher, well, you can try to use a typical open source mulator from around the net and suit it for your needs. I think every emulator is open source?
Sorry about the wrong placement. I don't spend enough time on GAF anymore! Should this have gone in the gaming discussion?

Yes, this would be IP we have a legal right to publish. Should have specified. :)

I was hoping someone could suggest a tried and true emulator. I know a bunch of companies have released their SNES content on PSN and was hoping someone could offer hints from the experience.
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