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Question for ipod owners...

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I recently ran into a bit of money and I was thinking of buying one. The only problem is that I still use Mindows ME,(yes you can laugh) so I can't install iTunes. Can I use something like ephpod to handle all of the synching and things I need to do with it or should I upgrade to xp so I can get itunes?

Since your looking at this anyway, how do you store your music files on the Ipod? Like mp3 or ACC and at what kbps.


Yeah, iTunes needs 2000/XP, EphPod - I believe - doesn't. But to be honest, short of it being an operating system issue (like your situation), I never understood the "EphPod > iTunes" argument, or, really the argument that there was anything terribly wrong with iTunes. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to lean towards using the software that was designed specifically for the hardware in question whenever possible.

I'm sure someone will chime in with a better answer.

Anyway, AAC is probably the better format to use for any stuff you may encode in the future. It's arguably smaller than an equivalent MP3, and the audio quality really does not suffer; it's, by all accounts, better than MP3 anyway. I use 128kbps/AAC for most of my stuff, spoken word gets bumped down a notch. No, the format, like MP3 isn't lossless, but I'm also not the type to throw a fit if it isn't perfect. I contend that if you want audio that pristine, you probably don't have an MP3/AAC/OGG/whatever player anyway. ;)

Also make sure you have a Firewire port handy, if not that, obviously USB 2.0. The latter cable, at least as of late December when I got mine, was sold seperately.


I think I had used Musicmatch when I first got my iPod, because iTunes wasnt available yet for a PC. MM worked pretty well. I am not sure of the other programs out there.

Good Luck, and enjoy.


Like xsarien, I truly do prefer iTunes especially with its party shuffle feature for playing music on my computer. I also use it to sync up my iPod and add music to it. Before iTunes was available, ePhpod was indeed my program of choice for syncing. Friends of mine with much slower PC's have the tendency to use Ephpod as an alternative to iTunes as iTunes does indeed take up a lot of processing power to run. On older machines, it even takes a couple of seconds to start up and load. If you can't use iTunes because of winME, just go with ephpod. It's not worth the whole OS upgrade. However, to be quite frank, if you can upgrade to XP, you should based solely on the fact that winME really sucks. I don't reccommend it unless you have 512 megs of ram however.
Just a little warning, new iPods will probably be introduced around September/October. Then again, if you have the money now, I'd just buy one now. Waiting sucks.
Idle Will Kill said:
Just a little warning, new iPods will probably be introduced around September/October. Then again, if you have the money now, I'd just buy one now. Waiting sucks.

Will the new iPods be that much different from the ones that are out now or will it be subtle changes?


I use Xplay, that enables me to drag and drop folders to create new playlist.
Really easy, and I don't use Itune.

You can go buy one !


Idle Will Kill said:
Just a little warning, new iPods will probably be introduced around September/October. Then again, if you have the money now, I'd just buy one now. Waiting sucks.

wtf! I was thinking about popping into the apple store later this week and picking one up. Details man details!
hooo said:
btw, why are you interested in an ipod over other hard drive players?

I'm really just looking for the best mp3 hard driver player that I can get. It doesn't have to be an ipod, although it certainly seems that apple is the leader in that category. Nothing else really jumps out at me except maybe the iRiver 20 gig one but I haven't heard anyone talk about it at all.

Thanks to anyone who contributed.


I did a lot of research on MP3 players before Christmas and I ended up deciding on a Rio Karma. I've been nothing but happy with it. At one point, I was all set on getting an iPod, but it really didn't seem worth it compared to the Karma. A 20 GB Karma is like $100 less than a 20 GB iPod. The Karma has twice the battery life, and from what I read in reviews it is supposed to have better sound as well. The Karma's menus are also extremely easy to navigate. They're both pretty small... the iPod is thinner but taller, whereas the Karma is shorter but a little bit wider. The only thing that the iPod really has over it is style. If that means more to you than performance and cost, go for it. But I wouldn't just buy an iPod because it's popular. Go out and compare it to other MP3 players.


