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Reggie-lution lives -- new INTERVIEW!

king zell


So, while I do smile at these visuals of asses kicked and names taken, the mentality certainly is what I'm all about, and it's what the new Nintendo is all about.



Now if Nintendo's whole morale and attitude is driven by this guy, that should cause some interesting happening's for the next gen. And since the industry has really lost its passion, I'm really interested in seeing whats going to happen.

P.S. Wyzdom.....is that India in your avatar?? LOL and if it is...don't ask how i know.
Certainly one of our business strategies is to work with other marketers as a way to help them to reach the key consumer target in ways that are truly new and innovative. We're doing a number of things like that with some key partners that I can't name."
AOL, GameSpy?


Wow, he threw down some fab PR right there. Bullshit, but fine wine bullshit. He's a Jedi Master, up there with Perrin Kaplan, and Ken Lobb :).

I haven't seen his work put to use yet though. Wheres the edgy marketing? Maybe when Pikmin 2 & Paper Mario 2 hit? Doesn't quite fit the "edgy" mold does it lol ;).

In fact, i'm not sure ass kicking & name taking is what is best for Nintendo. The games just don't fit the profile of edge & cool. They're just great games.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Wow, he threw down some fab PR right there. Bullshit, but fine wine bullshit. He's a Jedi Master, up there with Perrin Kaplan, and Ken Lobb :).

Ken Lobb says more than he should: The Rare-Nintendo DS affair^^

Perrin Kaplan is the best NoA employ :)


It makes me sad that this might be the last Reggie thread before E³ 2005. :(
I hope for some events where Reggie could show up, mabybe as a special guest at the Games Convention....


Acrylamid said:
It makes me sad that this might be the last Reggie thread before E³ 2005. :(
I hope for some events where Reggie could show up, mabybe as a special guest at the Games Convention....

I don't think so. He's only responisble for the USA, not for Germany. Maybe we'll see Dr. Bernd Fakesch^^
*remembers the multiple orgasms on DC++ whilst watching the Nintendo Conference at E3*

haha and so the Reggielution began
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