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Roaches, Sickness, and Death

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Am i going to die soon? All the signs point to yes. I've been on my death bed for the past five nights and all i know is that i feel like crap. I had some custard from this new place that moved from Ny state over here to Cali. I should have known that i would have gotten sick. They're were flies everywhere and the place just didnt look clean. But my grandfather persisted and told me to order up something. And i did, i ordered and after the first taste i knew i was in trouble. My gut was giving me all the signs of classic food poisoning. Not even after 20 minutes i started to throw up and i started to get really sick and just had to get home.

Ok so now i've been on my death bed, my room is clean, no food or anything around. And now i'm being eaten up by roaches. These mother fuckers are new york city size mother fuckers that just wont die. I've tried everything. They just wont die. I've even brought out the butane torch for some extra fun. They come in waves almost like Tie fighters on a attack run trying to come for me. I'm brining out if Chins could kill and knocking myself all over cause there in my sheets. So i'm like fuck it get out of bed and find them coming from under my waterbed. I'm not in the mood to fuck with them. But they're getting on my nerves.

I think someone, something wants me dead or at least to suffer. Ever had that feeling that death is right around the corner? I can even smell the stench.



At least you'll have some friends before you die of food poisoning.


These mother fuckers aint gonna get that far. I've got my size 18 (us) shoes on and i'm gonna fucking put a whole through the fucking floor if i see one. Between this and my neighbors moving and getting freaky sex puppets next door i dont know wtf is going on in this world. All i know is i'm trying to live in it

The Roaches there didnt want to give more bugs and crap like that.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
At least you don't have a rat to deal with...

For like a month, I kept noticing the cabling that goes into my closet (ethernet, RJ11) kept getting damaged. They kind of run under the door, so I thought they were just getting frayed from door friction.

But once my phone, and later DSL stopped working, I decided to follow the cables. I'm led to the closet again. I open it up and I freak out. Something has been eating the gotdamn wires. Straight through. Some parts look like scissors cut through. Others were obviously nibbled.

So I get a glue trap from the hardware store up the street. Threw it in the closet where the eaten cables were... Come back 2 days later... The trap is gone man!!!! Gone!

A beast lives within...

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
There seems to be a minor roach problem here at work, too, which is most likely due to my fat, lazy-ass boss and his disgusting eating habits. I have to clean up after the guy ever Wed. when I work the day after he's here. I saw a HUGE roach last week come running out of the bathroom, and it disappeared. This morning I killed a smaller one. That's been it so far, but I know there's got to be some more still in the back room....which is also where we have birthday parties for kids, and there's one this weekend. Bet that's going to be fun. :x


Rats, shit we got sewer rats in our attic in the winter, you can hear them nawing on the electrical cables, so we have to put traps up there, which reminds me thats something i could do if i'm feeling up to it. I need to bug bomb my closet and loud speakers (since i dont use them that much) Maybe thats where they are hiding. I got one of the bitches and i took out the can of lysolve and brought out the matches for a little fun in the bathroom. Lets just say i cooked his ass then spiced him up and put him in the toilet. I burned him to a chard.

Rats will freak me out i woke up with one in my water cup one year and that made me never forget to put my water glass in the fridge. I hope that they dont continue to bother me. And i think i know why they are coming over here. Our neighbors wouldnt take care of there dogs crap in the backyard and we have five dogs here at my house. It just so happens to be that my room is closests to near the trash cans (which i think i'm gonna move to the back back most part of the yard now) so mabye that might help. I'm gonna plug up my two cable holes aslo as the might be getting in from under the house.

I'm creeped i'm vomitting bile and i'm not looking forward to cleaning up what i will call: The great ware on the Roaches.


Lol@the fact the topic of this thread went from about death to bugs and rodents. Anyway, I feel as though there were time in my life where I felt like the next thing would be death, but thank goodness that wasn't the case. Alot of times though, I think there is a misconsception between going away for a long time to get away with the daily stresses of life and actually dying. I mean once you die...it's over.
My manager at work is afraid of roaches, like deathly, but not GIANT SPIDERS which seem to appear out of nowhere. I tried to work the logic with her after watching her run from a bunch of roaches but I couldnt figure any of it out.


Dude there like the plague. They are death manifested into life. I just saw our neighbors cleaning out there garage they are running all over outside. I told them they better pay for at least 3/4 the orkin bill and get me a hotel to stay in while they tent the house. I'm sick and tired of this shit.

Man i'm not fucking feeling good and they go off doing this shit. What good does this do for me?
You know what helps when im sick. I kick the colds ass by doing heavy work or running or something. Once it realizes it cant fucking incubate it gets the hell out. YEAH!

Works for me most of the time. Also I hear some people just gag themselves to barf a lot.


RobotChant said:
Hmm... didn't you have a spider problem also? Spiders, roaches, sickness, death...?

Oh shit dont remind me. We found a nest of those suckers in my desk drawer a few weeks ago. I forgot to post updates about it. Something like 25 to 50 of them all in my desk right where my computer sits on. Yeah your telling me i nuked the desk almost. MAn I DIDNT NEED A REMINDER ahhhhhh, oh also we have a mommy black widow right outside my freaking window. Man see everything is coming out to get me.

MAF: yeah thats what i'm trying to do right now. Some hard manual labor to tell it that it cant get me down and i wont take shit from it. But all this is just weakening me and its getting to me. I'll keep fighting though. I'm gonna go and shave my head though. I'm getting all kinds of paranoid and my hair is one thing that is freaking me out.
Yeah its HARD to work hard when you have a fucking cold, but sometimes sweating it out is the best way to go about it. I dont often take medicine (cept advil which is like the bible food from heaven) so I gotta invent ways to kill a cold.


Light up another one boy's We have found the mother load. Looked behind my desk and in the closet looks like i need the Nutron fucking bomb here. The spiders came out crawling all out the door and shit and i just fell back running for the door. Its cool now cause i bot me the torch. yeah so what its dangerous but i've got the fire extinguisher with me. Little fucking balls of flame gonna get you mother fuckers.

I live in Fresno California (its getting cooler today, hmmph) I aint moving i've been here all 19 damn years of my life.

Oh and MAF guess what i found up in that crawl space? They've been dead for at least a few weeks, but shit if i had a camera i would show you these things they are about the size of a regulation football.


Well i just had one of the spiders which i'm gong to call a sand reaper get on my knee and it droped something cold and tingly on my knee cap and its burning like a mother. It didnt bite me but i know it was ready too.


I'm feeling a lot better since i'm getting some adreinalin in my system.
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