Wellington said:
wtf! I was thinking about popping into the apple store later this week and picking one up. Details man details!
my guess: increased capacity, more PDA-type features, color screen, colored units (for standard ipod) larger capacity ipod minis, possible claims of increased battery life, interface innovations, new itunes. i don't think it's worth holding your breath over. if you pick up a cheap model today i doubt you'll be kicking yourself in a few months.
Wellington said:
wtf! I was thinking about popping into the apple store later this week and picking one up. Details man details!

There will probably be an update to the iPods later this year, with the top of the line going to 60GB. I can't be sure, but I'm fairly certain there will be new features as well, and probably at least some what of a re-design. Rumored features include some kind of video capabilities (though not playback on the iPod itself, rather a video out port that you could plug into a television).

Check out the MacRumors.com buyers guide: http://buyersguide.macrumors.com/

Three products are listed as "Don't Buy - Updates soon." Two of those, the Apple LCD displays and iMac, are heavily rumored to be updated a week from tomorrow at Apple's WWDC event (mostly likely the iMac G5 will be unveiled). The other is the iPod (small chance of an update at WWDC, Apple will probably hold a seperate iPod press conference when they are to be updated).
fart said:
my guess: increased capacity, more PDA-type features, color screen, colored units (for standard ipod) larger capacity ipod minis, possible claims of increased battery life, interface innovations, new itunes. i don't think it's worth holding your breath over. if you pick up a cheap model today i doubt you'll be kicking yourself in a few months.

I'd have to say there won't be a color screen. Also iPod minis probably won't be updated, Apple can't even keep them in stock they are selling so well, so there is little reason to change them. Increased battery life is very likely.


Rumored features include some kind of video capabilities (though not playback on the iPod itself, rather a video out port that you could plug into a television).
i believe this news. i also believe that it's completely worthless and will hit battery life.

i'm guessing on the color screen for iphoto integration (there are some new color tfts that don't eat up much more power than the grays that are being used in mp3 players right now)

you're probably right on the minis. i'm guessing on the increase in capacity only because there are some new mini drives. if they're selling so well right now apple would definitely put off integrating them into the product though.

i'm doubtful of increased battery life simply because the current units are spec'ed to some ridiculously unrealistic number like 8 hours or something already and actually increasing battery life would mean admitting that current models can't hit 8 hours. what i think is more likely is a silent reduction of current draw such that the new models come closer to hitting their specs.
Yea, I think it's worthless too, and Steve Jobs has repeated time after time that video playback on the actual iPod is not the direction they are going in. There are many substantial rumors though that the new iPods will have some kind of video capability.

I am personally happy with my 30 GB iPod that is music only. I probably won't get a new iPod until this one breaks.


Think carefully why video playback would be a feature you'd use much less than you realize.

When you're listening to music, you can keep on walking. When you're watching a movie, you have to sit down unless you like bumping into people.

(To put it in a nutshell.)
Plus who wants to watch a movie on a 2 inch screen? I think it's an utterly retarded idea and expect Apple to come up with an actual useful/cool way to use video on an iPod.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>I'm really just looking for the best mp3 hard driver player that I can get. It doesn't have to be an ipod, although it certainly seems that apple is the leader in that category. Nothing else really jumps out at me except maybe the iRiver 20 gig one but I haven't heard anyone talk about it at all.<<<

I'm waiting for the next series of price adjustments, (after 4th gen iPod hits) but iRiver has moved to the top of my list lately. The analog and digital line in/line out plugs alone make it better than iPod, IMO. It also seems to have better onboard DACs. Having over twice the battery life is just a bonus. The only advantage iPod has is its face controls, but I'll mostly be using my HD music player in my car and at home with the remote, and iRiver has a better remote.

