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Russian "journalists" caught trying to shitstir against immigrants in Rinkeby. Again.

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400 Swedish Krona for causing “action” in front of the camera. That offer was allegedly given to a group of local youths in the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. The offer came from a Russian tv crew, two of the young men tell Danish media Radio24syv.“They came to us and told us they wanted to see some action. They wanted to bribe each of us with 400 Swedish Krona,” says “Mohammed”. “Mohammed” wants to remain anonymous, but Radio24syv is familiar with his identity.
“Mohammed” tells Radio24syv that two men approached the group and claimed to be Russian journalists. He also overheard them speaking in a language that sounded like Russian. Neither of the two young men know which network the journalists came from.
“While we were talking to them, the police approached us. We didn’t want to do what the tv-crew were asking from us. But when the police came, the journalists told the police that we were the ones who had asked for money to cause trouble”, “Mohammed” tells Radio24syv.


Uncoincidentally, in the same place that that one Infowars "journalist" and the disgraceful 60 Minutes Australia crew staged bullshit at previously. That plaza has become the most blatant of dogwhistles at this point.

This is all part of a sustained Russian propaganda campaign as part of their long-con plan to destroy western civilization. Russia is the enemy of the Free World. It's time to treat them as such.


Neo Member
This is something that has been happening for a while in Sweden. Russia and its media are trying to point a negative view of Sweden (nothing new here).

The end goal for Russia in Sweden is to get the Swedish democrats party (SD) in some form of power. This has backfired somewhat, last autumn SD was accused of being infiltrated by Russians spies, the "Putilov" debacle. In short someone who is believed to be sharing information with Russia was granted access to high level discussion in Swedish parliament that access was granted to this person by SD. Here is a linked article (https://www.svd.se/sd-stanger-av-annu-en-politisk-sekreterare/om/putilov-affaren) in Swedish though. After this scandal SD has had a change of heart. The most important thing for them is to be seen as a nationalist party and the protectors of Swedish values and Swedish interest. They are fearful of a fallback by the voters of selling out Sweden to Russia so they changed their rhetoric and became more critical of Russia.

Sydsvenskan wrote a nice piece about this in October 2016 (see the link bellow it's in Swedish) the article talks about how SD went from being friendly to Russia and Putin to how they now are more hostile to them. This culminated in January this year when the Swedish parliament voted no to Nordstream (a gas pipeline from Russia to Germany thought Swedish waters), SD also voted no. Several members of the party who are Russian friendly have also lost their positions in the party.

As I see it the end goal here is not for Russia to get a friend in the Swedish government next election if SD gets there. Its SD stance on EU what's important, they are very critical of it and want it to change to a more decentralized form. They also want to renegotiate the Swedish membership with EU. When i comes to Russia this is their normal strategy for EU in general. To be hones all of this is very worrying.

Here is the Sydsvenskan article in Swedish, google translate it if you are interested its very good: http://www.sydsvenskan.se/2016-10-02/putin-utnyttjar-sd-i-sitt-informationskrig-mot-europa


This is all part of a sustained Russian propaganda campaign as part of their long-con plan to destroy western civilization. Russia is the enemy of the Free World. It's time to treat them as such.

Not that I'm saying you're wrong, but starting a statement by decrying propaganda and then ending it with that sentence is hilarious.


Wait a minute, all the Russian journalists are dead...
They went extinct like the Dodo. At least in nature. Putin just couldn't restrain himself and culled their numbers too fast for them to ever recover naturally. Maybe one day in the future there will be a chance to reintroduce this species again. At least there are some examples in captivity in state-owned media houses.


And this is why people in Rinkeby are getting on edge, people are starting to treat them like a fucking zoo.
Sorry for the minor bump, but forgot about the thread for a while even though was gonna post when I had time. I have a little story of my own about Russian journalists trying to shit stir.

Anyway, in January a black person won the Miss Helsinki award. Obviously (so sad that it's "obviously") there was a lot of racist outcry towards it.

Now, I work at the center of the city and my coworkers (3 of them) always go to lunch at some nearby place - I usually go later myself so I didn't go with them. So, they went to lunch that day normally, but on their way back some Russian journalists stopped them and interviewed them about the newly crowned Miss Helsinki. My coworkers didn't tell the exact questions the journalists asked them, but they said the journalists were clearly trying to get catchy racist comments from them.

Fortunately my coworkers are good fellows and saw through the bullshit easily, but I'd be willing to bet the journalists kept on going until they found the people to say the things they wanted to hear.
The same thing happened (but succesfully) when that small riot happened in Sweden the day after Trump mentioned fake events in Sweden. And everyone called me insane.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
As astonishing as their interference in US politics is, Russia has spent more energy and intelligence deliberately trying to ruin other countries than it has fixing its own economy and state.

Putin does not know how to create anything. But he knows very well how to break things. If he died of a heart attack tomorrow Russia could start rebuilding itself and its relationships with the rest of the world. Until then they're stuck in a largely fictitious vision of what the world is and would have decades of effort and self reflection to undo the harm and propaganda that their own leader has done to them.

But unlike North Korea for example- they have the tools, resources and people to fix it. They just need the will, the vision and the leadership to do it.

Putin literally stole Russia and trashed it. He has no vision beyond self-worship, graft and destruction.


@Stinkles: The problem with that idea is, should Volodya keel over tomorrow, it's more likely that his assorted coterie of lickspittles would start fighting among themselves (quite literally at times) to grab as big a slice of the former vozhd's pie as possible. Like Stalin, Putin has not allowed people competent enough to replace him rise too high in the ranks. Like Hitler, he has fostered personal and professional antagonisms between his minions, antagonisms only he can resolve.

As for him, his inability to actually create something, only destroy, is due to his very nature. He's the consummate mid-level KGB apparatchik: savvy enough to maneuvre into power and maintain it, but incapable of using that power for more that sabotage, destruction, and propaganda.
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