DCX said:Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? It's something i have been wondering for a long time. Conventional thinking and America's general opinion would be no, but is it possible? Honestly. Why not?
GAF Discuss
Diablos said:You know, DCX, I'm what they call very frank and earnest with women. In Chicago, I'm Frank. In New York, I'm Earnest!
Well, define "love." Depending on what it means to you...yeah, sure, you could probably have that feeling for multiple people.DCX said:Is it possible to be in love with two people at the same time? It's something i have been wondering for a long time. Conventional thinking and America's general opinion would be no, but is it possible? Honestly. Why not?
Dubya said:Too many O-B-G-Y-N's aren't able to practice their, their love with women all across this country.'
Huh? How did you get gay from that? I posted the question to aply to anyone gay/straight/mutant...i'm in a situation that poses this very question and the people i talk to have a certain opinion and i'm just trying to get a broader scope of opinion out there from my fellow GAF members...Willco said:Are you gay or something?
Yeah i know, but hey a nugget might slip here and there, and i know this group might let one slipdeadlifter said:I can't believe this made me laugh :lol
Asking for a serious thread on GAF is just inviting more comical responses
Yup. Just Google for "gangbang."DCX said:Is it possible to love two people at the same time?
DCX said:Huh? How did you get gay from that? I posted the question to aply to anyone gay/straight/mutant...i'm in a situation that poses this very question and the people i talk to have a certain opinion and i'm just trying to get a broader scope of opinion out there from my fellow GAF members...
In this case it's not a physical thing, it's love in the sense that you can lead a very productive life with either choice although one choice makes more sense in a traditional sense ( less risks ) than the other where the payoff is huge and possible eternal happiness but yet it's not easy to make ( more risk ). Something I'm struggling to deal with.The Shadow said:I think so, yes. In most instances of cheating, it's more of a physical desire but I think in rare cases someone can be in love with two people.
DCX said:In this case it's not a physical thing, it's love in the sense that you can lead a very productive life with either choice although one choice makes more sense in a traditional sense ( less risks ) than the other where the payoff is huge and possible eternal happiness but yet it's not easy to make ( more risk ). Something I'm struggling to deal with.
DCX said:In this case it's not a physical thing, it's love in the sense that you can lead a very productive life with either choice although one choice makes more sense in a traditional sense ( less risks ) than the other where the payoff is huge and possible eternal happiness but yet it's not easy to make ( more risk ). Something I'm struggling to deal with.
:lol Man...the situation in a nut shell is I'm in love with a woman who is married. We were friends for a while, her marriage has never been good, actually has been very, very bad...abuse involved etc. She eventually did leave him and we starting a relationship...due to his attacks, pressures from both of us...responsiblites to her children etc...not to mention she wants all possibilities exhausted in making her marriage work....she went back...we stay in touch, she talks about her making a mistake etc...but mentally i think it's hard to let go of 10 years of your life...so she is in this dilemma where I believe she loves both of us, but is IN love with me....and not with him...it's deeper than this, but that's the Cliff Notes version...Willco said:The only time I ever hear of something like this is when a guy has a thing with a girl and is attracted to a guy. I mean, if you're gay, then you should just come out with it. Y'know?
DCX said::lol Man...the situation in a nut shell is I'm in love with a woman who is married. We were friends for a while, her marriage has never been good, actually has been very, very bad...abuse involved etc. She eventually did leave him and we starting a relationship...due to his attacks, pressures from both of us...responsiblites to her children etc...not to mention she wants all possibilities exhausted in making her marriage work....she went back...we stay in touch, she talks about her making a mistake etc...but mentally i think it's hard to let go of 10 years of your life...so she is in this dilemma where I believe she loves both of us, but is IN love with me....and not with him...it's deeper than this, but that's the Cliff Notes version...
Easier said than done, she is my soul mate....people go entire lifetimes trying to find "The One" what would you do if she can't be had? Do you settle for less knowing you won't be happy? It's the situation i'm faced with...Willco said:In this situation you should dump both and go watch a movie.
