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Recommend a cell phone

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So I decided to finally enter the 1990s and get a cell phone. However, I know nothing about them. So rather than waste time clicking around and whatnot, I want your input first... only looking to spend something like $30-40 month, so is there a plan that I can get for that amount with a phone that doesn't totally suck? Thanks in advance.




You should pick a service provider and plan first, then pick the best phone from those available. Going in phone first - picking based on what's the coolest - is akin to picking the nicest looking car with no regard to whether or not it's going to fall apart after a few months. ;)

Cell phone service varies wildly depending on where you are. For example, the northeast is pretty much Verizon Country, and the pacific northwest is (or so I'm told), largely AT&T and T-Mobile's strongest area. Talk to people who have them, ask how the service is, and see how they like it.

As far as raw numbers go, T-Mobile and Sprint give you the most bang for the buck, but make sure their reception in your area - and anyplace you may want to go - isn't ass.


^^D'oh what xsarien said...

And to paraphrase:

It's better if you look for service that suites you, then just pick from the service provider's current line of cellphones.

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