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Rediscovered games

Jim Bowie

I was looking through my old PC games this evening. I was sort of bored, waiting around for next week so I can buy GTA: SA. Suddenly, I found a game which brought back instant memories:

X-Com UFO Defense.

I remember playing through X-Com 6 years ago. It was so good then, and I wonder what it'd be like now with my 'refined' video game taste. And, surprisingly, it is still phenomenal. I've been playing a couple hours now, and it feels competely new.

Any of you other guys rediscover any of your games, as of late?
Just finished playing Hitman 2. It might be time to install Blade Runner once again. I try to play it at least once a year. :)

Nothing too retro here.
Not necessarily old enough to really consider a 'rediscovery' or anything...


My PS2 has refused to play PS2 CDs...seemingly on principle (why the fuck do people still release PS2 games on CD anymore? Yeah, it's cheaper and the game may not require the extra space afforded by DVD...but still.)

Purchasing Gradius V at the local Fry's a few weeks back, I was anticipating a good ol' shoot-fest. I got home and quickly unwrapped the case. Putting the disc into the machine, I was greeted with the familar Playstation logo and chime. Then, instead of seeing the final recognition and starting logo that appears before a game actually starts, I see the system menu...Doh. I forgot that my god damned PS2 doesn't play ICO, a CD-based title.

So, in a moment of desperation and on the verge of anguish (I just bought a new fucking game and I can't fucking play the fucking thing!!)...I decided to go with the tried and true method of playing games on a 'dying' PS1.

Upon inserting the Gradius V disc into the disc tray as it lie in the vertical position, I hit the 'close' button and then tipped the system almost 70 degrees to the left, so as to almost have the system in an upside-down orientation. I waited with bated breath for some sign of life...the browser then told me that it was checking the disc...then, as if a lifetime had passed me, the CD icon appeared on-screen and started to boot up...Viola! The damned thing worked!

After putting in some quality time with the game, I can say that I'm satisfied with my game purchase (GO TREASURE/KONAMI!!). Yesterday, I thought about playing G5 when I think of ICO... Fast forward to this afternoon...I've finished the game for the first time since I purchased it two years ago (due to classic Playstation-hardware crapiness). That makes it the third time I've played through. Still a great game and probably the only game that can honestly be considered a true work of art, IMO.


Bought Ace Combat 4 2 weeks ago ( sold it off a few months back) to prepare for the fifth coming. I'm glad to say this game has aged avery well...and I almost forgot how beautiful the music was. 1 more week !

" Ace Combat - Nothing else even comes close "

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Sort of an obscure one, but recently I've been playing Car & Driver on Dosbox. It's a racer released for PCs in 1992 that's themed after the magazine, and I think it's one of the last PC racers to be done almost entirely in polygons. There really isn't much to it -- just some tracks and some cars -- but I love doing time trials down the simulated Route 1 and coming up with nutty crashes which I watch from multiple angles afterwards. It's addicting, somehow. You oughta try it.

I think I'll play it a little bit right now, actually. I need to go to bed...


Funny this topic should be here right now, I was thinking about making a similar sort of one for Halo, I've just started playing it through again on Heroic and hot damn, it's suuch a solid game. I can't believe I've waited this long to play it through again, the quality of it really makes me think it's going to become a timeless classic.

My love for it has been rekindled to the extent that I'm just listening to the OST right now :D

Jim Bowie

Did you know they made a Widget video game? How fucked up is that?!?

Also... Incredible Crisis creeped its way back up. I mean, it's mostly mindless button mashing, but it's hillarious.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual

those shadow things give me chills when they appear :p

and i keep going back to metroid prime - i'm obsessed with the elevator transitions between levels :D


Yeah, Stunts kicks ass!
I'm busy playing Streetwars now, the sequel to Constructor and one of my all time favourite games.


I had pushed Morrowind(Xbox) off to the side a long time ago because I had other games to play and it's a huge time-eater. I finally played through my backlog of games and had some time so I started playing it again and I'm hooked.


My love for it has been rekindled to the extent that I'm just listening to the OST right now

I too am rippin' and dippin' in Halo, but have only heard the Mjolnir remix. Where can one purchase or aquire[/shifty eyez] the OST?

Funky Papa

I absolutely trashed Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness (PS2) when it came out, but now I am enjoying the PC version at moderate levels. Decent game so far, just too damn flawed.

I want a good Tomb Raider game :(


I recently played through Heart of China with dosbox. It was one of my favorite games when I was younger, when I first started getting into Point and click adventures.
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