DCX said:Easier said than done, she is my soul mate....people go entire lifetimes trying to find "The One" what would you do if she can't be had? Do you settle for less knowing you won't be happy? It's the situation i'm faced with...
Hmmm...why trouble? Explain.The Shadow said:Oh...in that case it's not the same kind of love....
My advice, women like that are trouble.
I'm not having doubts, you misinterpreted, she IS my soul mate but right now she isn't availible...is there a chance yes, but what if?Willco said:She's obviously not your soul mate if you're having doubts.
DCX said:I'm not having doubts, you misinterpreted, she IS my soul mate but right now she isn't availible...is there a chance yes, but what if?
Well, she isn't available because she is married...the person who is in love with two people is not me, but her...she loves me and her husband...Willco said:Wait, so is either of them available?
And you can't have a soul mate until someone likes you back. You just have a crush. Those are nice.
I think you should forget both of 'em, grab a bowl of popcorn and watch some re-runs of Seinfeld.
don't listen to this man. you are trash. you deserve nothing but her castaways. you are her dumpster and that is all you will ever be.Goreomedy said:Listen to Shadow and Willco.
Sounds like this woman wants you to fulfill everything in her life that her husband doesn't provide. But he gives her enough that she's not willing to leave.
Maybe you deserve better than that?
DCX said::lol Man...the situation in a nut shell is I'm in love with a woman who is married. We were friends for a while, her marriage has never been good, actually has been very, very bad...abuse involved etc. She eventually did leave him and we starting a relationship...due to his attacks, pressures from both of us...responsiblites to her children etc...not to mention she wants all possibilities exhausted in making her marriage work....she went back...we stay in touch, she talks about her making a mistake etc...but mentally i think it's hard to let go of 10 years of your life...so she is in this dilemma where I believe she loves both of us, but is IN love with me....and not with him...it's deeper than this, but that's the Cliff Notes version...
I do deserve better but that brings me to my previous question. If you found "the one", the one woman who can bring true happiness, someone you can grow old with....would you move on and settle for significantly less than that? Or would you do what you can to have the person you truly want. For example, a shitty one i might add, if you have $35 and can only buy one game this year...if you wait you can get $20 and get GTA or HALO 2 would you wait or get something to tide you over so to speak...Goreomedy said:Listen to Shadow and Willco.
Sounds like this woman wants you to fulfill everything in her life that her husband doesn't provide. But he gives her enough that she's not willing to leave.
Maybe you deserve better than that?
...well i have been this to her, and as the days go by it seems more and more that this will be what we will be for each other...*sigh* this feeling is worse than death IMO i would never wish this upon my worst enemies, what's worst? To love and lose or never loved at all....how about to love someone you can't be with...Aby said:You can be soul mates but never be together. You can be just friends. And be happy like that.
To be soul mates doesn't necessarely implies to be in love or/and to have a serious relationship or whatever.
It can be just to be best friends.
Soul mates can also prefer to be alone and they will still be happy and understand each other and enjoy being together once in a while just as friends.
You must enjoy to see your sould mate happy or at least respect her choice if that's what she wants.... even if I think she is doing the wrong choice.
Maybe you will never get to live together so? It's ok, you know she is there. And you are there for her. That's what counts. Why suffer and hoping for something that may not happen? If it does cool if not, too bad. But keep in touch.
Good luck.
I really believe this with all my heart, i really don't think her decision to go back was based on him...it's was based on her kids/responsiblites. The pressure and stress didn't allow her to be herself, she couldn't be the person she really is or the mother she could be...it also caused her to miscarry our child...i do admire her, she is strong....maybe she is regrouping...i really doubt she was ready to let go...maybe someday she will be...levious said:she loves you, but her love for her family as a unit may outweigh it. Tough break guy. If you really love her, be whatever she needs you to be and always place her family first in your decisions.