An annoying downside of getting an iRiver would be having to re-rip my entire music collection from the CDs and then re-organize it. Right now, I'm listening to 320kbps AAC, (off my laptop) and I'd be using 320kbps WMA with the iRiver. Hopefully, I can buy a portable HD player that has 200GB+ capacity within the next few years so I can listen to everything I want with lossless compression.


composite video out could go on the dock i guess.. too brusque for apple though

i wouldn't be surprised if the updated ipod has a more useful remote. that's something simple that would increase value for a couple bucks in manufacturing

also, i have an iriver (which i use and abuse basically 24/7). if you have any questions about it, fire away

DJ Sl4m

pops619 said:
I did a lot of research on MP3 players before Christmas and I ended up deciding on a Rio Karma. I've been nothing but happy with it. At one point, I was all set on getting an iPod, but it really didn't seem worth it compared to the Karma. A 20 GB Karma is like $100 less than a 20 GB iPod. The Karma has twice the battery life, and from what I read in reviews it is supposed to have better sound as well. The Karma's menus are also extremely easy to navigate. They're both pretty small... the iPod is thinner but taller, whereas the Karma is shorter but a little bit wider. The only thing that the iPod really has over it is style. If that means more to you than performance and cost, go for it. But I wouldn't just buy an iPod because it's popular. Go out and compare it to other MP3 players.


I have an Ipod and a Creative Zen NX 60 gig, and the iPod is easily second tier to the Zen.

The sound output isn't that clean, the battery life is almost half of the Zens, plus the hardrive space is a 1/3 of the Zen. I bought them for around the same price, which is sad.

The iPod looks nicer, but not for long since the clearcoat on it is sooooooo soft, even if you keep it in a softcloth case it'll still be scratched up pretty badly within a few short weeks.

I have a friend with an iRiver, and he loves it.

The most for your money, you'd be best getting a Creative Zen Xtra or iRiver over the iPod.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>The most for your money, you'd be best getting a Creative Zen Xtra or iRiver over the iPod.<<<

Actually, price does not factor into my preference for iRiver at present. It happens to be better as well as being cheaper.
fart said:
also, i have an iriver (which i use and abuse basically 24/7). if you have any questions about it, fire away

Well I was reading up about it and the review said that the text on the screen was pretty small and that navigation wasn't exactly the easiest thing. What can you say about that, is it true or false? The thing is that I'd probably be paying a bit more for the iRiver and I won't even be using the recording funations at all.

The Rio Karma is actually starting to look real good. Newegg is selling it for $250. I only have one question about it. Can you use the ethernet connection to transfer your music to the player? I think you can but it wasn't explictly stated.


pops619 said:
I But I wouldn't just buy an iPod because it's popular. Go out and compare it to other MP3 players.

I did, and funny enough, I still chose the iPod. I wanted something that was zero-hassle, and by that I mean I wanted it to be able to update it's fucking self with no intervention from me (iTunes -> iPod); something that was leagues ahead in usability than whatever batshit OS Rio was using when I bought my RioVolt CD/MP3 player (and iRiver's still apparently using); something that had audio quality that would nullify any compression artifacts from older, pirated mp3s encoded by people who don't know shit from shinola, and something that I knew was built to last. (I have friends with 1G iPods that are still chugging away with zero problems.)

I maintain that if you're listening for the differences between the iPod and the Zen, and arguing the merits of each player based on that, perhaps the overall technology is still too nacent for you. Joe Consumer, hell his brother Billy Prosumer, probably can't hear the difference.

/audiophile rant


Echoes of Pink said:
Well I was reading up about it and the review said that the text on the screen was pretty small and that navigation wasn't exactly the easiest thing. What can you say about that, is it true or false? The thing is that I'd probably be paying a bit more for the iRiver and I won't even be using the recording funations at all.

