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Rocky Legends hits tomorrow

For me and the two other people who are interested in finding out what it would have been like if Rocky had lost to Drago, this is a wonderful occassion. I loved the previous Rocky game, and this looks even better. I saw the training montage sequence on gamespy ("gameplay in the ring" video linked below), and it had the the training music from Rocky IV. That's all it takes for me to buy. Yes, I said it.

I'm buying this motherfucker tomorrow and playing with friends. I've heard it has live support, so I'll be looking to club some fools as well with Drago and Lang.

7.1 at Ign


The original Rocky was 8.7. It seems like they scored Legends so much less because it didn't make the dent in the boxing genre that Fight Night did. I also find it strange that they refer to it as a more fighting game, when they called the previous Rocky one of the finest simulations ever. From what I can tell the gameplay hasn't changed much at all.


Anyhow, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Hopefully I get it tomorrow.


The problem with Rocky Legends is that Fight Night makes you see it in a whole new light. It feels REALLY stiff in comparison.

The training shit is still a highlight, though, and any game with added Mr. T and Dolph Lundgren is a game worthy of note.

WarPig said:
The problem with Rocky Legends is that Fight Night makes you see it in a whole new light. It feels REALLY stiff in comparison.

The training shit is still a highlight, though, and any game with added Mr. T and Dolph Lundgren is a game worthy of note.


Yeah, I agree. Fight Night just felt better after playing Rocky. However, I still enjoyed Rocky's gameplay. Personally, I can't wait for this game.


I don't know. I still like playing Rocky better than Fight Night. I might reconsider my purchase if the Live is taken out.
noooo....don't reconsider.

I don't want to be the only MAN purchasing Rocky.


Just got it for a cool $10.81 after trading in Def Jam at eb.


Seriously, its so fucking good. Long as hell, they did a mix of gameplay and movie footage of all the famous characters/fights and arenas. Gets you in the Rocky Zone. The menu screens are awesome too.

Now to play...


Biff Hardbody said:
Just got it for a cool $10.81 after trading in Def Jam at eb.


Seriously, its so fucking good. Long as hell, they did a mix of gameplay and movie footage of all the famous characters/fights and arenas. Gets you in the Rocky Zone. The menu screens are awesome too.

Now to play...

So is there Live?


Wow it must be good to trade Def Jam in for... I mean I know DJ isn't the end all- be all of games, but it definetely is a game that I will enjoy picking up from time to time and running through the story mode...

Hope Rocky is good for ya Biff

All I want for a boxing game is a polished up Fight Night 05 with better graphics, custom soundtracks and a better career mode. The gameplay is godly on that game and I don't think I could go back to face buttons being used as punches...

evil ways

Biff Hardbody said:
Just got it for a cool $10.81 after trading in Def Jam at eb.


Seriously, its so fucking good. Long as hell, they did a mix of gameplay and movie footage of all the famous characters/fights and arenas. Gets you in the Rocky Zone. The menu screens are awesome too.

Now to play...

Def Jam NY? You traded it so soon?
Kingpen said:
Wow it must be good to trade Def Jam in for... I mean I know DJ isn't the end all- be all of games, but it definetely is a game that I will enjoy picking up from time to time and running through the story mode...

Hope Rocky is good for ya Biff

All I want for a boxing game is a polished up Fight Night 05 with better graphics, custom soundtracks and a better career mode. The gameplay is godly on that game and I don't think I could go back to face buttons being used as punches...

Thanks Kinpen. I really appreciate you taking the time and effor to recommend Def Jam. I found it to be a good game, definitely. Its just I really wanted Rocky and hadn't really touched Def Jam much with my new found enjoyment of playing KOC2 often. Different types of games, but I wasn't picking DJ up much. Still, thank you. I appreciate the recommendation.

Def Jam NY? You traded it so soon?

Yes, I don't know. Just didn't click with me. I guess atmosphere is a big part of a game for me, and I really wasn't into DJ's much.

Anyhow, back to the topic at hand.

So is there Live?

