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Riddick Sucks thread

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I enjoyed Pitch Black -- not a classic, but a good, solid B-movie -- and despite the reviews, I went in wanting to like this movie. But despite a few nifty parts (the whole "running from the sunrise" sequence was cool) and some decent fight scenes, the movie pretty much sucked. The Necromongers are some of the lamest villains I've ever seen, and while she may be hot, Thandie Newton can't act. At all. (To her credit, her line delivery, which is snicker-inducing in her first scene, isn't nearly as bad elsewhere, but that's not much of a compliment.)

Also, how did Jack/Kyra (however you spell it) who, if i'm not mistaken, is supposed to be only 17, turn into a virtually superhuman martial-arts master in just 5 years? Ludicrous.

Save your money.



FoneBone said:
I enjoyed Pitch Black -- not a classic, but a good, solid B-movie -- and despite the reviews, I went in wanting to like this movie. But despite a few nifty parts (the whole "running from the sunrise" sequence was cool) and some decent fight scenes, the movie pretty much sucked. The Necromongers are some of the lamest villains I've ever seen, and while she may be hot, Thandie Newton can't act. At all. (To her credit, her line delivery, which is snicker-inducing in her first scene, isn't nearly as bad elsewhere, but that's not much of a compliment.)

Also, how did Jack/Kyra (however you spell it) who, if i'm not mistaken, is supposed to be only 17, turn into a virtually superhuman martial-arts master in just 5 years? Ludicrous.

Save your money.

I wholeheartedly agree. I absolutely LOVED Pitch Black, but this movie sucked donkey balls.

The line that the woman screamed out near the end...something like, "Kill the beast while he's harmed," or something to that effect, was laughable.

I seriously have no clue as to why I forsook my instincts and SAW this movie. Maybe it was my love for the first one. :)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Sounds cool.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
too many people look too deep into movies to find a good movie.

like this:

Also, how did Jack/Kyra (however you spell it) who, if i'm not mistaken, is supposed to be only 17, turn into a virtually superhuman martial-arts master in just 5 years? Ludicrous.

lols, you're thinking the way of the present.


Grandma's Chippy
I'll still see it despite the reviews...as I usually decide for myself anyway. Besides...look how many people hated The Day After Tomorrow while I liked that movie :)


I enjoyed it. liked the entire mythos:necros, elementals, furions, although Riddick was made out to be a bit too superhumanish(it's a word). I agree about the bad dialog of that one chick. But overall it was enjoyable.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Jupiter said:
I enjoyed it. liked the entire mythos:necros, elementals, furions, although Riddick was made out to be a bit too superhumanish(it's a word). I agree about the bad dialog of that one chick. But overall it was enjoyable.

riddick isn't even human ;)


I thought it was alot better than Harry Potter {insert enemy here}. Actually it was the best movie I have seen so far this summer.


While some of the action scenes required a high amount of suspension of disbelief
yeah, Riddick and three refugees can take out a whole battallion of elite footsoldiers in open ground nooooooo problem. JUST STAND BACK AND SHOOT
I liked the mythology a lot and hey, that was some twist ending.


well not really...yet
I loved it! The sets and locations were gorgeous, RIddick was bad ass, as expected.

Except, I want to KILL the man responsible for editing the fights. The fight on Crematoria, jesus christ i couldnt make out a single thing, it obvious it was edited this way to keep PG13 but still.

They better fix that shit for an unrated DVD

The movie should have been at least 20 mins longer, and considering it was originally 2h 50min, they cut out too much...

oh yeah, the space ship dog fight was awesome as hell. and the ending was great


I liked this movie. I have no idea what all the bad press is about. I avoided all reviews before seeing it today, but caught a glimpse of some unfortunate thread titles. So I expected the movie to be bad. But I thought it was great, and managed to come off as really cool despite the obvious lameness of Vin Diesel. Once again, they wrote him into a role he couldn't fuck up.

I loved the Necro race. I thought they were pretty damn vicious, although not thoroughly fleshed out. But this seemed like a long enough movie the way it was, and covered a good chunk of time in the process. Thumbs up from me. Hope it turns a profit. Now I want to see the next movie to see what the future holds for this badass character. PEACE.


Gold Member
I LOVED the ending:

Conan in space! I just hope the third movie isn't Conan the Destroyer in space.


Hollywood Square
Riddick was good fun.

And just so people know, this really isn't a sequel to Pitch Black. David Twohy has even said so. Chronicles is supposed to be part one of a trilogy with Pitch Black being a side story of sorts. It's not like Pitch Black is a part of the whole "Chronicles" trilogy.


Gold Member
It's not like Pitch Black is a part of the whole "Chronicles" trilogy.

They are marketing Pitch Black as part of The Chronicles of Riddick now with the new DVD release.



I thought the movie fucking kicked ass.

I also loved the contrast to Pitch Black, sorta. On the planet in Pitch Black there is safety in light, on Cremetoria the saftey is in the shadow and the light fucking kills you. Maybe Im reading too much into it, but that was awesome.

God damned, Vin Diesel is so god damned awesome. When I got home I played a nice 3 hour session of the Riddick game. Dammit. Awesome movie. Great summer action movie.

I cant wait to see the directors cut, damn Im so pissed they cut this up to get a pg-13 rating. :( Grrr!


I thought it was pretty fun and the game kicks all sorts of ass. I think overall it was better than Pitch Black although I coulda done for an R-rating :(


Good action flick, but some of the scenes were cut way too fast.

I suppose this had to happen to keep that rating at PG-13.
I saw it tonight too. All in all this movie was quite good. The set and character design were pretty badass. I have only two problems with it.

1) They copped out and went for a PG-13 rating. It shows, badly. There are scenes where Riddick is killing fuck-loads of guys with knives and the audio is pratically muted out. You don't hear the slicing of the blades or the screams of his enemies at all. The only thing you really hear is their bodies falling. It's horrible. They should have just gone balls to the wall and cranked up the violence. I'm hoping this problem will be easily solved with an Unrated Director's Cut DVD.

2) There were a few absolute shit lines in this movie. So bad I can't forgive them. I don't remember most of them (which I guess is a good thing) but the one that stands out is "It's been a long time since I smelled beautiful." I cringed.

As for the rest, it was all good. The action was nice, the story and mythos were cool. The planets visited were pretty neat (even if they did have horribly stereotypical names). The special effects were fantastic. Riddick is a great sci-fi popcorn flick, though it's hardly groundbreaking cinema.


First tragedy, then farce.
I posted a thread last night that died.. but to summarize what I said:

For what it is, it is very good. It has some issues (CG dogs were simply stupid), but its one of the better summer action flicks in years.
Ok, wait, I thought this movie looked similar in some ways to SG, but I never knew it had some of the same people behing it. That's cool I guess.

Anyweay though, I thought the movie was great, personaly I liked it better than Pitch Black (though I do llike it a lot). Like some have said, the mythos behing it was very cool. And my only real peoblem with it was (as others have said plenty already) the lame way they went about making it PG-13. I mean, I was sitting there almost thinking something was wrong with the speakers at times with the lack of slashing sounds and such. I mean those scenes should have looked like a blood bath.

And WHY did they want this to be PG-13? I mean, Pitch Black was R, and the game is M, why make the movie PG-13? Just think of all the idiot mothers who will buy the game for there young kids thinking it'll be tame like the movie.

Also, I hope you guys are right about an unrated DVD, but is there really much hope they will do something like that and to that degree? Like have there been many other movies with similar situations that have had DVD's like that?

~Black Deatha
StoOgE said:
I posted a thread last night that died.. but to summarize what I said:

For what it is, it is very good. It has some issues (CG dogs were simply stupid), but its one of the better summer action flicks in years.

I liked the dogs, I only wish they had done more with them.


First tragedy, then farce.
StrikerObi said:
I liked the dogs, I only wish they had done more with them.

I think that could have to do with PG-13. I wouldnt have minded the dogs is there was any sort of reason why they were there... someone yelled 'supper time' and there were dogs killing everyone.


They should have had Riddick beating the crap out of one of those polar monsters in the beginning of the movie like they do in the game. Hehe.

Yeah, and the dogs seemed kinda like "WTF" although they looked cool.
Mostly i think they were there to show that one guy taht RIddick was a bad ass. Basically he wa slike "Okay Riddick you suck" and then the dogs are ripping up the crappy prisoners and then he see's Riddick playing with it like its his pet. "Its an Animal thing" he says. Then the dude was like "Holy Shit". I dont know

Cant wait for the anime on Tuesday :) Hopefully that turns out okay and adds to the Riddick story.


well not really...yet
I liked the dogs part, especially how Riddick stares one of em down and then starts petting him :lol


Checking the movie out this weekend. But the above post sounds exactly like a scenario in the flash comic that used to be on the Pitch Black website years ago. It was kinda cool, like an abbreviated Butcher Bay.


Hollywood Square
ManaByte said:
They are marketing Pitch Black as part of The Chronicles of Riddick now with the new DVD release.


Not really. They just put Chronicles on it so people would relate it to the movie. Pitch Black is not really a big, popular film that the masses can tell is related to Chronicles. Hell, even on that very DVD, Twohy says although Chronicles is technically a sequel to Pitch Black, it's not really. And it's not apart of the "Chronicles" trilogy. Although, the next two films are dependent on the gross of this film.


Huh I watched the trailer for Riddick again and there were scenes in there that definetly weren't in the movie. I think the cinematic version of this is actually pretty butchered.


I read that the director's "vision" of the movie is supposed to be about 15 minutes longer. Those minutes deal with more of fleshing out the mystical aspects of the furyans/necromangers.


i liked it...good summer flick

i think the problem is it wasn't a sequel to pitch black...but a continueation (spelling CHECK) of some of the character's stories...so those that expected a pitch black type of movie were dissapointed


Mr Pockets said:
I'll still see it despite the reviews...as I usually decide for myself anyway. Besides...look how many people hated The Day After Tomorrow while I liked that movie :)

Oh God, please tell me you're joking with that smiley :)


Saw the movie. I have to say I was pretty pleased with the film overall, except for a couple of things. The mythos was well laid out, the set and costume design was beautiful (although if you've played KOTOR, it should look really familiar), and the pacing was smooth as silk.

But...but...With the fight on Crematoria's shakycam and bubbleblast guns, it was one of the worst fight scenes I've ever watched. Dear god.

Thank god the final bit of the film on the ship was good enough to make up for it.

...and the last shot, of Riddick slumping down...

So familiar...

...so awesome...

I loved it.

Overall I'd have to say CoR was a 7/10 or so, although if they recut some scenes (shakyass camera go AWAY) and put some more background story in about the Furians for an unrated director's cut...well, that'd be the bee's knees.


I like how the people who liked the movie will gladly expound on it and point out a couple of the flaws, while those who think it sucks stick to one-liners about how shitty they thought it was.


I dug the hell out of this movie. But im a Riddick fan. And a Gwen fan (Alexa Davalos)... So yeah, they both kicked ass.


Hollywood Square
It was a very enjoyable movie and the whole
King Conan
setup at the end is a great start for the trilogy.

That said, I had one major gripe. The fight scene at Crematoria was edited horribly. It gave people seizures! True story!
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