All of Spawn.
Except maybe for the "Angela" mini-series.
And probably only that because it helped to bankrupt McFarlane.
Any Robocop graphic novel.
The Kingdom (the sequel to Kingdom Come, which was excellent).
The Prisoner: Shattered Visage
Superman versus the Terminator
Apache Skies
Age of Amalgam comics
Most of the Elektra series, especially Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra, which should have actually been called "We want to cash in on the Daredevil movie before everyone realises how shit it is"
Spider-Man and the New Mutants fight Juggernaut and Black Tom (don't know what the name of this one was, I don't even know if it really had one. Art by Rob Liefield, writing by channelling the spirits of the damned)
Ghost Rider: The Hammer Lane
Cable (the most recent one, where he turns into an anti-globalisation protestor)
Rahne of Terror (a sort of "Elseworlds" thing with wolverine and rahne as a princess)
Just a Pilgrim. Actually, come to that, pretty much everything that Garth Ennis has ever written apart from Preacher
Strange Killings. Actually, come to that, pretty much everything that Warren Ellis has ever written apart from Transmetropolitan and Planetary
Brian Azzarello's "work" on Hellblazer.
Banner. Come to that, pretty much every other Hulk book.
She-Hulk: Single Green Female
The second half of the "Books of Magic" series, when they realised that they had written so many stupid plot twists into the first three books that they no longer had a viable series to write, so just wrote the word "shit" forty-three times and submitted that as the script for every issue.
Cable and the New Mutants - Mmm, Rob Liefield really can't draw, and being married to Walt Simonson shouldn't be enough to get you a writer credit
Deadline - Cos comics about people working for the Bugle are bound to be good, yeah?
The Essential Iron Man - Oh dear lord, no
Distant Soil - I can't even remember who recommended this. But it's terrible.
I have others, but I think we're starting to get a little obscure here (Skeleton Key). Suffice to say, there's a lot of shit out there.