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Question to all Bush Supporters

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To those who are going to vote for Bush in the upcoming election I am curious to hear the reasons why? This isn't a trolling attempt so Bush haters please stay away. As I am a Kerry Supporter and I am always surrounded by Kerry supporters, I pretty much know the reasons most people are voting for Kerry, because he isn't Bush. My school is pretty liberal too, so a lot of the conservatives never really get to voice their opinions and I would like to know why you want to put Bush back in office.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Because his last name reminds me of something pleasant.


Doesn't anyone here support Bush and have a rationale explanation for why they do? According to the latest polls, at least half of you support Bush so stop being shy and tell us why.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
bionic77 said:
Doesn't anyone here support Bush and have a rationale explanation for why they do? According to the latest polls, at least half of you support Bush so stop being shy and tell us why.

I think a person has a right to be "shy" about who he's voting for. Maybe they don't feel the need to explain their rationale, as doing so (especially on forums) just generally brings out people that want to go out of their way to tell them why their opinion is wrong.
I hate Bush, but questions like these are too open-ended. You need to post some of the bullshit the neo-cons are currently pulling in order to pull in the Bushy ball-huffers.


Scary Euro Man
Just a polite request - can we keep this thread civilised? It's a fair question, and this is as good a place to ask it. We've seen the arguing backwards and forwards on specific points, but this is a different question: why do you, as a rational human being, want to vote for Bush? What policies or abilities make him the best President now and in the future?

And if you don't want to vote for Bush, bite your tongue and hold your peace. :)


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in the matter of who they're voting for I don't feel they need to back it up as much as they would otherwise. Voting is(currently) an inalienable right in the US, I don't feel that what you do with it should be questioned. Asking for freedom in other things but deriding others for their preferences in candidates at the base level is kind of hypocritical, at least to me anyhow.

Having said that, I think everyone knows my position at this point and I'm quite happy to discuss particular issues in other threads, but let's do keep this civilized. Voting is a right you have as a citizen, not something cool to do on Tuesdays. We should treat it as such.


Raoul Duke said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in the matter of who they're voting for I don't feel they need to back it up as much as they would otherwise. Voting is(currently) an inalienable right in the US, I don't feel that what you do with it should be questioned. Asking for freedom in other things but deriding others for their preferences in candidates at the base level is kind of hypocritical, at least to me anyhow.

Having said that, I think everyone knows my position at this point and I'm quite happy to discuss particular issues in other threads, but let's do keep this civilized. Voting is a right you have as a citizen, not something cool to do on Tuesdays. We should treat it as such.

I didn't say I wanted them to rationalize it, I just wanted to know why they are voting for him. If there reason is that they want a president with some color in his hair so be it, I am just curious. So far it appears there are zero Bush supporters on this board.......

Where is Ripclawe when you need him?
tedtropy said:
I think a person has a right to be "shy" about who he's voting for. Maybe they don't feel the need to explain their rationale, as doing so (especially on forums) just generally brings out people that want to go out of their way to tell them why their opinion is wrong.


Listen people..here's the "rational explanation" for you...no ones voting for Bush. The 5% of people who truly support Bush are prejudiced/haters in some form or another. America is a liberal nation and the rest of perhaps the 20% (who show up in those "America divided" polls) are swing-voters just don't like Kerry for several reasons (but would vote for any other good Democrat). So just get it straight: come November Kerry will win with a clean sweep and picking a good running mate will only strenghten his win.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
tedtropy said:
Because his last name reminds me of something pleasant.

remember when bush sr. and dukakas (sp?) were running? back then, my school held a mock election...

this is how i made my decision.

dukakas = kaka = shit

bush = girls pubes



Scary Euro Man
Raoul Duke said:
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and in the matter of who they're voting for I don't feel they need to back it up as much as they would otherwise. Voting is(currently) an inalienable right in the US, I don't feel that what you do with it should be questioned. Asking for freedom in other things but deriding others for their preferences in candidates at the base level is kind of hypocritical, at least to me anyhow.

I don't think that's the original aim of the poster, though. The way I took it was that he feels he's had a somewhat one-sided exposure to the issues, and would honestly like to hear why Bush supporters intend to vote for him because these reasons may be of relevance to him as well.

Not a case of "Ha-ha! Let's all mock the Bushies!", but of "What is it you see in Bush as President that I haven't yet?".

Or maybe I'm just wrong. :)

Personally I disagree with your original premise - I don't think that people should have the right to vote 'just because'. If you don't know why you're voting for one candidate over another, perhaps you shouldn't be voting. But I'd prefer everyone to get to vote over most of the alternatives.


The 5% of people who truly support Bush are prejudiced/haters in some form or another.

this is why people are hesitant to share their views. you'd probably have better luck searching out civilized political forums. if those exist.


I voted for Bush, and I plan to vote for him again. There are multiple reasons why I'm doing so, but why exactly should I lay my reasons before you? So you can try to negate my opinions? Don't think so.

