Ned Flanders
It's my new bedroom set in preparation for the coming console flood. I put it on layaway because I was at Wal-Mart and the guy told me that they only had 2 left in the back and that they'd be discontinuing carrying them once they had sold through (a nearly identitcal 28" model seems to have taken its place). I didn't have the cash on me, and rather than risk losing it I decided to put it on layaway.
I got a great's advertised as $598 on the website but the store had been selling it at $567. To top that off, they almost didn't let me put it on layaway because it was listed as a clearance item. The clerk who hooked me up with the set swore to the layaway lady that it wasn't on clearance, and when they checked with the manager he ok'd the sale and I got it for $549, less than the price of the identical 28"!!!
While waiting to get the layaway set up, I was tempted by an open-box 4:3 32" Panasonic Tau HD set they had sitting out. It was selling for $647 (down a lil over a hundy) and looked it fine condition minus the dust. I currently own a 27" Tau set and couldn't like it more aside from the fact that it's not HD. The downside to the set was that it didn't have the HD tuner built in, but then again I don't have HD service anyway, least not yet...
So did I make the smart move? I figure that even if I replace it down the road a year or two that it will still be a great TV to have given that the HD tuner is built in. I was debating the 4:3/16:9 issue (especially when I saw that Tau) but I think all the widescreen shots of the upcoming console games steadied my decision. It probably won't be long before I'm lusting for something 720p/1080p capable, but I figure this will hold me for a year or two until prices come down, besides I've gotten the general impression here that the difference between 720p and 1080i is mostly negligible to the majority of people. But regardless, I couldn't allow myself to bring home an X360 without some kind of HDTV there to do it justice. Problem solved.
It's my new bedroom set in preparation for the coming console flood. I put it on layaway because I was at Wal-Mart and the guy told me that they only had 2 left in the back and that they'd be discontinuing carrying them once they had sold through (a nearly identitcal 28" model seems to have taken its place). I didn't have the cash on me, and rather than risk losing it I decided to put it on layaway.
I got a great's advertised as $598 on the website but the store had been selling it at $567. To top that off, they almost didn't let me put it on layaway because it was listed as a clearance item. The clerk who hooked me up with the set swore to the layaway lady that it wasn't on clearance, and when they checked with the manager he ok'd the sale and I got it for $549, less than the price of the identical 28"!!!
While waiting to get the layaway set up, I was tempted by an open-box 4:3 32" Panasonic Tau HD set they had sitting out. It was selling for $647 (down a lil over a hundy) and looked it fine condition minus the dust. I currently own a 27" Tau set and couldn't like it more aside from the fact that it's not HD. The downside to the set was that it didn't have the HD tuner built in, but then again I don't have HD service anyway, least not yet...
So did I make the smart move? I figure that even if I replace it down the road a year or two that it will still be a great TV to have given that the HD tuner is built in. I was debating the 4:3/16:9 issue (especially when I saw that Tau) but I think all the widescreen shots of the upcoming console games steadied my decision. It probably won't be long before I'm lusting for something 720p/1080p capable, but I figure this will hold me for a year or two until prices come down, besides I've gotten the general impression here that the difference between 720p and 1080i is mostly negligible to the majority of people. But regardless, I couldn't allow myself to bring home an X360 without some kind of HDTV there to do it justice. Problem solved.