I've got an NEC 2100A that shipped with my Dell.
It came with 103D firmware, and I'm looking into flashing it.
Well, I've actually already flashed it, but now I've got some questions.
This site said that 2100A, 2500A, and 2510A drives were all the same.
So, I've gone ahead and flashed with an RPC1 2.16 firmware 2.16 (2100@2500, riplock removed, RPC1, RITEK DL support, DL bitsetting!) for the 2510. Here's where the questions come in:
1) I've noticed mention on some pages (although I can't seem to find them) that certain NEC firmwares allow you to burn at speeds faster than the media is listed as. I just don't know if this is automatically done with the patched firmware I got or not. If it is, what do I have to do to get the media to burn faster?
2) Also, is the bitsetting done automatically? If not, how do I get it to work?
I'd look for these answers from Herrie's NEC site, but the damn thing got hacked recently, so that's not going to happen.
Thanks for any info you can give.
It came with 103D firmware, and I'm looking into flashing it.
Well, I've actually already flashed it, but now I've got some questions.
This site said that 2100A, 2500A, and 2510A drives were all the same.
So, I've gone ahead and flashed with an RPC1 2.16 firmware 2.16 (2100@2500, riplock removed, RPC1, RITEK DL support, DL bitsetting!) for the 2510. Here's where the questions come in:
1) I've noticed mention on some pages (although I can't seem to find them) that certain NEC firmwares allow you to burn at speeds faster than the media is listed as. I just don't know if this is automatically done with the patched firmware I got or not. If it is, what do I have to do to get the media to burn faster?
2) Also, is the bitsetting done automatically? If not, how do I get it to work?
I'd look for these answers from Herrie's NEC site, but the damn thing got hacked recently, so that's not going to happen.
Thanks for any info you can give.