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Rush for GT4 release yet another example of misguided release schedules.


The whole "holiday rush" happens in films too. The money-makers are crammed into summer, and the Oscar contenders are crammed into fall, for the most part.

GT4 is going to sell regardless of when it is released, so why the rush, and the omission of online play in order to get it out for an already crowded holiday season? So many developers shoot themselves in the foot trying to hold to a release in this mythical time-frame. Many get bitch-slapped like there's no tomorrow never to recover, when the software would have done much better released at some other time.

Is this always going to continue to be a chronic problem with this industry? Discuss.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
This is simple, in the case of GT4. And smart.

Release GT4, with no online play - millions still buy it, because of its name alone.

Later in 2005, release a version with online play and add a track or two - millions buy, to race online.

Two sources of revenue from one game.

Ranger X

Yep. And that's exactly this kind of shitty business we have to talk against and someday ban from the surface of this world.
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