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Questions about ESPN football....

Musashi Wins!

Anyone have any sliders they swear by?

Can you return a kick for any kind of decent yardage (beyond the basic 20 or 30)? Have you ever gotten a TD with a return?

Do you ever get much YAC? I am continually mobbed after catching a pass. Always. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I can't burn coverage enough to get a huge yards after catch gain.

Your input is appreciated.


- I only have Legend Sliders. I can post that if you want...
- I've returned 2 punts for TDs. Never a kickoff (45yd line is my max lol)
- I get a lot of YAC on floaters over short zone or run coverage and screen passes. That's about it

Musashi Wins!

"I only have Legend Sliders. I can post that if you want..."

I'm probably not up to that yet :)

"I've returned 2 punts for TDs. Never a kickoff (45yd line is my max lol)"

Man, this is driving me nuts. Their like robots.

"I get a lot of YAC on floaters over short zone or run coverage and screen passes. That's about it"

Damn, even when I get them to guess wrong I'm getting screwed. I guess I'll have to turn pursuit down more or something.
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