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Samsung Napster Digital Music Player Sucks

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Could this be right? Do you really need to be online and logged on to the Napster program to do anything with the music player?

Sorry for the random topic, but any GAFers out there with a Samsung Napster digital music player? My dad sent it to me from the States yesterday (I live in Japan) after I was bitching about my iPod busting. He said this Samsung player worked fine for him, and I believe him. But I'm having a hard time believing Samsung would really require users to be online to upload music/edit track lists/DO ANYTING on the player.

"So what Novvery? What's teh big deal. Your online posting this massage!," you might be thinking to yourself. But ah ha! Not so fast. The Napster program detects that I'm overseas and tells me only U.S. residents can log on, meaning I can't upload tracks to this new unit.

That sucks.


Any suggestions? Am I missing something?



Hates quality gaming
I own one, and unfortunately, yes you do need to be online with that lousy program to do anything with the device. It really pisses me off too because a) I've never used Napster at all (and that was something I specifically was proud of) b) I don't need solicitation to buy music online and c) I shouldn't need to use a kludgy interface to transfer files to an external HD.

I also can't offer any good suggestions. I've tried to copy files to the thing using Windows Explorer, and the device won't recognize any files on there if copied in this fashion.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sooo...what happens when the service shuts down? It seems like a TERRIBLE idea to base a piece of hardware around INTERNET BASED software.
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