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question regarding economic classes

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Between which income brackets are you considered to be middle class?

and from there which income brackets distinguish between lower middle, middle, and upper middle?

Just give me nominal wages to work with and forget about setting it in real terms to account for inflation or adjusting it to COLAS or whatever economic babble is used to spin numbers ;)


they call me "Man Gravy".
good luck getting an actual number.

Something like 90% of Americans consider themselves "middle" class.


Single Taxpayers--2004

      Taxable income:                   Tax:
  Over     But not over         Tax       +%   On amount over            

$      0     $  7,150        $    0.00   10       $      0
   7,150       29,050           715.00   15          7,150
  29,050       70,350         4,000.00   25         29,050
  70,350      146,750        14,325.00   28         70,350
 146,750      319,100        35,717.00   33        146,750
 319,100      .......        92,592.50   35        319,100

Married Individuals Filing Joint--2004

      Taxable income:                   Tax:
  Over     But not over         Tax       +%   On amount over            

$      0     $ 14,300        $     0.00  10       $      0
  14,300       58,100          1,430.00  15         14,300
  58,100      117,250          8,000.00  25         58,100
 117,250      178,650         22,787.50  28        117,250
 178,650      319,100         39,979.50  33        178,650
 319,100      .......         86,328.00  35        319,100

Married Individuals Filing Separate--2004

      Taxable income:                   Tax:
  Over     But not over         Tax       +%   On amount over            

$      0     $  7,150        $    0.00   10       $      0
   7,150       29,050           715.00   15          7,150
  29,050       58,625         4,000.00   25         29,050
  58,625       89,325        11,393.75   28         58,625
  89,325      159,550        19,989.75   33         89,325
 159,550      .......        43,164.00   35        159,550

Heads Of Households--2004

      Taxable income:                   Tax:
  Over     But not over         Tax       +%   On amount over            

$      0     $ 10,200        $    0.00   10       $      0
  10,200       38,900         1,020.00   15         10,200
  38,900      100,500         5,325.00   25         38,900
 100,500      162,700        20,725.00   28        100,500
 162,700      319,100        38,141.00   33        162,700
 319,100      .......        89,753.00   35        319,100

IIRC, Bush's tax cut directly affected every bracket but the 10 and 15% ones.


Upper class = aristocracy. Hereditary holders of land whose income generally comes from renting their land to farmers Doesn't exist in post-Civil War America for the most part aside from share cropping.

Middle class = bourgeoisie. Owners of means of production and employers of labor.

Lower class = proletariat. Those who sell their ability to do labor as a commodity.

Middle class can also mean petty bourgeoisie.
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