No, and its a crying shame. Because this game would have owned on it. After playing a bit, I still think Fight Night is the better boxing game. Mainly because the control of the boxers is more intuitive, and Rocky can feel somewhat clunky at times. That being said, I could see Rocky as being as good an online experince as FN, if not better (mainly because you wouldn't run into the lopsided button users vs stick control).

I played Rocky for about 1 1/2 hours now. That's allot for me to sit down and play a game with. The gameplay hasn't changed much, but its definitely better then before. Body attacks still seem to have more knock back power then most head hits, but the overall feel and look of the action is smoother.

Especially in look. The hooks don't look akward like the first Rocky game anymore. All the punches look better in general. From the videos I didn't think they had improved the motion capture, but playing it shows me they certainly did.

No flash knockdowns as far as I can tell. They compensate with this by the ultra powerful super punches and super punch combos. These seem slightly more powerful then the original Rocky at times, and look super cool (blood wills platter on the camera in certain cirumstances).

One thing I think Rocky does better then FN is cutting off the ring and movement in general. Fleet footed fighters are super fun to use, popping off jabs left and right. Although there is no clinch, they added a push move to get the guy off you when your against the ropes. I haven't used it, only had it done to me.

Graphics and atmosphere are a good deal improved. I booted up the previous Rocky last night, and there's a big difference. For one, the fighters don't have the stocky look they originally did. Drago is very tall (and ripped as fuck), and everyone looks allot better. There's a good use of lighting, and all the character models have quite a bit more detail then the original.

Really, after playing it like I did I think it got a raw deal scorewise. It will be compared to Fight Night, and in pure gameplay terms it comes up short. However, the gameplay system is more then decent. Its better then last years Rocky. The clunkiness is still there, but I was having some pretty good boxing matches with the AI (which seems improved as well).

The story mode is pretty cool. you can take Apollo, Clubber, Drago, or Rocky and live their career. The one thing I have a gripe with is there aren't mulitple branches in the story. You must win, and if you don't you simply get 3 chances to continue. I would have liked to see what would happen if I win some/lose some.

Still, the mode is pretty cool. Drago trains in that cheesy futuristic Soviet lab. You can hear this shitty synthetic Russian techno playing in the background, while scientists and trainers look over your progess. Drago will spout out some line like "I do not see how I can be defeated!" after he does good in a training routine. Clubber on the other hand trians in his apartment alone, and will yell out the commands to do. The voices are actually so bad they are good. They have the character stalking allot more then last years game, and they seem to have really gone for the cheesy angle of it all. I was cracking up at some of the stuff.

The attention to detail and overall polish of the game is really what sits well with me. Basically every venue from all the movies is in there (yes, its got the vegas one from IV). Every piece of clothing you saw the characters train in, and even more appear to be in there. Apollo has his white gloves stars and stripes from the Drago fight, but when he's young he has an all new outfit look. Drago has army shorts, Clubber will fight in some badass looking trunks and prison shorts...they really took a good amount of time to make things look like the movies.

Injuries are totally over the top. The guys can look like a bleeding piece of meat in round 2, and by round 3 they look like they could be dead. They can bruise EVERYWHERE. Blood gets all over. On the camera, the gloves, the trunks...its overdone, but in the same veign as the over the top reactions from body blows. You'll also hear the Rocky tehem start to play as your getting hammered, and believe me it inspires you to try a bit harder. Despite all that arcade look, the game while not being in Fight Nights league is definitely a strong boxing title.

Endurance is better used then the previous Rocky and fight Night. You have to watch it. I've been waiting for a game to do this.

Would I pay $40 for it? Yes, I would. But, I'm a hardcore fan of the movies and the atmosphere is a big part of me liking the game. At the same time, I'm also fan of boxing and Rocky definitely gets the job done in that department. I'm glad I bought it.

evil ways

Nice to hear, I'll definitely give it a rental this week if Blockbuster gets it.

One question, do you get to train in the bearded, rugged, Rocky IV look?


When I reviewed the game, my basic conclusion was this -- if you still like the original Rocky, get Legends; if you like Fight Night more, stick with it.

The Ivan Drago story mode is a hoot.

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