Maybe this should turned around to ask why exactly you're voting for Kerry. :p


iapetus said:
Personally I disagree with your original premise - I don't think that people should have the right to vote 'just because'. If you don't know why you're voting for one candidate over another, perhaps you shouldn't be voting. But I'd prefer everyone to get to vote over most of the alternatives.
Honestly, in my true opinion there should be a comptency test for voters. I know that sounds horrible and elitist, but it is my opinion. However, under current US laws pretty much everyone has the right to vote. I believe that participation is what makes our Representative Democracy system great, so the more the merrier under the current guidelines. If you open up the can of worms that "______ type of people shouldn't vote becaue" I feel you're getting into a far more heated argument than I care to engage in, so that's why I like to keep that particular can closed.

It would be fun to have a voting competency test and see who here would and would not pass it, though. ;)

In the end, though, going back to the original intent of this thread, if bionic77 or anyone else really wishes to understand the appeal of a candidate, there is a whole internet out there full of sites that will offer you information. I would recommend that before getting personal testimonials on the matter.


Scary Euro Man
skip said:
this is why people are hesitant to share their views. you'd probably have better luck searching out civilized political forums. if those exist.

If they do, then they're probably single-party forums with nazi moderators. :)
Is anyone actually going to reply to his question instead of arguing about whether it should be answered.

I'll answer the other question of why vote I will vote for Kerry. My number one reason is that I feel Bush has led the country astray and as all presidential re-elections go the election is more a referendum on Bush than a vote for the challenger. My number two reason is that Kerry has a very reasonable and progressive environmental/energy policy that really impressed me. My number three reason is that he will be more fiscally responsible and also less likely to impose his morals on others (I almost feel dirty for saying this as this is normally a republican thing, but I don't recognize the republican right wing).


BigGreenMat said:
Is anyone actually going to reply to his question instead of arguing about whether it should be answered.
Well I'm not. Mainly because I'm not going to waste my time trying to explain my right wing opinions to a forum that's a left wing majority.


This thread reminds me of something that happened soon after the 2000 election--I was at a party with a bunch of friends, most of whom were politically left, and after a few drinks a woman drunkenly confessed to a couple of people that she voted for Bush and that she was proud of it. ("And you know what else?" she also said, jabbing her finger at someone's chest. "I like listening to Neil Diamond.") Anyway, word soon got around the party that she was a closet Republican, and everybody started giving her the stinkeye. She couldn't figure out why.
In all honestly I have no clue who I'm voting for yet.

Part of me wants to vote for Bush because if we're in the middle of a war (this is assuming something esclates in the middle east) I don't want to switch presidents. That's just a bad idea in my opinion. I don't like Kerry much because the guy can't make up his fucking mind on any issues.

Part of me wants to vote for Kerry because of the Patriot Act. I can't stand the smothering of my rights. But Kerry VOTED for the damn thing, and now he says he regrets it. He has more liberal views on society and I agree with those.

For the record, I have no problem with Bush not being a good public speaker. It pisses me off so much when I see people like Jon Stewart picking at this again and again and again. Though what I hate more are campus liberals who repeat everything Stewart says over and over again. College democrats, for the most part, are fucking idiots. Obviously there are exceptions and some people know what's up but SO many people just hop on the bandwagon and parrot out "bush is an idiot." I can't stand how it's the most trendy thing to hate the president. It's really pathetic. Politics shouldn't be effected by peer presure.

Though I will say that I'm currently leaning towards voting for Kerry. I don't want to be in a war.



Tritroid said:
I voted for Bush, and I plan to vote for him again. There are multiple reasons why I'm doing so, but why exactly should I lay my reasons before you? So you can try to negate my opinions? Don't think so.

Maybe this should turned around to ask why exactly you're voting for Kerry. :p

Honestly, I didn't start this thread to start making fun of people who support Bush, I really just want to know why you are voting for Bush, for whatever reason. If you want to know why I am going to vote for Kerry, fine, but I feel this topic slowly getting derailed. Anyways, I pretty much disagreed with almost everything Bush has done since 9/11, I am very much opposed to his domestic policies, and he has totally lost my trust after Iraq. There are other reasons, but that is enough for now I hope. I am voting for Kerry only because I don't want Bush to be reelected and I don't want to "waste" my vote on Nader like I did in 2000. Honestly, I really don't like either of the major parties and I would normally vote for an independant or not vote at all, but Bush has really pissed me off enough that I will vote against in, not because I am in love with Kerry, just because I think he needs to go. Now your turn. And like I said, I don't care what your rationale is, I am just interested in hearing what it is.


this forum is a tough place to hold conservative views, of which i have many. Many times i want to respond to something, but won't because there are so few people here who will help shoulder the burden of the argument. so responding means dedicating the following few hours to the thread... time i don't always have... quite daunting. I'm sure you've all noticed... actually, someone said it yesterday... Ripclaw was accused of jumping into threads, getting owned 30 times, then abandoning ship. It's an unreasonable expectation to have of someone to devote his day to a thread in which the opposing argument has so many people demanding responses.

it's also frustrating being told how "owned" we are all the time. it's sophomoric. "i'm right, you're wrong" is no better coming from the left than it is coming from the right.

for the record, i'm voting Libertarian, but i'm hoping Bush wins because i consider my conservative views more important than my liberal views in this difficult time.


