I have hundreds of pages I'd like to make into a "book" of sorts... Most vertical, some in a landscape spread, two at a time... That I would like to organize in a PDF file, with the chapters linked in a list at the left so I can click the chapter of choice and skip straight to it. Since I'll be reading this "book" on a computer, I would also like to set it so it's zoomed a certain amount, and retains that zoom when I open the PDF. Does anyone know how to do this? I've paginated the pages so that the filenames are easy to track ("Ch 001 - 01," "Ch 001 - 02," etc). I would like to have the list at the left broken down by volume, and then within each volume, the chapters.
Anyone know how to do any of this? I see this done with budget reports where it's broken down as such and would like to do it myself. Any tips?
Anyone know how to do any of this? I see this done with budget reports where it's broken down as such and would like to do it myself. Any tips?