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Put some "W Ketchup" on those Freedom Fries!

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Republicans launch 'W ketchup'

First there were "freedom fries" - for patriotic Americans who couldn't stomach the French version because of their opposition to the war in Iraq.

Now there's "W" ketchup to dip them in.

The W apparently stands for Washington after the nation's first president - but the manufacturers are throwing their weight behind George W Bush's bid for re-election.

In an appeal to Republicans, the sauce's website says "you don't support Democrats, why should your ketchup?"

That is a reference to Teresa Heinz Kerry - wife of the Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

She inherited a fortune from her former husband Senator John Heinz, who died in a plane crash in 1991.
BBC News

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This would've been funny 2 years ago...and even then would've only been mildly funny. Though, wouldn't this be catsup instead of ketchup? Its important questions like this that weigh on my mind each day.


Old. And still bereft of humor.

Hmm... quite a lot in common with the Neo-Con Axis of Power in charge of our Barely United States of America! Old and not funny, yep that's them.


sometimes i wish aliens invaded the earth and started killing us. it'd take something like that for us to unite.

Musashi Wins!

nitewulf said:
sometimes i wish aliens invaded the earth and started killing us. it'd take something like that for us to unite.

No, then a bunch of us would just hand out salt and catsup to the aliens until it was our turn.


nitewulf said:
sometimes i wish aliens invaded the earth and started killing us. it'd take something like that for us to unite.

Yep, we'll all stand united to boycott E.T., and buy 10 copies of Independence Day, each. That'll show them aliens.
nitewulf said:
sometimes i wish aliens invaded the earth and started killing us. it'd take something like that for us to unite.
I believe Reagan said some things alone those lines, except in a more optimistic and fancified way.
Considering that Teresa Heinz Kerry has less than a 4% share of the actual Heinz company, and that the actual Heinz company has in the past donated to republicans I'd call this one of the most foolish things I've seen all day. If it wasn't for the fact the childish political ketchup is old. Still funny though ... but in a "jebus that's lame" sort of way.


nitewulf said:
sometimes i wish aliens invaded the earth and started killing us. it'd take something like that for us to unite.

They can take out the US first then we'd unite against the genocidal aliens. :)
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