I love how the majority of people voting for Kerry seem to only be voting for him because they don't want Bush back in office. They know nothing of Kerry's policy, they know nothing of what he supports or doesn't support, and they know nothing of his stance on current important issues such as terrorism.

What I don't understand, is that since these people know so little about Kerry's campaign, what makes them think that he could be any better than Bush? Are they looking at the party label alone and just assuming that because of that things will be better?

In my opinion, if you're going to vote in an American election, you need to be up to date on the issues, the debates, the differences between the candidates, and know WHY you're actually voting for a specific person besides "oh I don't like the current president".


for the record, i'm voting Libertarian, but i'm hoping Bush wins because i consider my conservative views more important than my liberal views in this difficult time.

See that wasn't hard at all dude, and I hope that the mods will keep this thread ridicule free. I am not a mod so I can't ban any jokers who do so though, but still it can be hoped that no one "owns" anyone for telling us why they are voting a certain way. And dude, I totally know how you feel, my law school is insanely liberal so people who support Bush act like it is a dirty secret there and I never get a honest conversation from them because they are afraid of voicing their viewpoint, that is kind of the reason I started this thread so I could hear the other side.


Tritroid said:
I love how the majority of people voting for Kerry seem to only be voting for him because they don't want Bush back in office. They know nothing of Kerry's policy, they know nothing of what he supports or doesn't support, and they know nothing of his stance on current important issues such as terrorism.

What I don't understand, is that since these people know so little about Kerry's campaign, what makes them think that he could be any better than Bush? Are they looking at the party label alone and just assuming that because of that things will be better?

In my opinion, if you're going to vote in an American election, you need to be up to date on the issues, the debates, the differences between the candidates, and know WHY you're actually voting for a specific person besides "oh I don't like the current president".

This is blatant thread derailment!!!!

Start your own thread damnit if you want to criticize why and how people make their voting decisions.


Kuramu said:
this forum is a tough place to hold conservative views, of which i have many. Many times i want to respond to something, but won't because there are so few people here who will help shoulder the burden of the argument. so responding means dedicating the following few hours to the thread... time i don't always have... quite daunting. I'm sure you've all noticed... actually, someone said it yesterday... Ripclaw was accused of jumping into threads, getting owned 30 times, then abandoning ship. It's an unreasonable expectation to have of someone to devote his day to a thread in which the opposing argument has so many people demanding responses.

it's also frustrating being told how "owned" we are all the time. it's sophomoric. "i'm right, you're wrong" is no better coming from the left than it is coming from the right.

for the record, i'm voting Libertarian, but i'm hoping Bush wins because i consider my conservative views more important than my liberal views in this difficult time.


bionic77 said:
This is blatant thread derailment!!!!

Start your own thread damnit if you want to criticize why and how people make their voting decisions.
How is it blatant? Didn't I just do exactly what you were planning to do with my opinions on voting for Bush?

You're telling me that after I listed my reasons, you'd respond with "hm, ok" and be done with it?

Give me a fucking break. This thread is trash.


Setec Astronomer
As iapetus said, this thread is apparently born more out of curiosity than animosity. Let the person have his question answered. No arguments aside from making a case for Bush will be allowed in this thread from this point on. If you wish to make counterarguments, this isn't the thread for it. Derailment may result in tempbanning or just a lock.

So please, feel free to post your response... or if you want I could stop trying to rescue this thread.


Heh, I will probably vote for Bush because he is not Kerry. Actually, not sure who I will vote for, but doubt it will be Kerry. I voted for Gore last election, but in reality I agree with Bush(republican)on more issues than Kerry this time around. Plus, regardless of how I feel about the war situation in Iraq, the US needs to see it through, and Bush is best president to do that in my opinion. In the end, I really just wish there were two better candidates to choose from.


this forum is a tough place to hold conservative views, of which i have many. Many times i want to respond to something, but won't because there are so few people here who will help shoulder the burden of the argument. so responding means dedicating the following few hours to the thread... time i don't always have... quite daunting. I'm sure you've all noticed... actually, someone said it yesterday... Ripclaw was accused of jumping into threads, getting owned 30 times, then abandoning ship. It's an unreasonable expectation to have of someone to devote his day to a thread in which the opposing argument has so many people demanding responses.

it's also frustrating being told how "owned" we are all the time. it's sophomoric. "i'm right, you're wrong" is no better coming from the left than it is coming from the right.

i'm hoping Bush wins because i consider my conservative views more important than my liberal views in this difficult time.
That about sums it up.
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