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Really dumb GBA related question


This is stupid, I know, but I really want to find out if I can play a Game Boy color game on my GBA...I am talking like can I get Zelda Oracle of Ages and will it play on my GBA. When I got it, the guy said that works, but to be honest, he didn't really seem to know what he was talking about.

Anyways, these NES classic games have gotten me wanting to play more of the older games and I was wondering if I could play these ones.


yeah!!! thank you for replying to my really dumb question.
that just made me really happy...off to the bargain bin for me i think =)


Oracle of Seasons / Ages even had a special option when played in a GBA I think. Some special ring-shop was unlocked or something.


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yeah... that was a pretty dumb question. :p

And Blackbird is right. When playing the oracle games on the GBA you get a few insigificant bonuses, like a GBA ring, which does nothing.
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