I think "Love in a Trashcan" is a pretty weak single, and it kind of bums me out that that's the single from the record. "Seductress of Bums" would've been a better single, in my opinion.
Pretty in Black is great, but it's still not quite as great as the behemoth that is
Chain Gang of Love, which is pretty much perfect from start to finish.
Whip it On rocks really hard, but their newer albums are far, far, far better. I'm really looking forward to seeing them live next month, it's going to be interesting to see how much, if any, noise and distortion they use during their set.
Pretty in Black is pretty much devoid of it because Sune forgot all his pedals when he flew to NYC to record, so I'm kind of curious to see what'll happen live.
Most of their b-sides & rarities are REALLY good, too. The afforementioned "Christmas Song" is the best Christmas song ever. And I'm all about "Bubblegum," "Evil L.A. Girls," "Momma, I'm a Communist," and pretty much every other song they've recorded. I hope this album gets them the credit they deserve... I've always felt the backlash put upon
Chain Gang was totally unfair, I loved the hell out of that record, and still spin it all the time.
By the way, the cover art for
Pretty in Black will probably end up being the best of the year: