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Ridge Racer PSP - detailed (and quite glowing) impressions at IGN

Lord Error

Insane For Sony

September 25, 2004 - I'm not sure what any of us were expecting as far as quality of software to be shown at TGS -- some were looking for the big bang in a tiny package, others had little faith that Sony would be able to pull off anything at all after all the hype -- but New Ridge Racer pretty much spoke to my thinking of what level PSP needed to be at in order to make its presence known. Blazingly fast, tight to control, and clearly of this era of advanced gaming systems, Namco's racer was one of the games on the TGS floor that was the total package.

Visually, this game was a testament to the texture capacity of the PlayStation Portable, as well as a showcase for what a nice framerate can do for portable gamers. The visual effects were mostly here -- lens flares, surface reflections/environmental lighting on mirrored glass buildings (no other cars were on the demo track, and there was no outside-the-car view to see how the car models look, but you could still see advanced effects in the backgrounds that will likely be used to gloss up the cars as well), and even the flash of flashbulbs as you burn through the stadium seating section. Typical of that Ridge Racer hyper-reality, there was also the jumbo jet that soared just over the track surface on the top ridges that lead down to the waterfront. In motion, the game booked at what looked to be an unbroken 60, and when you stomped on the brakes to check out the details, the texture work on the roads and signposts was of a very decent resolution.


Will start substantiating his hate
You can't tell much from the videos. It's pretty disappointing that there hasn't been more direct feed footage released of the games at TGS (not just PSP games).


RRV + Good Textures + Improved Lightning (notice how the lightning on the asphalt looks) = Shin Ridge Racer

However I still want to see a full lap because if one thing makes RRV impressive is the amazing environment that surrounds the city. I hope the "polys" are still there.

If someone could send me the video...PM me. If not, it's ok. ;)


did you know that Ridge Racer V was also called
Shin Ridge Racer / Shin Ridge Racer 5 back in 1999 before it came out in 2000 ?


You know the game looks good when the DS crew stays clear of the topic :p

Good to see Sony sticking to their RR launch tradition (if it's a launch title of course)

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Hmmm, the impressions was written by Nix. Not that the game isn't good (it probably was great) I have to be a little critical.


Is there a TV out on the PSP? As good as the LCD screen might be, I'd still rather play on a big screen if that option is available.


Marconelly said:
Ourumov, IGN has the handycam video of the game. That's all there is, I think.
There are three versions: E3, shakey cam and Video Wall. The latest is video wall and it's only available as igninsider.


Shin just means new, so it's New Ridge Racer, sort of a code name, until they decide on a name. Doesn't mean it has any relation to RRV.


Gold Member
Saturnman said:
Is there a TV out on the PSP? As good as the LCD screen might be, I'd still rather play on a big screen if that option is available.

No, they still want to sell PS2s.
kpop100 said:
You know the game looks good when the DS crew stays clear of the topic :p

Good to see Sony sticking to their RR launch tradition (if it's a launch title of course)

Or maybe the Nintendo bunch aren't huge trolls like other camps.

That 640*480 video I thought sucked ass. 1.) It reminds me of either RR or RRR. If it's a new track entirely, it just feels incredibley similiar. 2.) The textures are blocky and messy and barely above PSOne standards. 3.) This is Ridge Racer. Where's the damn sensation of speed?


And even i am moderately surprised
it looks great in person actually - very nice indeed. But i was a little worried that there were no other cars on the track...


Fafracer forever
Doesn't mean it has any relation to RRV.
The relation to RR5 is derived from the fact that the demo was an exact replica of the first R5 track (granted, the almost same track was featured in some of the previous games too).

The demo looks exactly like an improved R5(it was one of the few things I bothered to wait in line to play at TGS ;)) - there's obviously no interlacing flaws, there's a few extra buildings/trackside things to see, and roadsurface has specular now.
That said - most of the content was obviously lifted straight out of R5 - including most of the textures.

Anyway this demo, along with Hotshots golf and TXR PSP are a few of the games that look at least on par with their PS2 counterparts - in reference to people questioning the system caps.


The thumbnail in the latest video (the one I can't download) shows a section I don't remember...Perhaps it's just that it is a bad shot...


I know the track shown looks more or less like one of RRV's. I'm just saying that the code name is not an indication that it's a port of RRV.


Fafracer forever
ourumov, it's definately the same first track that I played :p
Anyway as Charlie pointed out, there's no other cars running yet, so it's definately too early to call "R5 PSP" just from that.


As much as I wanna get excited about a new RR game, I just can't see myself getting used to playing one with a gamepad. I have always played the RR games with a steering wheel or a NeGcon. Unless the PSP has an external port I don't know if I'm gonna pick this up.


isamu said:
As much as I wanna get excited about a new RR game, I just can't see myself getting used to playing one with a gamepad. I have always played the RR games with a steering wheel or a NeGcon. Unless the PSP has an external port I don't know if I'm gonna pick this up.

it does have a USB 2 port :)


Fafracer forever
Unless the PSP has an external port I don't know if I'm gonna pick this up.
It has a USB port, and there's a wide variety of accessories coming, including Cameras etc.
Don't really know how one would go about using a wheel with PSP though :)
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