The Rio Karma is actually starting to look real good. Newegg is selling it for $250. I only have one question about it. Can you use the ethernet connection to transfer your music to the player? I think you can but it wasn't explictly stated.
the iriver main screen text is perfectly legible. the inline remote screen is pretty small but perfectly legible. a little patience may be required if your filenames are long though (it will have to scroll). the iriver interface is um.. unique. i think i've described it before as completely random. there are quite a few buttons on the player (and the remote) and it's not always obvious what each one does and how long you have to hold it to get it to do what it does. once you get used to it (and read the manual) there's no difference between the ipod control and it. actually, the crazy control scheme allows for more functionality simply because there are more buttons. note you have full access to every player function (of which there are a lot) from both the uni tand the remote. the only thing you lose is the satisfaction of having the superior interface design.

recording works great, but i guess you don't care about that.

what i usually say is that if you want intuitive controls and a more guided user experience (eg, synch software with huge buttons) or you have to have on the fly playlists/id3 tag database, get the ipod and live with the battery life and limited hardware functionality. if you can take care of yourself as far as the player interface (both software and hardware) is concerned and want the increased hardware functionality (+ 2x the battery life) get the iriver. if you're poor, get the karma with an extended warranty (the drives die)

audiophile note: the iriver with an external dac playing EAC ripped WAVs is the only audiophile grade mp3 player, period. (actually the old archos in the same configuration works as well but the archos players are extremely outdated now)


fart said:
that's the point dude

But by doing that, you completely destroy one of the main selling points of large-capacity portable audio players, which is "Take a lot of shit with you." If you're using .wav, you may as well burn that shit back to a CD and dust off the Discman.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>But by doing that, you completely destroy one of the main selling points of large-capacity portable audio players, which is "Take a lot of shit with you."<<<

That setup would be doable in a car.


TAJ said:
>>>But by doing that, you completely destroy one of the main selling points of large-capacity portable audio players, which is "Take a lot of shit with you."<<<

You could use the same audiophile-quality setup in your car if your headunit had optical input.

Personally, I'm waiting to see what iRiver does before I spend the money. I'll have around $700 saved up just for this sole purpose.

Between the PMP-120 and the H300 series, I'd rather just wait it out.

I'm sure the PMP battery life won't be so hot (their site says 16 hours for audio... but who really knows for sure), so we'll see.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Something like this: (from McIntosh)

MX406 AM/FM tuner/CD player. Power guard. Low distortion analog audio controls. High voltage DC power supply for greater dynamic range. 8v output capability. 2-channel RCA auxilliary inputs. 4 channel RCA line high level outputs. Security code system. Cellular phone audio mute. Bass and treble controls. 4-way balance control. Digital quartz clock. TUNER: FM diversity. Audio store. Electronic quartz-locked PLL tuning. Presets for 6 AM and 18 FM. Signal actuated stereo control. CD PLAYER: Dual 20-bit D/A converters assure high level of performance. 8 times oversampling digital filter minimizes distortion and noise. Full logic CD controls. Track repeat. Last position memory. Track music search. CHANGER CONTROL: Direct disc select. 6-18 disc control capability. Fiber-optic digital input for CD changer. Size 2"H, 7"W and 6-5/16"D. Sold from . Last retail price $1000.00


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Something like these: (from Macintosh)

No, I meant "What" in terms of what it had anything to do with what I said. :p<<<

Hardly. Plugging your home player into your car when you leave falls under portability. And, you could take the player out on foot at a somewhat small tradeoff in quality. Assuming you used top-notch portable headphones like Etymotic 4ps, the weak link then would be the DACs in the iRiver, which while not the greatest are easily better than the ones in iPods)


TAJ said:

Something like these: (from Macintosh)

No, I meant "What" in terms of what it had anything to do with what I said. :p<<<

Hardly. Plugging your home player into your car when you leave falls under portability.

"Home player?" I was simply referring to buying an iRiver, Rio, iPod (what have you), loading it with .WAV files, plugging it into an external box, and claiming that you're somehow getting some kind of better value than you would out of a Discman. :p



My iPod :p


the new irivers look hot

i'm sure the new ipods will look pretty sexy too, but i hope they come in black :/

my comment about audiophilia was to point out that none of these players are practically audiophile grade. you can use some of them as audiophile grade players but as usual in audiophilia you have to pay out the nose and give every point of convenience up.

anyways, mp3 players rock. if you like music, you should get one. whichever model you go with you will thank yourself for blowing the cash
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