Everyone's quick to criticize the woman... yet I admire her devotion to her kids. Maybe you two can find a solution, it'll take time I'm sure.
agreed, to my defense i didn't pursue a relationship until she left him....and i didn't think she would return...the risks were still there thoughWillco said:Let me tell you from what I've learned from other mistakes.
Relationships with married people don't mix and can only result in problems. Horrible problems!
levious said:I admire her devotion to her kids. Maybe you two can find a solution, it'll take time I'm sure.
I do deserve better but that brings me to my previous question. If you found "the one", the one woman who can bring true happiness, someone you can grow old with....would you move on and settle for significantly less than that? Or would you do what you can to have the person you truly want. For example, a shitty one i might add, if you have $35 and can only buy one game this year...if you wait you can get $20 and get GTA or HALO 2 would you wait or get something to tide you over so to speak...
DCX said:agreed, to my defense i didn't pursue a relationship until she left him....and i didn't think she would return...the risks were still there though
Willco said:if I were you, I would distance myself from this person, grab a bowl of popcorn and watch Lost.
DCX said:...well i have been this to her, and as the days go by it seems more and more that this will be what we will be for each other...*sigh* this feeling is worse than death IMO i would never wish this upon my worst enemies, what's worst? To love and lose or never loved at all....how about to love someone you can't be with...
:lolMermandala said:at best you're looking at the lovelorn life of a courtisan troubadour.
worse is the more modern liquor and firearms jailtime.
she has already gone back so snip the heartstrings now or become a crazy gay "uncle".
It's interesting to listen to these opinions becuase some pople will just discount it and say if you have the ability to love someone else while in love, then you don't really love the other person...becuase it's just black and white....90% of things on this earth is grey.Zaptruder said:Sure; one person can more passionately and intimiately love two or more people, giving each individual effection and love greater than what another person can muster for a single person.
Although, the former can no longer maintain that his love is intimately exclusive.
-jinx- said:Well, the Greeks had four different words for four different types of love:
agape (spiritual love)
storge (familial love)
philia (love between friends)
eros (sexual love)
That's not the only thing that is inappropriate about them!!!JoshuaJSlone said:If that's accurate, pedophilia and necrophilia seem very inappropriate words.
DCX said:It's interesting to listen to these opinions becuase some pople will just discount it and say if you have the ability to love someone else while in love, then you don't really love the other person...becuase it's just black and white....90% of things on this earth is grey.
Agreed. Well i didn't really want to get into a discussing on what was going on with me, but just a question i wondered what people thought about. Again i have no control over her end of the situation...i have to play my position and right now my position is to be her friend, her support and strength. I have to accept the fact that right NOW...she is there and that is what it is...despite what i feel from her, despite how we talk positive or not ( in regards of US ) i can't take it and run with it. I'll update this thread as things develop one way or another...thanks to eveyone for thier comments, serious and funny Wish me luckZaptruder said:Well think about it this way.
If love is a function of effort and energy and all that jazz, than it's very possible for some people to devote more of their beings to loving then another person.
But on the otherhand, you can't devote all the love you can give to a single person if you try to share it two or more people.
But love is a little more complex than that. And it's definetly a little more complex than black and white.
Yeah six months...well i left her alone for a few months to let her do what she needs to do to fix her relationship or not...we didn't talk we haven't seen each other until recently...but i have been very cautious and i'm stronger now than six months ago. I delt with life without her...no contact no nothing and i didn't die, so i guess i could deal with a lifetime of it if need be. Again, i'm smarter, and more " prepared " to deal with this...she also has realized that he hasn't changed etc, etc...so i think with time things will sort themselves out, but i respect your opinion.Cyan said:Urk. I remember this.
I'm going to say the same thing I said the last time you posted about this: leave it. Forget her. As you've seen, she's not going to leave her husband. Give it up already. What was it, like 6 months ago you posted about this before? Maybe even more? And nothing has changed.
I know you don't want to hear this, but just leave now and spare yourself years of heartache.