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Rottenwatch: Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead (2024)


Perpetually Offended
That's an incredibly short trailer... Was that Kaleigh McAneny (I don't know how to spell her name... Don't care to anyway)?

I've never seen the original movie.


That's an incredibly short trailer... Was that Kaleigh McAneny (I don't know how to spell her name... Don't care to anyway)?

I've never seen the original movie.
Think a high-school version of working girl. It was an enjoyable movie that of course didn't need a remake. The trailer reminds me of the remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels that came out several years back with Rebel Wilson. Just worse in every way, and completely unnecessary.


Hollywood just can't come up with anything new anymore.
The movie companies could have let the writer's stay on strike and the audience would have hardly noticed. How many writer's do they really need to take old screenplays and change the character's appearance in them?

In all seriousness, have there been any original movies releases in the past 5 years that will be deemed classics in the eyes of today's generations? I can't think of any silly recent movie lines that will endure like the dishes are done, man.
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Gold Member
On the one hand the OG film is almost completely out of public consciousness so the IP has virtually no value, why remake it?

On the other hand it looks to target an entirely different demographic, so does the IP matter AT ALL?

On the gripping hand, are ANY fans of the original gonna tune into this version? Unlikely.

Its literally just taking the words of the title 'cause they are a bit catchy.


Perpetually Offended
I think I didn't watch the OG because it looked boring and stupid. That edited trailer looks ... I don't know. It wasn't even the full trailer.

Lead girl is gorgeous, tho.


The original is one of my sisters favorite movies of all time. She used to watch it over and over and over.


Gold Member
This generations blaxploitation movies.

A sleazy, gritty, 'urban' retelling of bland vanilla suburban white films as black films would be interesting.

Ferris Beuller, Breakfast Club, Home Alone...the possibilities are endless.

But it would have to be full of strippers, bad cops, noble hoodlums, deadbeat dads, and that Ione kid trying to get to college.

But then you gotta give us a white Blade in exchange. :p


Wait what? They remade this movie and shittier (it will be). I had no clue. Not that the original was an all time classic but still it was a fun stupid watch.
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Perpetually Offended
Oh don't worry guys... It's on the streaming channel BET+ ... It's basically made for TV movie.

And I just realized that was Nicole Richie...

Here's the full trailer instead of the under 30 seconds in the op:



Oh don't worry guys... It's on the streaming channel BET+ ... It's basically made for TV movie.

And I just realized that was Nicole Richie...

Here's the full trailer instead of the under 30 seconds in the op:

Oh god that's even worse looking than the teaser. Yea just no. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!


On the one hand the OG film is almost completely out of public consciousness so the IP has virtually no value, why remake it?

On the other hand it looks to target an entirely different demographic, so does the IP matter AT ALL?

On the gripping hand, are ANY fans of the original gonna tune into this version? Unlikely.

Its literally just taking the words of the title 'cause they are a bit catchy.
I watched the original around Christmas and all I took from it from it was that "there's no way an idea works like this anymore, was a funny time capsule, though!' I have zero clue why they'd want to remake this, it's nonsensical lol.
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Gold Member
Oh don't worry guys... It's on the streaming channel BET+ ... It's basically made for TV movie.

And I just realized that was Nicole Richie...

Here's the full trailer instead of the under 30 seconds in the op:

You know, that looks both better AND worse than I imagined. On the one hand the 'core' story of DTMTBD, such as it is, is a pretty good "time to grow up" tale. On the gripping hand, this version looks to have lots of racial humor which is usually pretty funny so long as it is evenly applied (thats a big 'if' here) but not sure it has anything new to put it over the original. Is it really rated R? If it was a raunchy hard R version I think that would be interesting, but I'm guessing this has some n-bombs or something to justify that rating (and if it is a BET flick, shouldn't it be TV-MA?). Anyway, I don't think it will make much of an impact on the scene but it looks highly targeted to a specific demo so I'm sure they budgeted it accordingly.


Oh don't worry guys... It's on the streaming channel BET+ ... It's basically made for TV movie.

And I just realized that was Nicole Richie...

Here's the full trailer instead of the under 30 seconds in the op:

It looks good actually. It’s an odd IP to pop back up I guess but there’s nothing offensively bad about it. The original is no sacred thing to me, I only watched it once because Christina Applegate is so fine. Dishes are done man.


Perpetually Offended
It looks good actually. It’s an odd IP to pop back up I guess but there’s nothing offensively bad about it. The original is no sacred thing to me, I only watched it once because Christina Applegate is so fine. Dishes are done man.

That's my thing too. I haven't seen the OG but everything I HAVE seen screams "not a classic"... Not like Goonies or ET or Coming to America... Not even like Weekend at Bernie's

And this trailer doesn't look that bad. Attractive cast, some lines made me laugh... But I don't have BET+ so I'll probably not be able to watch it anyway.


That's my thing too. I haven't seen the OG but everything I HAVE seen screams "not a classic"... Not like Goonies or ET or Coming to America... Not even like Weekend at Bernie's

And this trailer doesn't look that bad. Attractive cast, some lines made me laugh... But I don't have BET+ so I'll probably not be able to watch it anyway.
Limited release it seems, it’s playing here in theaters starting April 11th.


There's no way I will spend a penny to watch this, but I am interested in how they plan to tackle the cell phone / tablet / PC era aspect. As silly as the original concept was, it would have been a hell of a lot easier for kids to hide the death of a babysitter from their mom in the 90's.


Gold Member
Oh don't worry guys... It's on the streaming channel BET+ ... It's basically made for TV movie.

And I just realized that was Nicole Richie...

Here's the full trailer instead of the under 30 seconds in the op:

"We can live like white kids"



Gold Member
Liked this movie as a kid because the idea of surviving summer break with no adults was always a dream.

Saw the trailer. Seems overall similar to the original. Just an eye roll at the "We can live like white kids" line.


Gold Member
There's no way I will spend a penny to watch this, but I am interested in how they plan to tackle the cell phone / tablet / PC era aspect. As silly as the original concept was, it would have been a hell of a lot easier for kids to hide the death of a babysitter from their mom in the 90's.
Thats the "2 week spa trip abroad" aka "anger management/don't be a karen" training the mom has to go to. Guaranteed they take her cell phone while there. Now if she is bouncing because she is abandoning them or taking an illicit trip with her boss, that's the edgy humor I'm looking for :p

Curious where the dad is, and if he will appear somewhere in the film and the kids will reconcile or finally dismiss him (or is he just dead). Not that I expect any deep culture challenges with a film like this, but you never know.


Gold Member
This. Why are we comparing trailers for an average movie in that released in 91 to a BET+ low budget remake?
Because the original is a beloved classic. The same reason people did it with the new Crow trailer. Both remakes look equally shit.
Interesting choice to have a teaser trailer for this, and especially with that cliffhanger cut mid-line to the release date. Seems like they might actually have some creativity behind it--or smart marketers who know how to get people like me tangentially interested in their trailer.


It is. Honestly a throw away line but still eye rolling worthy.
I didn't care to watch that trailer let alone have that garbage floating around in my head.

I'm sure it's a throw away line, but the twit that decided that needed to be a scripted part isn't doing anyone good with that line.
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